Aku hanya seorang manusia yang mempunyai pendapat2 rendahan yang tidak bernilai, mempunyai pikiran2 yang tidak luas dan picik.
Itulah aku.
Maaf kalau aku tidak bisa berubah.
Semua tak sama.
Mungkin kalau aku berubah seperti apa yang mereka inginkan, mereka akan senang.
Mudah-mudahan suatu saat nanti aku akan berubah dan membuat kita semua senang.
Mudah-mudahan suatu saat nanti akan ada yang bisa menyamakan pikiran orang-orang supaya mereka semua bisa hidup bahagia dan senang tanpa beban.
Dunia ini sangat luas, dan banyak yang bisa dilihat.
Orang-orang yang punya urusan sendiri-sendiri..
Bermacam-macam cara hidup dan tujuan yang ditempuh.
Apakah semua sama? Aku sendiri tidak tahu.
Lalu apa yang akan kuberikan pada dunia?
Mungkin hidupku.
Aku memberikan hidupku pada dunia, bukan berarti aku rela mati demi dunia ini.
Yang aku maksud aku memberikan hidupku pada dunia adalah, 'hidupku sejak aku lahir di dunia sampai aku mati'.
Apakah hidupku berarti?
Hanya aku yang tahu.
Karena kalau aku merasa itu berarti, aku akan merasakan kalau itu berarti.
Apa yang kuanggap tidak baik dan baik, mungkin tidak sama dengan pendapat orang-orang.
Hidupku adalah hidupku dan hidup mereka adalah hidup mereka.
Kita semua hidup menemukan jalan sendiri-sendiri yang kadang tidak sama.
Mungkin aku tidak begitu tahu apa arti hidup.
Aku tidak hebat seperti mereka dan aku masih harus banyak belajar.
Tahun 2003???
Ada apa di tahun 2003?
Aku tidak begitu memperhatikan tahun baru.
Rasanya tahun berganti itu sama saja dengan hari-hari biasa.
Tidak ada yang special.
Tahun ini mungkin aku akan minggat.
Entah ke mana.
Aku ingin mencari jalan sendiri, tanpa usak-usik bla bla bla dari mereka yang ingin mencampuri urusan orang lain.
Mudah-mudahan aku bisa merdeka dan berjaya.
Aku mungkin akan meninggalkan semuanya.
Rumah, keluarga, teman, komputer?
Duh gusti...
Orang memang tidak luput dari kesalahan.
Aku salah.
Aku sudah melakukan kesalahan walaupun bagiku itu hanya kesalahan kecil yang tidak perlu dipermasalahkan.
Ya sudah.. aku tidak akan bunuh diri.
Sebaiknya pergi saja..
Memang seharusnya dari dulu aku sudah harus pergi dari rumah ini.
Semuanya tidak akan kuterima. Rumah, mobil, dan harta yang lain.
Aku tidak butuh itu.
Aku hanya butuh bahagia, dan aku tidak ingin melihat mereka menghancurkan aku.
Biar saja...
Tak perduli kalau banyak yang ngomong kalau aku ini sampah atau murahan...
Aku tidak pernah memperdulikan omongan mereka.
Apa aku masih bisa nulis-nulis lagi di sini ya?
Kita lihat saja nanti...
Sekarang aku harus memikirkan sesuatu..
Pergi dari sini, mencari tempat naungan baru yang tenang dan tanpa adanya para 'pengadu2 berkemampuan kelas' yang selalu ikut campur urusan orang, dan mengeluh tentang hal-hal yang tidak penting.
Aku ingin mecari kebebasan.
Aku sudah muak setiap kali selalu diawasi seperti anak kecil.
Kalau begitu terus, aku akan selamanya menjadi anak kecil...
Aku ingin berusaha hidup dengan keringatku sendiri tanpa bantuan mereka lagi.
Aku tidak layak menerima uang mereka.
Bagi mereka aku sudah mati.
Sudah tidak ada lagi...
Semoga Tuhan melindungi mereka semua...
Semoga Tuhan selalu menjaga bapak, bapak bisa hidup tenang, bahagia, dan selalu sehat wal afiat selamanya.
Semoga keluarga kakak-kakakku semua diberkati, diberikan ketentraman, kerukunan, dan jauh dari pertikaian dan iri dengki.
Semoga semua yang ada di rumah wetan dan rumah ini semuanya bisa membantu, menjaga nama baik keluarga, tidak bergosip dan tidak menjelek-jelekkan keluarga.
Semoga semuanya baik-baik saja tanpa ada aku.
Kalau aku ada di rumah ini terus, semuanya pasti akan kacau, karena aku ini sudah rusak...
Dan yang terakhir dariku untuk Tuhan....
Maafkan aku.
Aku telah banyak bersalah.
Aku sudah banyak membuat kekacauan.
Aku ini bukan orang yang baik.
Maafkan aku.
Aku mohon pada-Mu...
Sekarang sudah tidak ada yang mendukungku lagi.
Oleh sebab itu aku meminta dukungan-Mu ya Tuhan.
Carikanlah jalan untukku, supaya aku bisa terus melanjutkan hidupku dengan hasil jerih payahku sendiri.
Bimbinglah aku supaya aku menjadi orang yang kuat dan tidak putus asa.
Lindungilah aku dari semua mara bahaya.
Sekarang hanya Tuhan yang bisa membantu.
Hanya Tuhan...
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Akhirnya merid juga, dik Nia... setelah mengalami banyak petir dan guntur yang lewat...
Semoga bahagia bersama si kecil...
Aku capek banget. Baru aja pulang dari Gresik. Tapi, begitu nyampe rumah kok malah gak tidur ya?
Gontho time!!! HAHAHA!!
Semoga bahagia bersama si kecil...
Aku capek banget. Baru aja pulang dari Gresik. Tapi, begitu nyampe rumah kok malah gak tidur ya?
Gontho time!!! HAHAHA!!
Thinks Evil
Posted by Charly | Labels: my song lyrics | 0 comments
This is not the beginning, and this is not the end.
The story will goes and goes more sadly until we grow up and waiting death to come.
Who am I?
I'm nobody.
I'm just a person who thinks and worries too much.
How old am I?
Maybe I'm younger than you are even I am older.
I'm growin' up.
Do I understand myself?
Sometimes I do.
Do I recognize myself?
Not quite clearly, though.
Life must go on.
And day-by-day I learn many things.
Sometimes I ask myself.
Whose life is this?
This life belongs to everybody.
But I definitely see some gap.
It's about freedom.
It's about you can do what you want to do with nobody controls you.
It's about fair.
I watched many people force many people to do things.
The people from the environment,
And the neighbourhood.
Or somewhere else.
They cannot do what ever they want all the time, and find what's them.
They never satisfied.
The day when they started to think they should get away from all of their will, they will become a rebellion.
They will no longer trust their words, and keeps them far away from the real world.
And then they become a person who feels alone.
Like when I said; "They are around, but I never feel their presence."
I am a person who loves the night
The darkness.
And loneliness.
I only find happiness when there is nobody beside me.
I talk to myself, I fantasize my own world, and I started to forget outside world.
I locked myself in my room to stay away from their dirty talks about me.
My room became my home.
The safest world, and the better place where I could build my experiences.
I don't know how long I could stay that way.
I never count.
I almost forgot the days, the date, and the time.
Going so fast sometimes.
But it's also going so slow.
I don't know what's important to me anymore.
I try, warn you here.
Don't wasting your time - too much with the moment of loneliness.
Otherwise you will trap inside in the different world and can't get out.
The world that you have created on purpose is very dangerous for your life.
If you always stay in it,
You will not easily be able to be a strong person.
Not easily be able to be a patient person.
Not easily be able to be good.
Believe it or not..
It is happen to me and it's not a dream.
I become a devil.
I don't realize if it is bad for me.
And I just keep on walk in that way.
When I woke up in the morning from my long loneliness, everything changes...
Darkness is all around.
The favourite colours are blue and black.
Minor is the best song to hear.
There are no tears anymore.
I'm full of hatred.
Full of sins,
Full of revenge,
Full of devilish smile appears everyday.
I did, melancholy died in the half part.
I became someone who has my own world and rules.
No one can destroy me, and no one can disturb me.
I became a people that had the new things around.
I had a new world.
New life.
New soul.
I've gone to far from my loneliness.
I couldn't bare it.
The emotions exploded.
And I never gave a shit to anything.
I've been stucked in the different world of mine.
Seeing people as they are not people but aliens.
Now I realized.
That way is no good for me.
That was wrong.
I failed to protect my life old days.
Trapped into my own fantasies and make my own illusions become real.
I was banished from the real world just because of my fault.
I never knew if that time I was trapped into underworld and suffered in my coma...
And now?
Will I change or not?
Will I have a chance to survive or not?
I don't know...
The story will goes and goes more sadly until we grow up and waiting death to come.
Who am I?
I'm nobody.
I'm just a person who thinks and worries too much.
How old am I?
Maybe I'm younger than you are even I am older.
I'm growin' up.
Do I understand myself?
Sometimes I do.
Do I recognize myself?
Not quite clearly, though.
Life must go on.
And day-by-day I learn many things.
Sometimes I ask myself.
Whose life is this?
This life belongs to everybody.
But I definitely see some gap.
It's about freedom.
It's about you can do what you want to do with nobody controls you.
It's about fair.
I watched many people force many people to do things.
The people from the environment,
And the neighbourhood.
Or somewhere else.
They cannot do what ever they want all the time, and find what's them.
They never satisfied.
The day when they started to think they should get away from all of their will, they will become a rebellion.
They will no longer trust their words, and keeps them far away from the real world.
And then they become a person who feels alone.
Like when I said; "They are around, but I never feel their presence."
I am a person who loves the night
The darkness.
And loneliness.
I only find happiness when there is nobody beside me.
I talk to myself, I fantasize my own world, and I started to forget outside world.
I locked myself in my room to stay away from their dirty talks about me.
My room became my home.
The safest world, and the better place where I could build my experiences.
I don't know how long I could stay that way.
I never count.
I almost forgot the days, the date, and the time.
Going so fast sometimes.
But it's also going so slow.
I don't know what's important to me anymore.
I try, warn you here.
Don't wasting your time - too much with the moment of loneliness.
Otherwise you will trap inside in the different world and can't get out.
The world that you have created on purpose is very dangerous for your life.
If you always stay in it,
You will not easily be able to be a strong person.
Not easily be able to be a patient person.
Not easily be able to be good.
Believe it or not..
It is happen to me and it's not a dream.
I become a devil.
I don't realize if it is bad for me.
And I just keep on walk in that way.
When I woke up in the morning from my long loneliness, everything changes...
Darkness is all around.
The favourite colours are blue and black.
Minor is the best song to hear.
There are no tears anymore.
I'm full of hatred.
Full of sins,
Full of revenge,
Full of devilish smile appears everyday.
I did, melancholy died in the half part.
I became someone who has my own world and rules.
No one can destroy me, and no one can disturb me.
I became a people that had the new things around.
I had a new world.
New life.
New soul.
I've gone to far from my loneliness.
I couldn't bare it.
The emotions exploded.
And I never gave a shit to anything.
I've been stucked in the different world of mine.
Seeing people as they are not people but aliens.
Now I realized.
That way is no good for me.
That was wrong.
I failed to protect my life old days.
Trapped into my own fantasies and make my own illusions become real.
I was banished from the real world just because of my fault.
I never knew if that time I was trapped into underworld and suffered in my coma...
And now?
Will I change or not?
Will I have a chance to survive or not?
I don't know...
That's The Story
Posted by Charly | Labels: cerpen bahasa inggris | 0 comments
"That's the story, officer.
I killed them.
I understand if you don't believe me, b'cuz i'm only 15 years old kid and know nothing about life.
You can ask my brother and sister.
They were there when I kill them.
My brother was laughing, he seemed very happy to see me killed.
And my sister told me to ged rid of the body.
I told you everything, sir.
You still don't believe me?"
Pengakuan siapa yang di tulis di atas itu???
Siapa si yang dibunuh??
I killed them.
I understand if you don't believe me, b'cuz i'm only 15 years old kid and know nothing about life.
You can ask my brother and sister.
They were there when I kill them.
My brother was laughing, he seemed very happy to see me killed.
And my sister told me to ged rid of the body.
I told you everything, sir.
You still don't believe me?"
Pengakuan siapa yang di tulis di atas itu???
Siapa si yang dibunuh??
Don't You Ever...
Posted by Charly | Labels: my song lyrics | 0 comments
would you think of what I say
try to make it easy anyway, every day
never stop to count the day and pray
If you wanna wash away your pain in your vain
don't you ever run away
and listen to what they say about the last day,
or the next day
don't you ever turn away
don't you ever go away from here
don't forget the game we play
you gave all of your betray
but I, always care
I will always be there
to be with you night and day
don't worry, It's OK
don't you ever run away
and listen to what they say about the last day,
or the next day
don't you ever turn away
don't you ever go away from here
don't you ever run away
don't you ever turn away
don't you ever go away
from here
try to make it easy anyway, every day
never stop to count the day and pray
If you wanna wash away your pain in your vain
don't you ever run away
and listen to what they say about the last day,
or the next day
don't you ever turn away
don't you ever go away from here
don't forget the game we play
you gave all of your betray
but I, always care
I will always be there
to be with you night and day
don't worry, It's OK
don't you ever run away
and listen to what they say about the last day,
or the next day
don't you ever turn away
don't you ever go away from here
don't you ever run away
don't you ever turn away
don't you ever go away
from here
Love Oh Love
Posted by Charly | Labels: my song lyrics | 0 comments
Finally we broke the distant
Never feel so close like this
And then the past had just begun
It feels like
Rain in the moonlight, love
I see, never ending scene
Oh you..
To late..
I never know, if that day, you give me any minute
We've gone..
To far..
And then I told you how to recognize who you are
When you close to your sacred heart
I want you to feel what I really feel
Could you do that or not?
And I always wish you would chose
You better not tell me no
Never feel so close like this
And then the past had just begun
It feels like
Rain in the moonlight, love
I see, never ending scene
Oh you..
To late..
I never know, if that day, you give me any minute
We've gone..
To far..
And then I told you how to recognize who you are
When you close to your sacred heart
I want you to feel what I really feel
Could you do that or not?
And I always wish you would chose
You better not tell me no
Mangan Akeh
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian, jowo | 0 comments
Wingi aku mangan akeh bianget! Opo goro-goro gontho napsu makan dadi tambah?
Aku ngentheke :
-martabak sak bungkus
-kue terang bulan keju sak kerdus
-sate wedhus 12 tusuk (mangan bareng Oscar)
-bubur ayam lengganan sak piring (dijajakke Wuri)
-chiki 4 bungkus
-es krim 2 gelas
-onion rings & chicken strip
-bubur cendhil waloh sak pincuk
Mau kok wetengku rodo mules, neng kamar mandi ping pindho..
Kethok-e iki kebelet meneh..
Mangane akeh, tapi sama sekali ora kelebon sego..
Mas Adi bali seko Temanggung dino iki. Mau mampir mrene ngedrop oleh2 panganan akeh..
Mangan meneh!!!
Hahahaha! Jan penak tenan!!
Nggontho meneh ahhh.... (LHOOO????)
Aku ngentheke :
-martabak sak bungkus
-kue terang bulan keju sak kerdus
-sate wedhus 12 tusuk (mangan bareng Oscar)
-bubur ayam lengganan sak piring (dijajakke Wuri)
-chiki 4 bungkus
-es krim 2 gelas
-onion rings & chicken strip
-bubur cendhil waloh sak pincuk
Mau kok wetengku rodo mules, neng kamar mandi ping pindho..
Kethok-e iki kebelet meneh..
Mangane akeh, tapi sama sekali ora kelebon sego..
Mas Adi bali seko Temanggung dino iki. Mau mampir mrene ngedrop oleh2 panganan akeh..
Mangan meneh!!!
Hahahaha! Jan penak tenan!!
Nggontho meneh ahhh.... (LHOOO????)
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian, jowo | 0 comments
Halo bandung kebakaran!
Gontho is the best!!!!!!!
Aku duwe akeh banget!!!!!
Cukup nggo 5 dino!!!!
(paling pelaksanaane 3 ndino!!)
Gontho is the best!!!!!!!
Aku duwe akeh banget!!!!!
Cukup nggo 5 dino!!!!
(paling pelaksanaane 3 ndino!!)
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian, review | 0 comments
Lagu-lagu kaya gitu baru muncul sekarang?? Hah! Bullshit! Pada ketinggalan jaman semuanya!!!
Endingnya, gue pingin bilang...
Endingnya, gue pingin bilang...
Gawe Syair Ngawur
Posted by Charly | Labels: jowo, stress | 0 comments
Bulan ini kok otakku rasanya buntu...
Ndak bisa bikin lagu...
Males mlaku-mlaku...
Kerjanya cuma turu dan dengerin lagu...
Pingin lemu juga nggak lemu-lemu...
Aku memang wagu...
Beberapa hari ini aku kayak orang pekok...
Otakku rasanya bobrok...
Dari kemaren pikirannya nggandul...
Dari kemaren aku ndak doyan makan...
Kerjanya cuman nongkrong di depan...
Kayak wong edan...
Ndak ada teman...
Ndak bisa mikir tenanan...
Males omongan
Banyak yang utang aku, sekarang aku jadi mlarat...
Kepala rasanya kok jadi berat...
Aku sekarat...
Sudah kehilangan bakat...
Ndak bisa nge-seks...
Sudah tau salah masih diteruskan...
Tapi kalo gak diteruskan kok rasanya eman-eman..
Gawe syair kok dipeksakke..
Uelik dadine...
Bulan ini kok otakku rasanya buntu...
Ndak bisa bikin lagu...
Males mlaku-mlaku...
Kerjanya cuma turu dan dengerin lagu...
Pingin lemu juga nggak lemu-lemu...
Aku memang wagu...
Beberapa hari ini aku kayak orang pekok...
Otakku rasanya bobrok...
Dari kemaren pikirannya nggandul...
Dari kemaren aku ndak doyan makan...
Kerjanya cuman nongkrong di depan...
Kayak wong edan...
Ndak ada teman...
Ndak bisa mikir tenanan...
Males omongan
Banyak yang utang aku, sekarang aku jadi mlarat...
Kepala rasanya kok jadi berat...
Aku sekarat...
Sudah kehilangan bakat...
Ndak bisa nge-seks...
Sudah tau salah masih diteruskan...
Tapi kalo gak diteruskan kok rasanya eman-eman..
Gawe syair kok dipeksakke..
Uelik dadine...
Posted by Charly | Labels: stress | 0 comments
Dia bertanya. Aku ini anak siapa?
Aku tak tahu harus menjawab bagaimana. Bapak dan ibu seperti bukan bapak dan ibuku.
Dia bertanya. Aku sekolah di mana?
Aku tak tahu harus menjawab apa, karena aku tidak pernah mau sekolah.
Dia bertanya. Rumahku di mana?
Aku tak tahu, apakah rumah yang aku tinggali ini rumahku, atau rumah sakit jiwa millenium.
Dia bertanya. Aku ini siapa?
Aku sendiri tak tahu siapa aku. Aku memang punya nama. Tapi aku tidak pernah tahu siapa aku.
Dia bertanya. Bagaimana hidupku?
Aku tidak tahu apa itu hidup, karena aku tidak pernah bisa menikmati hidupku.
Hidupku rasanya dirampas orang lain.
Dia bertanya. Apa aku punya rencana?
Aku sampai lupa tidak memikirkan itu. Rencanaku tidak diberi semangat. Rencanaku tidak direstui.
Dia bertanya. Apa aku cinta padanya?
Aku sendiri tidak tahu siapa yang kucintai. Setiap orang yang kucintai selalu membenciku, memanfaatkan aku, dan menghianatiku. Aku tidak tahu cinta itu bagaimana.
Dia bertanya. Di mana teman-temanmu?
Aku tidak tahu. Begitu bertemu saja mereka langsung menilaiku yang tidak-tidak dan menganggap aku ini aneh. Sepertinya aku ini benar-benar kriminal.
Dia bertanya. Apa kau menyerah?
Aku tidak tahu. Aku benar-benar tidak tahu, apakah aku menyerah atau tidak. Yang jelas, aku capai. Capai sekali menghadapi mereka orang-orang asing.
Dia bertanya. Apa aku sudah gila?
Ya! Aku gila! Hahaha..!! Hahaha..!!
Dari sepuluh pertanyaan di atas, ternyata hanya pertanyaan terakhir yang bisa kujawab dengan tegas dan senang.
Mereka tidak bisa menolongku.
Lalu Tuhan?
Di mana pertolongan Tuhan?
Bukannya aku sudah tidak sabar lagi menunggu pertolongan dari Tuhan.
Tapi aku sudah tidak kuat.
Aku sudah gila.
Sekarang aku benar-benar sudah 100% gila.
Tidak waras.
Aku tak tahu harus menjawab bagaimana. Bapak dan ibu seperti bukan bapak dan ibuku.
Dia bertanya. Aku sekolah di mana?
Aku tak tahu harus menjawab apa, karena aku tidak pernah mau sekolah.
Dia bertanya. Rumahku di mana?
Aku tak tahu, apakah rumah yang aku tinggali ini rumahku, atau rumah sakit jiwa millenium.
Dia bertanya. Aku ini siapa?
Aku sendiri tak tahu siapa aku. Aku memang punya nama. Tapi aku tidak pernah tahu siapa aku.
Dia bertanya. Bagaimana hidupku?
Aku tidak tahu apa itu hidup, karena aku tidak pernah bisa menikmati hidupku.
Hidupku rasanya dirampas orang lain.
Dia bertanya. Apa aku punya rencana?
Aku sampai lupa tidak memikirkan itu. Rencanaku tidak diberi semangat. Rencanaku tidak direstui.
Dia bertanya. Apa aku cinta padanya?
Aku sendiri tidak tahu siapa yang kucintai. Setiap orang yang kucintai selalu membenciku, memanfaatkan aku, dan menghianatiku. Aku tidak tahu cinta itu bagaimana.
Dia bertanya. Di mana teman-temanmu?
Aku tidak tahu. Begitu bertemu saja mereka langsung menilaiku yang tidak-tidak dan menganggap aku ini aneh. Sepertinya aku ini benar-benar kriminal.
Dia bertanya. Apa kau menyerah?
Aku tidak tahu. Aku benar-benar tidak tahu, apakah aku menyerah atau tidak. Yang jelas, aku capai. Capai sekali menghadapi mereka orang-orang asing.
Dia bertanya. Apa aku sudah gila?
Ya! Aku gila! Hahaha..!! Hahaha..!!
Dari sepuluh pertanyaan di atas, ternyata hanya pertanyaan terakhir yang bisa kujawab dengan tegas dan senang.
Mereka tidak bisa menolongku.
Lalu Tuhan?
Di mana pertolongan Tuhan?
Bukannya aku sudah tidak sabar lagi menunggu pertolongan dari Tuhan.
Tapi aku sudah tidak kuat.
Aku sudah gila.
Sekarang aku benar-benar sudah 100% gila.
Tidak waras.
Posted by Charly | Labels: cerpen bahasa indo, harian | 0 comments
Kemaren habis makan malam steak Kalkun di resto BIMA, di mobil aku sempet cerita sama 'keluarga ceria meragukan'. Semuanya pada dengerin. Padahal aku ngomongnya cuman sama Bapakku...
Aku bilang gini : "Pah, aku utang lagi limaratus ribu. Kemaren malem aku belanja CD di Amazon. Nanti kalo kirimannya udah dateng aku bayar utangnya."
Eh ternyata sampe hari ini, itu jadi masalah 'keluarga ceria meragukan'...
Tadi siang, aku ketemu Bapakku dan bapakku bilang, "Kemaren harusnya kamu gak usah bilang-bilang kalo kamu blanja pake mastercardku."
Terus aku nanyak sama Bapakku, "Emangnya kenapa? Papah dimarahin sama Mami?"
Bapakku njawabnya rada gitu lah..., "Ya iya. Harusnya khan gak usah blanja-blanja di internet lagi. Mami bilang kalo itu sama aja tindakan kriminal. Katanya Mami, 'Berani-beraninya tu anak blanja make duit yang bukan duitnya! Jadi kriminal kok gak sembuh-sembuh!' "
Trus aku jelas-jelas bisa ngejawab lancar, "Lho? Kok kriminal? Aku khan bilang, ngaku, jujur, kalo aku blanja pake mastercardnya Papah. Lagian aku khan nanti ganti duitnya. Kalo kriminal mah maen sembunyi-sembunyi & gak ganti duitnya. Piye tho..."
Bapak diem aja...
"Gak jadi kok blanjanya, Pah. Kemaren aku dapet imel dari amazon, kalo paymentnya ditolak.."
Bapak gak mudeng...
"Blanjanya gagal, kok."
*Conversation end*
(Aku masih heran nih sampe sekarang. Kok bisa disebut KRIMINAL sih???)
Ah, whatta fuck! Gitu aja dipikirin... HUAHAHAHAHAH!!
Selamat!!! Ada KRIMINAL baru di sini! Hahahaha.
Aku udah sukses jadi KRIMINAL!
Hayoooo!!! Siapa yang mau punya temen KRIMINAL????
Tobat daang.. Tobat....
Aku bilang gini : "Pah, aku utang lagi limaratus ribu. Kemaren malem aku belanja CD di Amazon. Nanti kalo kirimannya udah dateng aku bayar utangnya."
Eh ternyata sampe hari ini, itu jadi masalah 'keluarga ceria meragukan'...
Tadi siang, aku ketemu Bapakku dan bapakku bilang, "Kemaren harusnya kamu gak usah bilang-bilang kalo kamu blanja pake mastercardku."
Terus aku nanyak sama Bapakku, "Emangnya kenapa? Papah dimarahin sama Mami?"
Bapakku njawabnya rada gitu lah..., "Ya iya. Harusnya khan gak usah blanja-blanja di internet lagi. Mami bilang kalo itu sama aja tindakan kriminal. Katanya Mami, 'Berani-beraninya tu anak blanja make duit yang bukan duitnya! Jadi kriminal kok gak sembuh-sembuh!' "
Trus aku jelas-jelas bisa ngejawab lancar, "Lho? Kok kriminal? Aku khan bilang, ngaku, jujur, kalo aku blanja pake mastercardnya Papah. Lagian aku khan nanti ganti duitnya. Kalo kriminal mah maen sembunyi-sembunyi & gak ganti duitnya. Piye tho..."
Bapak diem aja...
"Gak jadi kok blanjanya, Pah. Kemaren aku dapet imel dari amazon, kalo paymentnya ditolak.."
Bapak gak mudeng...
"Blanjanya gagal, kok."
*Conversation end*
(Aku masih heran nih sampe sekarang. Kok bisa disebut KRIMINAL sih???)
Ah, whatta fuck! Gitu aja dipikirin... HUAHAHAHAHAH!!
Selamat!!! Ada KRIMINAL baru di sini! Hahahaha.
Aku udah sukses jadi KRIMINAL!
Hayoooo!!! Siapa yang mau punya temen KRIMINAL????
Tobat daang.. Tobat....
Posted by Charly | Labels: cerpen bahasa inggris | 0 comments
What a hot night today. The air, the breeze. The rain has stopped. I though it would be cold these days because it is rainy season. But hell. I don't give a fuck about that. I might think to get a perfect blood for me this night. Still waiting for Damian, and I am boring to do that. Waiting is not a lucky time for me. Why wait? I met Damian last night and he wants to spend a several day going out with me. Why did it happen? I will tell now...
Well, I remember what I've done last night. Walked around the city and being fed in a silent flower market. I drank a fresh young boy's blood, thank god. No one found me there, no one knew. Just like my everyday life. A few moment I finish my dinner, I saw my old friend came to me. Damian, my vamp friend from Mersailles. I remember yesterday, when I gave him and Rey a present. I hope he would satisfied with that. No complaining.
Damian came to see me and greet. He looks pretty weird like always.
He said, "I don't believe it, Ari. You gave me a robot! A toy for kids, and you gave Rey a cheap walkie-talkie."
I replied, "That's my present. Don't you like it?"
He didn't answer, just looked at me with his cold smile.
After that we left the flower market and sat on the top of the bank building. Damian didn't speak too much that time. I knew him. I know his story. He is the prince of darkness from France, Marseilles, who never has his loving immortal mother, Daye.
Damian and me never see each other, after his short death. Damian has been slept over 15 years, I suppose. Charly told me that. He's been lost his power for a such a succumb defeat, because he chose to fight Ira to get Daye back as his immortal mother. Ira won the fight. Ira took all his power and made him sleep for a long time in his coffin. For that, he needs a long time to get his dark power back....
That was long time a go. Now, I'm happy to see him arise again. He's not dead. And he never dies..
When he complained to me in 18 century, I gave him a terrible advice.
I said, "Well, Mian. I understand your situation. But what you want, I think is a dream. You'd never get Daye back to your arm from Ira's hand. Daye decided to be Ira's slave. Ira is her maker. Even she wants you, she would never leave Ira for you."
Too bad. Damian chose to fight Ira and he failed to keep Daye in his arm. Daye might be his mortal mother when he was a mortal. And she might be his immortal mother too because she made him and put him to this darkness. But she won't be his immortal mother like when she is his mortal. She's a vamp slave, what can I tell...
Hmm, let's forget the past. All over now, and we have a new life to go on.
That night after we sat there and felt the night air, we went back to my dark room. I don't know how long the last time he saw my room. A lot of changes. We were in my room, and he mumbled...
"What the hell happen with your bed?" he said.
"My bed? I don't need it again now," I answered.
"Hell, Ari! You put a coffin here and remove your bed from your room! You're not one of us!" he shouted with surprise.
"How dare you to say I'm not one of you!" I shouted back. "You saw me drink mortal's blood in the flower market. How could you say I'm not one of you!"
"You did all of this because you disappointed with your dream, didn't you?" he asked with a slow voice.
"What dream?" I asked him and then we trapped in silence.
He didn't respond me. But I know what he thought about. He thought that, for me, he's not real. He's only my dream, and we don't deserve to be together like friends do.
And then, I said, "If you're not real, why did you came to me and speak to me? Why I could see you? We're vamps, Mian. Although we never speak to each other we can read minds. I can read your mind, you can read mine too."
"I configure that an old crap." he said with a low voice.
He sat there in the marble desk. Looked at me like I'm not real. I didn't notice his looks. I sat on the chair and turned on my computer. The only smart machine I always hang with at night, after my dinner on the street drinking human's blood.
"You never quit doing it, do you?" Damian asked, I felt an anger in his voice.
"Doing what?" I sighed.
"Telling our stories to mortals."
"What's wrong with that? They thought we're fake," I explained.
"Would you stop? Stop writing that bullshit, Ari. Stop now!"
"Why stop? Writing this shit is my number one job, Mian."
I insisted.
Once again, I looked deep in his eyes. I read his mind and I felt something. He has reason. That's why he came to me that night.
"Okay. What do you want?" at last, I decided to hear his explanation.
"Take a break for a while, Ari. You are a vamp computer addict! Can you see? I came here to offer you an exciting trip."
"A trip again?" I said, and then I took a deep breath.
"You never go to Vanilla desert with me again after you spent your time with that fucking computer. We never go to the 'Fang's Bar', we never see the vamp operas. What's the matter with you? You always see and read mortals from the internet! You're humanized!"
He damn right. I should forget this for a while. I need a long vacation with him, or my other paramours. I should stop...for a while..I think...
"Go with me. Will you?"
I didn't answer, I thought of something.
"For God's sake, You're a vamp! Not a mortal!"
He made me think twice. Yes. I'm a vamp, I'm almost mortal. And I think, Damian came here to warn me before I go deep inside the mortal's world.
"Come on! We go, and we'll have fun! Playing fool in the dark, flying over the mountains, drinking more than 3 mortals at night, attending some cool vamp-party at the club. And visiting the others. How's that?"
After I have my last decision, I smiled and said, "Yes. I will go!"
I've stopped...
For a while...
I'm tired to be a fake mortal...
Well, I remember what I've done last night. Walked around the city and being fed in a silent flower market. I drank a fresh young boy's blood, thank god. No one found me there, no one knew. Just like my everyday life. A few moment I finish my dinner, I saw my old friend came to me. Damian, my vamp friend from Mersailles. I remember yesterday, when I gave him and Rey a present. I hope he would satisfied with that. No complaining.
Damian came to see me and greet. He looks pretty weird like always.
He said, "I don't believe it, Ari. You gave me a robot! A toy for kids, and you gave Rey a cheap walkie-talkie."
I replied, "That's my present. Don't you like it?"
He didn't answer, just looked at me with his cold smile.
After that we left the flower market and sat on the top of the bank building. Damian didn't speak too much that time. I knew him. I know his story. He is the prince of darkness from France, Marseilles, who never has his loving immortal mother, Daye.
Damian and me never see each other, after his short death. Damian has been slept over 15 years, I suppose. Charly told me that. He's been lost his power for a such a succumb defeat, because he chose to fight Ira to get Daye back as his immortal mother. Ira won the fight. Ira took all his power and made him sleep for a long time in his coffin. For that, he needs a long time to get his dark power back....
That was long time a go. Now, I'm happy to see him arise again. He's not dead. And he never dies..
When he complained to me in 18 century, I gave him a terrible advice.
I said, "Well, Mian. I understand your situation. But what you want, I think is a dream. You'd never get Daye back to your arm from Ira's hand. Daye decided to be Ira's slave. Ira is her maker. Even she wants you, she would never leave Ira for you."
Too bad. Damian chose to fight Ira and he failed to keep Daye in his arm. Daye might be his mortal mother when he was a mortal. And she might be his immortal mother too because she made him and put him to this darkness. But she won't be his immortal mother like when she is his mortal. She's a vamp slave, what can I tell...
Hmm, let's forget the past. All over now, and we have a new life to go on.
That night after we sat there and felt the night air, we went back to my dark room. I don't know how long the last time he saw my room. A lot of changes. We were in my room, and he mumbled...
"What the hell happen with your bed?" he said.
"My bed? I don't need it again now," I answered.
"Hell, Ari! You put a coffin here and remove your bed from your room! You're not one of us!" he shouted with surprise.
"How dare you to say I'm not one of you!" I shouted back. "You saw me drink mortal's blood in the flower market. How could you say I'm not one of you!"
"You did all of this because you disappointed with your dream, didn't you?" he asked with a slow voice.
"What dream?" I asked him and then we trapped in silence.
He didn't respond me. But I know what he thought about. He thought that, for me, he's not real. He's only my dream, and we don't deserve to be together like friends do.
And then, I said, "If you're not real, why did you came to me and speak to me? Why I could see you? We're vamps, Mian. Although we never speak to each other we can read minds. I can read your mind, you can read mine too."
"I configure that an old crap." he said with a low voice.
He sat there in the marble desk. Looked at me like I'm not real. I didn't notice his looks. I sat on the chair and turned on my computer. The only smart machine I always hang with at night, after my dinner on the street drinking human's blood.
"You never quit doing it, do you?" Damian asked, I felt an anger in his voice.
"Doing what?" I sighed.
"Telling our stories to mortals."
"What's wrong with that? They thought we're fake," I explained.
"Would you stop? Stop writing that bullshit, Ari. Stop now!"
"Why stop? Writing this shit is my number one job, Mian."
I insisted.
Once again, I looked deep in his eyes. I read his mind and I felt something. He has reason. That's why he came to me that night.
"Okay. What do you want?" at last, I decided to hear his explanation.
"Take a break for a while, Ari. You are a vamp computer addict! Can you see? I came here to offer you an exciting trip."
"A trip again?" I said, and then I took a deep breath.
"You never go to Vanilla desert with me again after you spent your time with that fucking computer. We never go to the 'Fang's Bar', we never see the vamp operas. What's the matter with you? You always see and read mortals from the internet! You're humanized!"
He damn right. I should forget this for a while. I need a long vacation with him, or my other paramours. I should stop...for a while..I think...
"Go with me. Will you?"
I didn't answer, I thought of something.
"For God's sake, You're a vamp! Not a mortal!"
He made me think twice. Yes. I'm a vamp, I'm almost mortal. And I think, Damian came here to warn me before I go deep inside the mortal's world.
"Come on! We go, and we'll have fun! Playing fool in the dark, flying over the mountains, drinking more than 3 mortals at night, attending some cool vamp-party at the club. And visiting the others. How's that?"
After I have my last decision, I smiled and said, "Yes. I will go!"
I've stopped...
For a while...
I'm tired to be a fake mortal...
Makan tu sukses!!!
Posted by Charly | Labels: my song lyrics | 0 comments
Tapi tangisku
Semua susahku
Hanya untuk diriku sendiri
Kini ku bahagia 3X
Makan tuh sukses
daripada kamu terus luntang luntung hidup yang enggak beres
Makan tuh sukses
sekarang kamu bisa bergaya cuek bebek
Huh! Makan tuh sukses!
Tapi tangisku
Semua susahku
Hanya untuk diriku sendiri
Kini ku bahagia 3X
Makan tuh sukses
daripada kamu terus luntang luntung hidup yang enggak beres
Makan tuh sukses
sekarang kamu bisa bergaya cuek bebek
Huh! Makan tuh sukses!
November! Banyak yang ultah nih!
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Happy b-day buat Mas Adi..
Happy b-day buat DD CROW
Happy b-day buat Momcilo Cickaric
Happy b-day buat Nvi Koploh(Rival)
Happy b-day buat ponakan gue, Damian (Bukan Damian de Morgue lho! Haha..)
Siapa lagi yang ulang taun? Selamat aja deh!
Happy b-day buat DD CROW
Happy b-day buat Momcilo Cickaric
Happy b-day buat Nvi Koploh(Rival)
Happy b-day buat ponakan gue, Damian (Bukan Damian de Morgue lho! Haha..)
Siapa lagi yang ulang taun? Selamat aja deh!
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
I must go on and I must do something useful for my fucking life.
Today I mixed 2 old songs 'Kenapa Aku' & 'Blackened'...
*Clap my hand for my-fucking-self*
I think I miss something. The taste and the fill of the fucking song.
I should suck suck suck 'something' to make my fucking song more 'touchy'...
Suck what?? :P
At last, I'm glad, about my fucking project I've planed.
I'm working good with my fucking music today, in good fucking mood.
But too fucking bad, I haven't write any fucking vamp story.
Almost November, and the fucking year 2002, is almost over.
I don't fucking believe it, all happened so fucking fast.
I think I didn't do something good this fucking year.
Never fucking change.
This year, I was just finish my fucking strory 'Charly & Damian' & recorded my fucking new album, and all for me just for me..
No fucking book publisher and no fucking major label...
*Clap my hand again for my-fucking-self*
Today I mixed 2 old songs 'Kenapa Aku' & 'Blackened'...
*Clap my hand for my-fucking-self*
I think I miss something. The taste and the fill of the fucking song.
I should suck suck suck 'something' to make my fucking song more 'touchy'...
Suck what?? :P
At last, I'm glad, about my fucking project I've planed.
I'm working good with my fucking music today, in good fucking mood.
But too fucking bad, I haven't write any fucking vamp story.
Almost November, and the fucking year 2002, is almost over.
I don't fucking believe it, all happened so fucking fast.
I think I didn't do something good this fucking year.
Never fucking change.
This year, I was just finish my fucking strory 'Charly & Damian' & recorded my fucking new album, and all for me just for me..
No fucking book publisher and no fucking major label...
*Clap my hand again for my-fucking-self*
ill ninyo
Posted by Charly | Labels: review | 0 comments
What do you think about ill ni?o?
I like to listen to their song, and I like it.
I think it is different when you listen to fear factory, soulfly, linkin park, korn, sick of it all, POD, statix-x, deftones or another groupie that has the same genre.
I think, ill ni?o is more �latin�.
Am I right? Or I just made it up?
Well, play ill ni?o now. You�ll know...
I love the metal stuff & the latin touch on their music...
So cool...
I just hear and compare the song �What Comes Around from the album Revolution Revolucion� and �What Comes Around (Day of the Dead Mix) from the soundtrack Resident Evil�.
All good...
The song from Resident Evil seems more industrialize with the beating beat from the drum machine and the conga beat, guitar strums, make the song more mellow although it is �metal�. The one from the album Revolution Revolucion (originally called �the album version�) is also good. It has more distortion guitar sound. I like the interlude on the middle of the song which have soft latin touch.
"Tu vida es mia...bla...bla...bla..." Waaaa!! (Love it!!)
I only know a little about ill ni?o, not much...
The band :
Cristian Machado � Vocal
Marc Rizzo � Acoustic / lead guitar
Lazaro Pina � Bass
Jardel Paisante � Rhythm guitar
Dave Chavarri � Drums & Bongo
Roger Vasquez � Percussion
I think they got 1 album that came September last year called �Revolution Revolucion. I heard that this band has already released an album from roadrunner records before they came with �Revolution Revolucion�. They also contributed one song in the album A Tribute To Pantera (with a song, 5 minutes alone), and appeared in the soundtrack Faust & Resident Evil...
Clap...clap...clap... and bang my head...
I like to listen to their song, and I like it.
I think it is different when you listen to fear factory, soulfly, linkin park, korn, sick of it all, POD, statix-x, deftones or another groupie that has the same genre.
I think, ill ni?o is more �latin�.
Am I right? Or I just made it up?
Well, play ill ni?o now. You�ll know...
I love the metal stuff & the latin touch on their music...
So cool...
I just hear and compare the song �What Comes Around from the album Revolution Revolucion� and �What Comes Around (Day of the Dead Mix) from the soundtrack Resident Evil�.
All good...
The song from Resident Evil seems more industrialize with the beating beat from the drum machine and the conga beat, guitar strums, make the song more mellow although it is �metal�. The one from the album Revolution Revolucion (originally called �the album version�) is also good. It has more distortion guitar sound. I like the interlude on the middle of the song which have soft latin touch.
"Tu vida es mia...bla...bla...bla..." Waaaa!! (Love it!!)
I only know a little about ill ni?o, not much...
The band :
Cristian Machado � Vocal
Marc Rizzo � Acoustic / lead guitar
Lazaro Pina � Bass
Jardel Paisante � Rhythm guitar
Dave Chavarri � Drums & Bongo
Roger Vasquez � Percussion
I think they got 1 album that came September last year called �Revolution Revolucion. I heard that this band has already released an album from roadrunner records before they came with �Revolution Revolucion�. They also contributed one song in the album A Tribute To Pantera (with a song, 5 minutes alone), and appeared in the soundtrack Faust & Resident Evil...
Clap...clap...clap... and bang my head...
Gimana kabar?
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Bagaimana khabar? Good...
Cuman perkembangan kuping, tidak banyak berubah...
Masih mengganjel, karena dalemnya kemasukan Otopraf.
Pingin cepat sembuh..
Biar bisa enak bikin lagu lagi...
Hari ini aku harus mandi. Sudah gak mandi 2 hari....
Selamat ultah, buat yang lagi ultah! Hehehe...
Ke dokter THT periksa-in kuping...
Kuping lumayan ok...
Mudah2an keluar darah tadi cuman kotoran dan bukan infeksi...
Mudah2an kupingku gak error...
Bagaimana khabar? Good...
Cuman perkembangan kuping, tidak banyak berubah...
Masih mengganjel, karena dalemnya kemasukan Otopraf.
Pingin cepat sembuh..
Biar bisa enak bikin lagu lagi...
Hari ini aku harus mandi. Sudah gak mandi 2 hari....
Selamat ultah, buat yang lagi ultah! Hehehe...
Ke dokter THT periksa-in kuping...
Kuping lumayan ok...
Mudah2an keluar darah tadi cuman kotoran dan bukan infeksi...
Mudah2an kupingku gak error...
Ash Wednesday by Ethan Hawke
Posted by Charly | Labels: review | 0 comments
Tapi sayang. Aku nggak bisa beli buku baru dia, soalnya aku udah bukan bagian
dari kartu kredit papi lagi. Dan bukunya gak mungkin dijual di Indonesia....
Well, Ash Wednesday is a novel of blazing emotion and remarkable grace, a tale that captures the intensity--the excitement, fear, and jo--of being on the threshold of the mysterious country of marriage and parenthood.
Powerful, assured, large of heart, and punctuated by moments of tremendous humor, it represents, for Hawke the novelist, a major leap forward.
A little story of this book:
I was driving a '69 Chevy Nova 370 four-barrel with mag wheels and a dual exhaust. It's a kick-ass car. I took the muffler out so it sounds like a Harley. People love it. I was staring at myself through the window into the driver's-side-mirror; I do that all the time. I'll stare into anything that reflects. That's not a flattering quality, and I wish I didn't do it, but I do. I'm vain as all hell. It's revolting. Most of the time when I'm looking in the mirror, I'm checking to see if I'm still here or else I'm wishing I was somebody else, a Mexican bandito or somebody like that. I have a mustache. Most guys with mustaches look like fags, but I don't. I touch mine too much, though. I touch it all the time. I don't even know why I'm telling you about it now. I just stare at myself constantly and I wish I didn't. It brings me absolutely no pleasure at all.
My fingers were frozen around the steering wheel. Albany in February is a black sooty slab of ice. The woman on the radio announced the time and temperature: eight-forty-two and twenty-three degrees. Christy and I had broken up fifteen hours earlier, and I was in a tailspin. I had my uniform on, the dress one; it's awesome. Military uniforms make you feel like somebody, like you have a purpose, even if you don't. You feel special, connected to the past. You're not just an ordinary person, a civilian-you're noble. The downside of this Walk of Pride is, it's a lie.
This is my story.
My orders were unbelievable, my lieutenant is an out-of-control high-speed prick. This was his job. I had to inform some dude's wife that her husband had been shot in the head. The soldier's name was Private Kevin Anderson, and he'd been killed outside of Paradise the night before. Paradise is a bar where all the black dudes hang: probably drugs or some kind of bullshit high jinks. I didn't know him at all.
Not to mention, I was all cracked up myself. I hadn't been to sleep, doing speed all night: crystal meth. Breaking up with Christy had been a giant mistake; I knew it the minute I walked away.
The army is more lamebrain than you can even imagine. My lieutenant sometimes has me and my men go into town and stand guard over parking spots: securing position. I joined up because I wanted to be of service to something. I'd tried college, Kent State, for two years but screw that. Who wants to pay all that coin just to drink beer and get VD? My dad had been in the army, and I grew up constantly drawing pictures of machine guns and soldiers killing the hell out of one another other-shit like that-so I thought joining the army made sense. I figured it was my destiny, and it was, but just because something's your destiny doesn't mean it's gonna be any good.
I thought maybe someday I'd be in a Dairy Queen and some bonzo lunatic would whip out an automatic and start wasting people, and I'd be the one guy there who'd be able to stop him, who'd show some signs of personal heroism or integrity. There are a lot of people in the world. It's difficult to find a way to set yourself apart. When I was twelve, I built a working crossbow with bolts I could sink into a tree. That's about the coolest thing I've ever done.
Now, the only thing interesting or worthy of remark about me was my car. It was tits: silver with bold black racing stripes straight down the center. I never had any trouble getting laid.
I was hauling ass through north Albany into the "darker" part of town looking for this Anderson kid's address: 23761/2 Hawthorne, apartment B. I had all his information in a folder on the passenger seat. The streets were icy and lined with piles of crusty pollution-stained snow. I found the house easy, a big old place divided up into eight apartments. All the homes on the block were done the exact same way. Once upon a time this was the swank part of town-about eighty trillion years ago.
I sat in my Nova under a tremendous barren old sycamore tree that grew adjacent to the Andersons' driveway. Trees are wonderful. My dad was a tree man. He planted and trimmed trees for a living. Sometimes he'd be 180 feet up in the air rappelling around with a spinning chain saw, dead and sick branches bombing down onto the ground. I loved my dad. If I could give you the sensation of being eight years old watching him up in some magnificent maple singing to himself and talking to the branches-if you could hear him yell down, "Jimmy, when you're thirteen and you come live with me, we'll have ourselves some laughs then, pal, you can bet your sweet ass on that!"-if you could be inside my guts for that moment, you'd know exactly what it is like to be me. Summers, growing up, I worked with the ground crews, chopping and clearing. I was Mr. Know-It-All about landscaping. This sycamore in front of me was close to two hundred years old. Unless some ding-a-ling cuts it down it'll be right there on Hawthorne Drive long after I'm dead. Can't tell you why, but that makes me feel good.
I checked my nose to make sure it wasn't bleeding. Four hours before, I'd blown my last line with Tony, Eric, and Ed. Ed brought the crank. I wasn't gonna do any, but they started chopping 'em down, and like I said I'd just broken up with Christy and-bada-bing bada-bam-next thing you know I've been talking about Patrick Ewing, John Starks, and the rest of the New York Knicks for nine hours. Tony, Eric, and Ed are a bunch of numb-nuts, but I hang out with them all the time anyway. It makes me sad to think I'm like them. "Better to be alone than to wish you were." My father used to say that, but I never listen to anybody. I don't say that with any pride. It's good to listen to people.
In no way did I want to get out of the car. My lieutenant is a motherfucker. When I think about him, my body palpitates with rage.
Only eight-thirty in the morning and already things were going terribly. THE ARMY. WE DO MORE BEFORE NINE O'CLOCK. Isn't that the ad line on TV?
..........bla..bla...bla want to read more, please read the Extract
Ash Wednesday's Site from Bloomsbury
More about HAWKE'S BOOKS
Makan Besar, Penyakit kuping, Spatu Boot
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Abis diajakin makan besar-besaran sama mami-papi-adek.
Kenyang banget. Asli kenyang... ENaknya minta ampun...
Mbakyu Renny, sori.. tadi kok aku bisa ketiduran gitu ya?
Kayak orang yang gak sadar...
Bangun-bangun, tau-tau udah malem, dan mbak Renny udah gak ada...
Kayak ngimpi aja..
Cerita-cerita lama kok aku bisa ketiduran ya?
Aduh mbakyu... mungkin karena pengaruh pengobatan kupingku yang budheg sebelah itu kali ya...
Sori mbakyu, ojo nesu yo...
Aku ki pancen kurang ajar, ora duwe sopan santun, ora duwe utheg, & ora due roso...
Perkembangan kupingku :
Di Otopraf malah tambah budheg. Soalnya kemasukkan obat cair...
Rasanya jadi gak enak banget...
Mudah-mudahan cepet sembuh. Dan mudah-mudahan aku gak budheg sebelah.
Aku pingin punya sepatu boot, buat nggaya gothic... hehehe

Kenyang banget. Asli kenyang... ENaknya minta ampun...
Mbakyu Renny, sori.. tadi kok aku bisa ketiduran gitu ya?
Kayak orang yang gak sadar...
Bangun-bangun, tau-tau udah malem, dan mbak Renny udah gak ada...
Kayak ngimpi aja..
Cerita-cerita lama kok aku bisa ketiduran ya?
Aduh mbakyu... mungkin karena pengaruh pengobatan kupingku yang budheg sebelah itu kali ya...
Sori mbakyu, ojo nesu yo...
Aku ki pancen kurang ajar, ora duwe sopan santun, ora duwe utheg, & ora due roso...
Perkembangan kupingku :
Di Otopraf malah tambah budheg. Soalnya kemasukkan obat cair...
Rasanya jadi gak enak banget...
Mudah-mudahan cepet sembuh. Dan mudah-mudahan aku gak budheg sebelah.
Aku pingin punya sepatu boot, buat nggaya gothic... hehehe

Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Penyakit gilaku kumat lagiii!!!!!
Alone I Break
Pick me up
Been bleeding too long
Right here, right now
I'll stop it somehow
I will make it go away
Can't be here no more
Seems this is the only way
I will soon be gone
These feelings will be gone
These feelings will be gone
Now I see the times they change
Leaving us, it seems so strange
I am hoping I can find
Where to leave my hurt behind
All the shit I seem to take
All alone I seem to break
I have lived the best I can
Does this make me not a man?
Shut me off
I'm ready
Heart stops
I stand alone
Can't be on my own
I will make it go away
Can't be here no more
Seems this is the only way
I will soon be gone
These feelings will be gone
These feelings will be gone
Now I see the times they change
Leaving us, it seems so strange
I am hoping I can find
Where to leave my hurt behind
All the shit I seem to take
All alone I seem to break
I have lived the best I can
Does this make me not a man?
Am I going to leave this place?
What is it I'm running from?
Is there nothing more to come?
(Am I gonna leave this place?)
Is there always life in space?
Am I going to take it�s place?
Am I going to win this race?
(Am I going to win this race?)
I guess God's up in this place.
What is it that I've become?
Is there something more to come?
More to come
Alone I Break
Pick me up
Been bleeding too long
Right here, right now
I'll stop it somehow
I will make it go away
Can't be here no more
Seems this is the only way
I will soon be gone
These feelings will be gone
These feelings will be gone
Now I see the times they change
Leaving us, it seems so strange
I am hoping I can find
Where to leave my hurt behind
All the shit I seem to take
All alone I seem to break
I have lived the best I can
Does this make me not a man?
Shut me off
I'm ready
Heart stops
I stand alone
Can't be on my own
I will make it go away
Can't be here no more
Seems this is the only way
I will soon be gone
These feelings will be gone
These feelings will be gone
Now I see the times they change
Leaving us, it seems so strange
I am hoping I can find
Where to leave my hurt behind
All the shit I seem to take
All alone I seem to break
I have lived the best I can
Does this make me not a man?
Am I going to leave this place?
What is it I'm running from?
Is there nothing more to come?
(Am I gonna leave this place?)
Is there always life in space?
Am I going to take it�s place?
Am I going to win this race?
(Am I going to win this race?)
I guess God's up in this place.
What is it that I've become?
Is there something more to come?
More to come
Sedot Cureg & Ketemu Anak2 Suckerhead
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Kemaren malem, dianter sama Pak Yudhie Giemboel, aku ke tempatnya Om Tomo (dokter THT). Kupingku yang kanan mendadak budeg karena 'curek2 menjadi watu'. Begitu sampe ke tempat prakteknya Om Tomo, kupingku di sedot, dan cureknya banyak, warnanya coklat item-item. Yek..
Sama Om Tomo aku di kasih resep, 'Otopraf'. Ditetesin 3 tetes di kuping kanan 3 kali sehari. Katanya Om Tomo, kalo kupingku masih budeg, aku di suruh kontrol lagi ke sana tiga hari lagi...
Mudah-mudahah budeg-ku cepet sembuh...
Trus abis itu kita nyamperin anak-anak SUCKERHEAD ke Hotel BINTANG, abisnya udah janjian mau ketemuan walo cuman bentar. Besok sore mereka mau main di Monster Rock yang di adain sama Djarum Super (kalo gak salah)...
Sama Om Tomo aku di kasih resep, 'Otopraf'. Ditetesin 3 tetes di kuping kanan 3 kali sehari. Katanya Om Tomo, kalo kupingku masih budeg, aku di suruh kontrol lagi ke sana tiga hari lagi...
Mudah-mudahah budeg-ku cepet sembuh...
Trus abis itu kita nyamperin anak-anak SUCKERHEAD ke Hotel BINTANG, abisnya udah janjian mau ketemuan walo cuman bentar. Besok sore mereka mau main di Monster Rock yang di adain sama Djarum Super (kalo gak salah)...
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian, tips | 0 comments
I need a break and cig...
Rokok oh rokok...
Rokokku tinggal dua batang. Yang laennya udah meletus semua.
Uh enak...
Cuek aja tetep ngrokok, walopun masih sakit pilek dan tenggorokkan rasanya nggak beres..
Mau apa lagi? Begitulah nasip perokok. Nggak tahan kalo sehari sama sekali nggak ngrokok..
Syukurlah buat para perokok yang udah brenti ngrokok.
Sekarang mereka jadi tambah gemuk, kalo makan apa-apa rasanya jadi laen.. tambah enak katanya...
Masak sih? Iya katanya. Kalo gak percaya, coba aja brenti ngrokok... gitu katanya...
Iya iya, kalo pingin brenti ya tinggal brenti aja..
Kapan brentinya? Gak tau...
Rasanya dunia ini gak hidup tanpa gak ngrokok. Kaya slogan "bikin hidup lebih hidup"
Iya khan?
Romantis? Katanya artine "rokok makan gratis"..
Di dunia mana ya, yang bisa Romantis tiap hari?
Pasti ada....
Romantis yang lain, yang bukan "rokok makan gratis" apa?
Nggak tau...
Tapi masih lebih enak ngrokok...
Apa lagi ngrokok godhong...
Besok cari aaahhh! Biar ketangkep polisi....
Dipenjara sampe mati....
WAAAAA!!! Mabok ya? Mbuh,...
Gara-gara ngombe banyu peceren... dadi elol....
Rokok oh rokok...
Rokokku tinggal dua batang. Yang laennya udah meletus semua.
Uh enak...
Cuek aja tetep ngrokok, walopun masih sakit pilek dan tenggorokkan rasanya nggak beres..
Mau apa lagi? Begitulah nasip perokok. Nggak tahan kalo sehari sama sekali nggak ngrokok..
Syukurlah buat para perokok yang udah brenti ngrokok.
Sekarang mereka jadi tambah gemuk, kalo makan apa-apa rasanya jadi laen.. tambah enak katanya...
Masak sih? Iya katanya. Kalo gak percaya, coba aja brenti ngrokok... gitu katanya...
Iya iya, kalo pingin brenti ya tinggal brenti aja..
Kapan brentinya? Gak tau...
Rasanya dunia ini gak hidup tanpa gak ngrokok. Kaya slogan "bikin hidup lebih hidup"
Iya khan?
Romantis? Katanya artine "rokok makan gratis"..
Di dunia mana ya, yang bisa Romantis tiap hari?
Pasti ada....
Romantis yang lain, yang bukan "rokok makan gratis" apa?
Nggak tau...
Tapi masih lebih enak ngrokok...
Apa lagi ngrokok godhong...
Besok cari aaahhh! Biar ketangkep polisi....
Dipenjara sampe mati....
WAAAAA!!! Mabok ya? Mbuh,...
Gara-gara ngombe banyu peceren... dadi elol....
Ma Cherie Amor & You've Changed
Posted by Charly | Labels: my mp3, my song lyrics | 0 comments
Lirik Ma Cherie Amor Gundulmu!
Today I pray
For ma cherie amor
Tomorrow I'll pray
For ma cherie amor
I know that you don't know
But just for you ma cherie amor...
I would do anything before
You say Au revoir in my head
It's not too late
Dormiriez-vous avec moi?
download song:
Lirik You've Changed
You changed
Don't know that you were fading
became a simple man
And now that you are shrinking
You make me want to scream
As load as I can take it
And I would try neglect it
But now, you have changed
You changed
You don't remember it now
Imagine when we're young
We play in our playground
We laugh and than we scream
As loud as we can take it
And we try to protect it
But now, you have changed
Today I pray
For ma cherie amor
Tomorrow I'll pray
For ma cherie amor
I know that you don't know
But just for you ma cherie amor...
I would do anything before
You say Au revoir in my head
It's not too late
Dormiriez-vous avec moi?
download song:
Lirik You've Changed
You changed
Don't know that you were fading
became a simple man
And now that you are shrinking
You make me want to scream
As load as I can take it
And I would try neglect it
But now, you have changed
You changed
You don't remember it now
Imagine when we're young
We play in our playground
We laugh and than we scream
As loud as we can take it
And we try to protect it
But now, you have changed
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Seharian gak tidur...
Lagi punya upcoming Devilicia Project "Beat U, Crash U, Smash U"
Seharian me-mixing 'Beat U (Til U Down)', 'Api Suci' & 'Aku Ingin Pergi'...
Sampe subuh, ngerjain remix baru versi Techno 'Aku Ingin Pergi'
Dan sekalian mborong bikin 2 lagu baru, 'You've Changed', yang panjangnya cuman 2 menit, en 'Ma Cherie Amor'...with melody gitar aah..aah...
Ma cherie amor, ma cherie amor, gundulmu!!
Plus, Rip CD Devilicia's Collection, beberapa lagu yang dipilih dari 6 album :Devilicia's Collection (Compiled 15 Oct 02)
1. Beat U (Til U Down)
2. Dancing In The Grave (Skit)
3. Plague
4. Boneka (2nd Mix)
5. Aku Ingin Pergi
6. Blackened
7. Ada Iblis Tidur Di Kamarku
8. Sick
9. Hitam
10. Konsleting
11. Api Suci
12. Angan
13. Gila Aku Ini (Version)
Lagi punya upcoming Devilicia Project "Beat U, Crash U, Smash U"
Seharian me-mixing 'Beat U (Til U Down)', 'Api Suci' & 'Aku Ingin Pergi'...
Sampe subuh, ngerjain remix baru versi Techno 'Aku Ingin Pergi'
Dan sekalian mborong bikin 2 lagu baru, 'You've Changed', yang panjangnya cuman 2 menit, en 'Ma Cherie Amor'...with melody gitar aah..aah...
Ma cherie amor, ma cherie amor, gundulmu!!
Plus, Rip CD Devilicia's Collection, beberapa lagu yang dipilih dari 6 album :Devilicia's Collection (Compiled 15 Oct 02)
1. Beat U (Til U Down)
2. Dancing In The Grave (Skit)
3. Plague
4. Boneka (2nd Mix)
5. Aku Ingin Pergi
6. Blackened
7. Ada Iblis Tidur Di Kamarku
8. Sick
9. Hitam
10. Konsleting
11. Api Suci
12. Angan
13. Gila Aku Ini (Version)
Liquid Flux & Salerno
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Clubbing! Me, Bonchu, Yeye, Mark, Blend go to see :
Liquid Flux
Walo gak bagus banget, yang penting bisa Clubbing..
Di syuting Bonchu & Yeye lagi! Hehehe...
Clubbing, man! Di sini jarang lho ada event gitu...
Talk to Laury...
Aku di suruh tanya ke Travel Agen, berapa biaya tiket pesawat Solo - Jakarta & Jakarta - Roma, Italy...
Tanya ke mana ya? Ada yang tau?? Kira-kira berapa dollar tu?
Si Laury mau beliin aku tiket ke Italy, dia mau kawin sama aku...
Gimana ya?
Beneran nih, mau diboyong ke Salerno. Gimana ya?
Holly shit....
Liquid Flux
Walo gak bagus banget, yang penting bisa Clubbing..
Di syuting Bonchu & Yeye lagi! Hehehe...
Clubbing, man! Di sini jarang lho ada event gitu...
Talk to Laury...
Aku di suruh tanya ke Travel Agen, berapa biaya tiket pesawat Solo - Jakarta & Jakarta - Roma, Italy...
Tanya ke mana ya? Ada yang tau?? Kira-kira berapa dollar tu?
Si Laury mau beliin aku tiket ke Italy, dia mau kawin sama aku...
Gimana ya?
Beneran nih, mau diboyong ke Salerno. Gimana ya?
Holly shit....
Vanilla Sky
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian, review | 0 comments
Beli Vanilla Sky gara-gara lagunya Radiohead jadi soundtrack filmnya...
Opening film, pas si David bangun dari tidur : Everthing In Its Right Place
Di Bar, pas si David ngobrol sama si Ventura : I Might Be Wrong
Clubbing scene : Ada lagunya The Chemical Brothers & Underworld juga!!!
Oiii! Harusnya ngomongin filmnya Tom, Penelope & Cameron. Bukan ngomongin lagu!
Hehehe bodo...
What is happiness to you?
I wanna live a real life
I don't wanna dream any longer
Any last wishes?
Let them read my mind
Opening film, pas si David bangun dari tidur : Everthing In Its Right Place
Di Bar, pas si David ngobrol sama si Ventura : I Might Be Wrong
Clubbing scene : Ada lagunya The Chemical Brothers & Underworld juga!!!
Oiii! Harusnya ngomongin filmnya Tom, Penelope & Cameron. Bukan ngomongin lagu!
Hehehe bodo...
What is happiness to you?
I wanna live a real life
I don't wanna dream any longer
Any last wishes?
Let them read my mind
Hundred Days Off
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian, jowo, review | 0 comments
Akhire aku tuku kasete UNDERWORLD - A Hundred Days Off dung deng!!!!! **SOLA SISTIM**TRIM**ESS GEE**BALLET LANE**
Yihaaaa!! Gak nyongko neng Indonesia ono sing dodol, opo meneh neng kuto solo. Huahaha...
Nobody read me (from Blue)
Oh no!
I knew only one person read me (only Bonchu)
Is it bad? I can't beat Sheldon or that writer...
That's OK, that's fine
I still can listen to Underworld anytime I want...
And I bet they don't like Underworld, just like they don't like to read me..
I think they don't know what kind of thing Underworld is..
I'm glad.. I'm glad..
Akhire aku tuku kasete UNDERWORLD - A Hundred Days Off dung deng!!!!! **SOLA SISTIM**TRIM**ESS GEE**BALLET LANE**
Yihaaaa!! Gak nyongko neng Indonesia ono sing dodol, opo meneh neng kuto solo. Huahaha...
Nobody read me (from Blue)
Oh no!
I knew only one person read me (only Bonchu)
Is it bad? I can't beat Sheldon or that writer...
That's OK, that's fine
I still can listen to Underworld anytime I want...
And I bet they don't like Underworld, just like they don't like to read me..
I think they don't know what kind of thing Underworld is..
I'm glad.. I'm glad..
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Setting album "GENIUS"
1. Dancing In The Grave (Skit) dibikin hari kamis kemaren, sip lagunya!
2. Konsleting
3. The Big Come Down
4. Get Use 2 It
5. Like This Like That
6. Peeping Ferruz
7. Time
8. Barring Crazy
9. Devil's Love Song
10. Sick
11. Noble's Blood
12. Something About Me
13. Vuck
14. Locked Up (Haloween Rave Mix)
I dah take vocal kamis kemaren : Get Use 2 It, Hilang, Api Suci & Beat you...
Jatah sebulan buat bayar listrik, telpon, air & keperluan rumah Rp.1.360.000!!!!
Modar aku!!!! Kurangannya cari duit dari mana ya???
Mbuh ah!!!!
1. Dancing In The Grave (Skit) dibikin hari kamis kemaren, sip lagunya!
2. Konsleting
3. The Big Come Down
4. Get Use 2 It
5. Like This Like That
6. Peeping Ferruz
7. Time
8. Barring Crazy
9. Devil's Love Song
10. Sick
11. Noble's Blood
12. Something About Me
13. Vuck
14. Locked Up (Haloween Rave Mix)
I dah take vocal kamis kemaren : Get Use 2 It, Hilang, Api Suci & Beat you...
Jatah sebulan buat bayar listrik, telpon, air & keperluan rumah Rp.1.360.000!!!!
Modar aku!!!! Kurangannya cari duit dari mana ya???
Mbuh ah!!!!
Beat You
Posted by Charly | Labels: my song lyrics | 0 comments
This is me
I'm gonna beat you, crush you down
Now I don't need your sympathy
(You're history)
And I'd never beg
I never get down on my knees
to pray you near me
Never think again about you and I
And I'll follow
The way you never reach before
I'll try to know above it all
And I don't care what you will say
Cuz I'll..
Beat you
Crush you
Smash you
Till you down
Look at me
Do I look precious or gorgeous to you now?
I think you're nothing
But a shit, still hanging around in this town
I push you down
And I never beg
I never get down on my knees
to pray you near me
Never think again about you and I
And I'll follow
The way you never reach before
I'll try to know above it all
And I don't care what you will say
Cuz I'll..
Beat you
Crush you
Smash you
Till you down
I'm gonna beat you, crush you down
Now I don't need your sympathy
(You're history)
And I'd never beg
I never get down on my knees
to pray you near me
Never think again about you and I
And I'll follow
The way you never reach before
I'll try to know above it all
And I don't care what you will say
Cuz I'll..
Beat you
Crush you
Smash you
Till you down
Look at me
Do I look precious or gorgeous to you now?
I think you're nothing
But a shit, still hanging around in this town
I push you down
And I never beg
I never get down on my knees
to pray you near me
Never think again about you and I
And I'll follow
The way you never reach before
I'll try to know above it all
And I don't care what you will say
Cuz I'll..
Beat you
Crush you
Smash you
Till you down
Klip Pertama
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Akhirnya Devilicia udah bikin V-klip...!!
Nggak pake planning, nggak direncana..
Itu juga karna hasil iseng-isengan anak-anak..
Ceritanya, anak-anak sebenernya mau syuting nglanjutin cerita 'KENANGE'.
Tapi karna waktu itu suasana Studio baru rame banget buat rekording GENK KOBRA, syuting 'KENANGE' batal..
Lha terus malah... pada iseng bikin klip ngawur...
Lagu yang dipilih anak-anak judulnya 'SARAP', ... padahal rencana, aku mau bikin yang 'ANGAN'..
Gila juga anak-anak!! Aku nggak dikasih tau kalo mereka bikin V-Klip itu..
Pas aku dateng jam 7 pagi ke studio, V-Klip udah jadi (tanpa aku)...
Asyik juga ide anak-anak..
Mereka gila-gilaan action megang bass & gitar, gak pake baju, cuman pake tas plastik item gedhe di balut kabel2. Mana gak pake celana lagi!! CD-nya si Blend sampe kelihatan tu!! Hahahah!! Untung lo pake topeng, Blend!!
Begitu aku dateng ke ruang editing dan ngeliat klip bikinan akan-anak, Pak YY usul, aku di shot sekalian aja pagi itu..
Dan akhirnya, jadi juga, walo gak ada kostum bagus, blom mandi & tampang masih gak karuan. Hehehe...Ngapain kostumnya bagus2? Khan cuman pake tas plastik gedhe doang, man!
Waktu itu mataku gak bisa melek, soalnya lampunya terang buanget! Ya trus terpaksa mata ditutup sama lakban item aja! Hahaha!!
Abis tu si Bonchu ngedit ulang nambahin aku di V-Klip itu..
Dan akhirnya, jadilah 'SARAP'!!
V-Klipnya asyiiiik!! Luv it!!
Tengkyu ya Chu!! YY!! Blend! Bejat!!!
Note :
Klip Type : Black & White
Song title : Sarap!
Kameramen : Bejat & Bonchu
Editing : Bonchu
Player Act :
- Idang = vocal
- Bonchu = Guitar 1
- YY = Bass
- Blend = Guitar 2
Nggak pake planning, nggak direncana..
Itu juga karna hasil iseng-isengan anak-anak..
Ceritanya, anak-anak sebenernya mau syuting nglanjutin cerita 'KENANGE'.
Tapi karna waktu itu suasana Studio baru rame banget buat rekording GENK KOBRA, syuting 'KENANGE' batal..
Lha terus malah... pada iseng bikin klip ngawur...
Lagu yang dipilih anak-anak judulnya 'SARAP', ... padahal rencana, aku mau bikin yang 'ANGAN'..
Gila juga anak-anak!! Aku nggak dikasih tau kalo mereka bikin V-Klip itu..
Pas aku dateng jam 7 pagi ke studio, V-Klip udah jadi (tanpa aku)...
Asyik juga ide anak-anak..
Mereka gila-gilaan action megang bass & gitar, gak pake baju, cuman pake tas plastik item gedhe di balut kabel2. Mana gak pake celana lagi!! CD-nya si Blend sampe kelihatan tu!! Hahahah!! Untung lo pake topeng, Blend!!
Begitu aku dateng ke ruang editing dan ngeliat klip bikinan akan-anak, Pak YY usul, aku di shot sekalian aja pagi itu..
Dan akhirnya, jadi juga, walo gak ada kostum bagus, blom mandi & tampang masih gak karuan. Hehehe...Ngapain kostumnya bagus2? Khan cuman pake tas plastik gedhe doang, man!
Waktu itu mataku gak bisa melek, soalnya lampunya terang buanget! Ya trus terpaksa mata ditutup sama lakban item aja! Hahaha!!
Abis tu si Bonchu ngedit ulang nambahin aku di V-Klip itu..
Dan akhirnya, jadilah 'SARAP'!!
V-Klipnya asyiiiik!! Luv it!!
Tengkyu ya Chu!! YY!! Blend! Bejat!!!
Note :
Klip Type : Black & White
Song title : Sarap!
Kameramen : Bejat & Bonchu
Editing : Bonchu
Player Act :
- Idang = vocal
- Bonchu = Guitar 1
- YY = Bass
- Blend = Guitar 2
AVC & V-Klip
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Udah di print Charly-nya, but I know i still have a lot of mistakes in some chapters!
Aku istirahat dulu ngoreksinya. Santai bentar biar yang di bathuk gak ngrempel! Wuzz..
Masih bingung nih, mikir Michelle sama Ariana. Enaknya digimanain ya?
Masak masuk ke tubuh Michelle? Bingung ngejelasinnya dong nanti...
Anak-anak AREA 51 udah nyusul anak-anak RIVAL bikin V-Klip, lagunya 'Tolong'. Yang bikin, siapa lagi kalo bukan Pak Bonchu yang tinggi ganteng itu?? Hehehehe...
Tinggal SASTRO sama DEVILICIA yang belum bikin..
Ntar nyusul kali..
Aku lagi bikin story-board, nih!
Udah di print Charly-nya, but I know i still have a lot of mistakes in some chapters!
Aku istirahat dulu ngoreksinya. Santai bentar biar yang di bathuk gak ngrempel! Wuzz..
Masih bingung nih, mikir Michelle sama Ariana. Enaknya digimanain ya?
Masak masuk ke tubuh Michelle? Bingung ngejelasinnya dong nanti...
Anak-anak AREA 51 udah nyusul anak-anak RIVAL bikin V-Klip, lagunya 'Tolong'. Yang bikin, siapa lagi kalo bukan Pak Bonchu yang tinggi ganteng itu?? Hehehehe...
Tinggal SASTRO sama DEVILICIA yang belum bikin..
Ntar nyusul kali..
Aku lagi bikin story-board, nih!
Queen Of The Damned
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian, review | 0 comments
Tadi malem aku jalan-jalan sama si Oncha ke SIngosaren, makan Beff Katsu & apple juice. Uenak wareg.
Sbenernya tadi pingin beli kaos, tapi sayang duitnya kalo buat beli kaos.. jadi ya beli VCD ajah...
Aku beli VCD originalnya QUEEN OF THE DAMNED
Cuman 35.000 perak... murah ???
Kok banyak yang ngomong kalo film itu jelek napa ya? Not obsessed with vamp?
Khan banyak vampnya Anne yang bisa diliat di situ. Marius, Pandora, Armand, Kayman, Maharet, Jesse, David,..
Bisa ngeliat akting terakhir almahrum Aliyaah jadi Akasha...
And thx to Jonathan Davis! Cool song, man! Hehehehe...
And download some 'cool' V-clips there!!
Sbenernya tadi pingin beli kaos, tapi sayang duitnya kalo buat beli kaos.. jadi ya beli VCD ajah...
Aku beli VCD originalnya QUEEN OF THE DAMNED
Cuman 35.000 perak... murah ???
Kok banyak yang ngomong kalo film itu jelek napa ya? Not obsessed with vamp?
Khan banyak vampnya Anne yang bisa diliat di situ. Marius, Pandora, Armand, Kayman, Maharet, Jesse, David,..
Bisa ngeliat akting terakhir almahrum Aliyaah jadi Akasha...
And thx to Jonathan Davis! Cool song, man! Hehehehe...
And download some 'cool' V-clips there!!
Berita Duka Beruntun
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian, kucing, R.I.P | 0 comments
Kangen, dengerin lagi Mindless Self Indulgence sama Hive...
Untung masih punya CD-nya...
Asiiik deh! Hehehe....
Telah meninggal dunia dengan kaku teman kami
Jenazah diketemukan pagi jam 07:30 oleh Asti, di bawah kursi ruang cucian, dalam keadaan terbujur kaku tanpa nyawa.
Jenazah akan dikebumikan hari ini jam...(terserah sing ngubur), di kebon belakang.
Turut berduka cita:
Diyot : Keluarga baru
Oscar : Keluarga baru
Semoga arwah teman kami diterima disisi Tuhan YME.
Untung masih punya CD-nya...
Asiiik deh! Hehehe....
Telah meninggal dunia dengan kaku teman kami
Jenazah diketemukan pagi jam 07:30 oleh Asti, di bawah kursi ruang cucian, dalam keadaan terbujur kaku tanpa nyawa.
Jenazah akan dikebumikan hari ini jam...(terserah sing ngubur), di kebon belakang.
Turut berduka cita:
Diyot : Keluarga baru
Oscar : Keluarga baru
Semoga arwah teman kami diterima disisi Tuhan YME.
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian, kucing, R.I.P | 0 comments
Telah meninggal dunia dengan kaku teman kami
Jenazah diketemukan pagi jam 05:30 oleh Bude Mur di bawah pohon mangga, pojok tembok, dalam keadaan terbujur kaku tanpa nyawa.
Jenazah akan dikebumikan hari ini jam...(terserah sing ngubur), di kebon belakang.
Turut berduka cita:
Diyot : Suami 1
Oscar : Suami 2
Puchik : Teman seperguruan
Semoga arwah teman kami diterima disisi Tuhan YME.
Telah meninggal dunia dengan kaku teman kami
Jenazah diketemukan pagi jam 05:30 oleh Bude Mur di bawah pohon mangga, pojok tembok, dalam keadaan terbujur kaku tanpa nyawa.
Jenazah akan dikebumikan hari ini jam...(terserah sing ngubur), di kebon belakang.
Turut berduka cita:
Diyot : Suami 1
Oscar : Suami 2
Puchik : Teman seperguruan
Semoga arwah teman kami diterima disisi Tuhan YME.
Kau Berpaling
Posted by Charly | Labels: my song lyrics | 0 comments
Kini kutahu
Sekarang kau dengan dia
Dan kumerasa
Dialah orang yang kau cinta
Ku selalu berharap
Semoga itu tak terjadi
Tapi ku tak menyangka
Berakhir seperti ini
Semua hilang
karna kau berpaling
Semua hilang
karna bayang-bayangnya
Semua hilang
Karna kau berpaling
Semua hilang
karna bayang-bayangnya
Saat dia denganmu
Hatiku tak menentu
Kucoba menghindar
Menjauh darimu
Ku selalu berharap
Semoga kau dengannya
Bahagia selamanya
Dan aku rela
Semua hilang
karna kau berpaling
Semua hilang
karna bayang-bayangnya
Semua hilang
Karna kau berpaling
Semua hilang
karna bayang-bayangnya
29 Agt 02 around 02.30 - 03.00 AM
Sekarang kau dengan dia
Dan kumerasa
Dialah orang yang kau cinta
Ku selalu berharap
Semoga itu tak terjadi
Tapi ku tak menyangka
Berakhir seperti ini
Semua hilang
karna kau berpaling
Semua hilang
karna bayang-bayangnya
Semua hilang
Karna kau berpaling
Semua hilang
karna bayang-bayangnya
Saat dia denganmu
Hatiku tak menentu
Kucoba menghindar
Menjauh darimu
Ku selalu berharap
Semoga kau dengannya
Bahagia selamanya
Dan aku rela
Semua hilang
karna kau berpaling
Semua hilang
karna bayang-bayangnya
Semua hilang
Karna kau berpaling
Semua hilang
karna bayang-bayangnya
29 Agt 02 around 02.30 - 03.00 AM
Boxset Packaging
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Akhirnya setelah mengupload sebagian lagu album R.I.P, tidur juga deh....
Kagak jadi nonton, sore-sore malah mixing lagu sama Pak DD. Mixing belum selesai, studio udah ada yang booking. Wee lhaaa...Piye nek ngono kuwi. Harus bikin jadwal dulu kali. Tapi kalo minggu ini, mungkin Pak DDnya gak bisa. Keburu balik ke JKT dia. Payah... Lha aku mxing karo sopo no??
Dibantuin Lik Acung masang CD Writer. Hari ini langsung sukses nge-burn 5 CD yang mau dikirimin ke Italy...
1. Melarikan Diri (Quiet)
2. Promises Broken
3. Nuthin' (Sax Is Nuthin' Mix)
4. Searching (PLN Mix)
5. Vamp's Song 2002 (Rvb)
6. Astavitj
7. Barring Mix
8. Blackened
9. Dream (EQ)
10. Harmonic Paranoia
11. My Garden Soul
Cheap Illusion
1. Let's Play For A while
2. Line 04
3. Sucker's Pet
4. Harmonic Paranoia
1. Vamp's Song (Shallow Mix)
2. Kenapa Aku (Rainy Mix)
3. Bosan
4. The Chase
5. Lost
6. The Fragile
7. My Sweet Prince
8. Barring 02
9. Dream
10. Vamp's Song (Story Mix)
Alternatif Industrial
1. Kenapa Aku
2. Absinthe
3. I'm A Liar
4. Lost (Alternative Version)
5. Nuthin'
6. Plague
7. Dancing In The Grave
8. Take It Back
9. Angan
10. Sarap
Bonus Acoustic :
- The Count Song
1. Serang
2. Vuck
3. Sleep
4. Long Time
5. Pexte
6. Zelim Da Ti Kazem Sve
7. Gila Aku Ini (version)
8. Keno Sarape
9. Aku Wong Edan
10. Buntu (version)
11. Devil's Love Song
12. What RU Doing Now Babe?
13. Lagu Tidur (versi ndlogok)
14. It's Your Life
15. The Day When The World Went Away
16. Gombale Mbahmu
17. Gombale Mletho
Kagak jadi nonton, sore-sore malah mixing lagu sama Pak DD. Mixing belum selesai, studio udah ada yang booking. Wee lhaaa...Piye nek ngono kuwi. Harus bikin jadwal dulu kali. Tapi kalo minggu ini, mungkin Pak DDnya gak bisa. Keburu balik ke JKT dia. Payah... Lha aku mxing karo sopo no??
Dibantuin Lik Acung masang CD Writer. Hari ini langsung sukses nge-burn 5 CD yang mau dikirimin ke Italy...
1. Melarikan Diri (Quiet)
2. Promises Broken
3. Nuthin' (Sax Is Nuthin' Mix)
4. Searching (PLN Mix)
5. Vamp's Song 2002 (Rvb)
6. Astavitj
7. Barring Mix
8. Blackened
9. Dream (EQ)
10. Harmonic Paranoia
11. My Garden Soul
Cheap Illusion
1. Let's Play For A while
2. Line 04
3. Sucker's Pet
4. Harmonic Paranoia
1. Vamp's Song (Shallow Mix)
2. Kenapa Aku (Rainy Mix)
3. Bosan
4. The Chase
5. Lost
6. The Fragile
7. My Sweet Prince
8. Barring 02
9. Dream
10. Vamp's Song (Story Mix)
Alternatif Industrial
1. Kenapa Aku
2. Absinthe
3. I'm A Liar
4. Lost (Alternative Version)
5. Nuthin'
6. Plague
7. Dancing In The Grave
8. Take It Back
9. Angan
10. Sarap
Bonus Acoustic :
- The Count Song
1. Serang
2. Vuck
3. Sleep
4. Long Time
5. Pexte
6. Zelim Da Ti Kazem Sve
7. Gila Aku Ini (version)
8. Keno Sarape
9. Aku Wong Edan
10. Buntu (version)
11. Devil's Love Song
12. What RU Doing Now Babe?
13. Lagu Tidur (versi ndlogok)
14. It's Your Life
15. The Day When The World Went Away
16. Gombale Mbahmu
17. Gombale Mletho
Posted by Charly | Labels: my song lyrics | 0 comments
It doesn't matter anymore
Everytime you tell me to kill it away
I know that you show your decent
I do care if you try to get it
If they know..
Whatta fuck they gonna say?
Not enough evidence to convince them
They don't care everything in this world
They have fill that word in the book of life
We're the vain
We're the game
We're in pain
Were in this sin
We're everything gone wrong
When everything is wrong
I'm the girl
Your the boy
I'm the woman
You're the man
I'm breakin' out my heart in you spare time
Spare time...
I'm nuthin...
I'm nuthin...
I'm nuthin...
I'm nuthin...
Everytime you tell me to kill it away
I know that you show your decent
I do care if you try to get it
If they know..
Whatta fuck they gonna say?
Not enough evidence to convince them
They don't care everything in this world
They have fill that word in the book of life
We're the vain
We're the game
We're in pain
Were in this sin
We're everything gone wrong
When everything is wrong
I'm the girl
Your the boy
I'm the woman
You're the man
I'm breakin' out my heart in you spare time
Spare time...
I'm nuthin...
I'm nuthin...
I'm nuthin...
I'm nuthin...
Posted by Charly | Labels: my song lyrics | 0 comments
Kini diriku tak sendiri lagi
Ada api yang slalu menemani
Dia disini bantuku temui
Apa yang slama ini kucari
kemana arah tujuanku nanti
Singkirkan saja semua penghalang
Usir si jahat hilang di pikiran
Ganti semua dengan yang berarti
Nyalakan apiku yang suci
jangan padam lagi apiku suci
Memang telah banyak yang terjadi
dan semua harus aku lalui
Walau aku jatuh dan jatuh lagi
tapi kutak mau lagi sembunyi
Ku tak akan lagi bersembunyi
Singkirkan saja semua penghalang
Usir si jahat hilang di pikiran
Ganti semua dengan yang berarti
Nyalakan apiku yang suci
jangan padam lagi apiku suci
Ada api yang slalu menemani
Dia disini bantuku temui
Apa yang slama ini kucari
kemana arah tujuanku nanti
Singkirkan saja semua penghalang
Usir si jahat hilang di pikiran
Ganti semua dengan yang berarti
Nyalakan apiku yang suci
jangan padam lagi apiku suci
Memang telah banyak yang terjadi
dan semua harus aku lalui
Walau aku jatuh dan jatuh lagi
tapi kutak mau lagi sembunyi
Ku tak akan lagi bersembunyi
Singkirkan saja semua penghalang
Usir si jahat hilang di pikiran
Ganti semua dengan yang berarti
Nyalakan apiku yang suci
jangan padam lagi apiku suci
Diambil Dari Komik Manga apa judulnya aku lupa
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Apakah hatimu tak bisa bersikap jujur?
Jika aku bisa jujur, pasti hatiku akan lega sekali...
Tapi aku tak tahu harus bagaimana untuk jujur...
Jika aku bisa jujur, pasti hatiku akan lega sekali...
Tapi aku tak tahu harus bagaimana untuk jujur...
Posted by Charly | Labels: tips | 0 comments
Jumpa lagi dengan Dang Ping di acara-acaraan! Hehehe..
Urusan yang belum selesai sudah terselesaikan baru satu. Yaitu yang nomer 4. Sementara yang nomer 2 sedang akan dilakukan. Setelah itu, insyaallah menyelesaikan urusan yang no. 1. Dan kalau yang nomer 1 selesai, baru menyelesaikan yang no. 3. Alon-alon asal kelakon. Dan kalau ke-empat urusan itu sudah selesai, akan ada urusan yang baru yang lebih menentukan untuk masa depan. Ya Allah, bantulah...
Sembayang? Berdoa??
Agar lebih khusuk,..
- Serahkan semua pada Tuhan YME, percaya kalau Tuhan itu benar-benar ada, dan mulai menyatu dengan alam..
- Rasakan sampai kita benar-benar menemukan tempat yang nyaman dihati kita, baru mulai berdoa...
Koreksi diri kita sendiri..
-Setiap kita melakukan sesuatu, selalu tanyakan apa yang sudah kita lakukan kepada diri kita sendiri dengan menaati ajaran Tuhan.
salah atau benarkah apa yang sudah / akan kita lakukan. Dengan begitu, kita bisa mengoreksi diri kita sendiri kalau kita melakukan sesuatu yang salah. Dan insyaallah kita tidak akan mengulangi kesalahan itu lagi. Yang terbaik adalah, ... dengan melakukan seperti itu kita akan selalu ingat kepada Tuhan dan tidak akan lupa sesuatu yang penting...
I'm not a philosop, but I'm about to say this...
Omongan gombal opo tho ikik????? Menurutku iki dudu omongan gombal. Iki omongane wong waras...
Jumpa lagi dengan Dang Ping di acara-acaraan! Hehehe..
Urusan yang belum selesai sudah terselesaikan baru satu. Yaitu yang nomer 4. Sementara yang nomer 2 sedang akan dilakukan. Setelah itu, insyaallah menyelesaikan urusan yang no. 1. Dan kalau yang nomer 1 selesai, baru menyelesaikan yang no. 3. Alon-alon asal kelakon. Dan kalau ke-empat urusan itu sudah selesai, akan ada urusan yang baru yang lebih menentukan untuk masa depan. Ya Allah, bantulah...
Sembayang? Berdoa??
Agar lebih khusuk,..
- Serahkan semua pada Tuhan YME, percaya kalau Tuhan itu benar-benar ada, dan mulai menyatu dengan alam..
- Rasakan sampai kita benar-benar menemukan tempat yang nyaman dihati kita, baru mulai berdoa...
Koreksi diri kita sendiri..
-Setiap kita melakukan sesuatu, selalu tanyakan apa yang sudah kita lakukan kepada diri kita sendiri dengan menaati ajaran Tuhan.
salah atau benarkah apa yang sudah / akan kita lakukan. Dengan begitu, kita bisa mengoreksi diri kita sendiri kalau kita melakukan sesuatu yang salah. Dan insyaallah kita tidak akan mengulangi kesalahan itu lagi. Yang terbaik adalah, ... dengan melakukan seperti itu kita akan selalu ingat kepada Tuhan dan tidak akan lupa sesuatu yang penting...
I'm not a philosop, but I'm about to say this...
Omongan gombal opo tho ikik????? Menurutku iki dudu omongan gombal. Iki omongane wong waras...
Posted by Charly | Labels: jowo, stress, tips | 0 comments
Pokok-e lakoni wae sing menurutmu apik. Ojo keganggu karo cangkemane uwong-uwong sing ora nggenah lan marakke gawe nesu thok...
Sing nyangkem sakkarepe dhewe ki mesti ora mudeng uripe uwong sing sengsoro. Mesti ora ngerti rekosone uwong sing uwis insyaf sing pingin dadi wong apik...
Jadi kesimpulane,... uwong sing arep isyaf kuwi, godaane akeh. Yen ora sabar, mesti setane dho metu lan nggodo-nggodo terus...
Pancen angel banget ngusir setan kuwi.
Gempur setan-setan jahat!!!!!!!!!
Sing nyangkem sakkarepe dhewe ki mesti ora mudeng uripe uwong sing sengsoro. Mesti ora ngerti rekosone uwong sing uwis insyaf sing pingin dadi wong apik...
Jadi kesimpulane,... uwong sing arep isyaf kuwi, godaane akeh. Yen ora sabar, mesti setane dho metu lan nggodo-nggodo terus...
Pancen angel banget ngusir setan kuwi.
Gempur setan-setan jahat!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Charly | Labels: cerpen bahasa inggris | 0 comments
This is not the beginning, and this is not the end. The story will goes and goes more sadly until we grow up and waiting death to come. Who am I? I'm nobody. I'm just a person who thinks and worries too much. How old am I? Maybe I'm younger than you are. Even I am older. I'm growing up. Do I understand myself? Sometimes I do. Do I recognize myself? Not quite clearly though. Life must go on. And day-by-day I learn many things. Sometimes I ask myself, whose life is this? This life belongs to everybody. But I definitely see some gap. It's about freedom. It's about you can do what you want to do with nobody controls you. It's about fair.
I watched many people force many people to do things. The people from the environment, families, and the neighboorhood. Or somewhere else. They can't do what ever they want all the time and fine what's them. They never satisfied. The day when they started to think they should get away from all of their will, they will become a rebellion. They will no longer trust their words and keeps them far away from the real world. And then they become a person who feels alone. Like when I said; "They are around, but I never feel their presence." I am a person who loves the night, the darkness and loneliness. I only find happiness when there is nobody beside me. I talk to myself, I fantasize my own world, and I started to forget outside world. I locked myself in my room to stay away from their dirty talks about me. My room became my home. The safest place in this world, and the better place where I could build my experiences.
I don't know how long I could stay that way; I never count the days. I almost forgot the days, the date, and the time. The time going so fast sometimes, but it also going so slow. I don't know what's important to me anymore.
I try to warn you here. Don't wasting your time - too much with the moment of loneliness. Otherwise you will be like me. Trap inside in the different world and can't get out. The world that you have created on purpose is very dangerous for your life. If you always stay in it, you will not easily be able to be a strong person, not easily be able to be a patient person, not easily be able to be good. Believe it or not, it happened to me and it's not a dream. In the past, I became a devil. I didn't realize if it is bad for me, and I just kept on walk in that way. When I woke up in the morning from my long loneliness, everything changes - Darkness all around. The favorite colors were blue and black. Minor was the best song to hear. There were no tears anymore. I was full of hatred, I was full of sins, and full of revenge. Devilish smiles ware appear everyday. I did, melancholy died in the half part. I became someone who has my own world and rules. No one could destroy me, and no one could disturb me. I became a people that had new things around. I had a new world, new life, and new soul. I've gone to far from my loneliness. I couldn't bare it. The emotions exploded. I never gave a shit to anything. I've been stuck in the different world of mine, seeing people as they were not people but aliens.
Now I realized. That way is no good for me. That was wrong. I failed to protect my life old days. Trapped into my own fantasies and make my own illusions became real. I was banished from the real world just because my fault. I never knew if that time I was trapped in the underworld and suffered in my coma.
And now? Will I change or not? Will I have a chance to survive or not/ I don't know. I still have a choice. If I go the wrong way, my heart will stop and I would die. From the bottom of heart and in my soul. I do. I do want to be a good person. I do, want to make everybody happy.
I do...
I watched many people force many people to do things. The people from the environment, families, and the neighboorhood. Or somewhere else. They can't do what ever they want all the time and fine what's them. They never satisfied. The day when they started to think they should get away from all of their will, they will become a rebellion. They will no longer trust their words and keeps them far away from the real world. And then they become a person who feels alone. Like when I said; "They are around, but I never feel their presence." I am a person who loves the night, the darkness and loneliness. I only find happiness when there is nobody beside me. I talk to myself, I fantasize my own world, and I started to forget outside world. I locked myself in my room to stay away from their dirty talks about me. My room became my home. The safest place in this world, and the better place where I could build my experiences.
I don't know how long I could stay that way; I never count the days. I almost forgot the days, the date, and the time. The time going so fast sometimes, but it also going so slow. I don't know what's important to me anymore.
I try to warn you here. Don't wasting your time - too much with the moment of loneliness. Otherwise you will be like me. Trap inside in the different world and can't get out. The world that you have created on purpose is very dangerous for your life. If you always stay in it, you will not easily be able to be a strong person, not easily be able to be a patient person, not easily be able to be good. Believe it or not, it happened to me and it's not a dream. In the past, I became a devil. I didn't realize if it is bad for me, and I just kept on walk in that way. When I woke up in the morning from my long loneliness, everything changes - Darkness all around. The favorite colors were blue and black. Minor was the best song to hear. There were no tears anymore. I was full of hatred, I was full of sins, and full of revenge. Devilish smiles ware appear everyday. I did, melancholy died in the half part. I became someone who has my own world and rules. No one could destroy me, and no one could disturb me. I became a people that had new things around. I had a new world, new life, and new soul. I've gone to far from my loneliness. I couldn't bare it. The emotions exploded. I never gave a shit to anything. I've been stuck in the different world of mine, seeing people as they were not people but aliens.
Now I realized. That way is no good for me. That was wrong. I failed to protect my life old days. Trapped into my own fantasies and make my own illusions became real. I was banished from the real world just because my fault. I never knew if that time I was trapped in the underworld and suffered in my coma.
And now? Will I change or not? Will I have a chance to survive or not/ I don't know. I still have a choice. If I go the wrong way, my heart will stop and I would die. From the bottom of heart and in my soul. I do. I do want to be a good person. I do, want to make everybody happy.
I do...
Joy In Small Places - David Usher featuring Snow
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Well I woke up last night in a technology haze
My eyes were all sparked
From this common malaise
So I found me a doctor who said he'd even me out
Take my highs and my lows
'Cause the colours were just to loud
And as the day becomes night
And we only want greys
And the innocence runs out
Well this is the price to pay
Mr. Jangle what you gonna do when the sun breaks down and the rain pours through
Tell me baby, what you gonna do this time
Mr. Jangle what you gonna do when the sun breaks down and the rain pours through
Tell me baby, what you gonna do this time
This time, what you gonna do this time
What you gonna do, gonna do
You got caught on my teeth so I spit out my tongue
And I cut off these hands just to see if the feeling would come
And we drank 'til we drowned 'til we chocked on the world
And we bathed in the beauty of all of you
Mr. Jangle what you gonna do when the sun breaks down and the rain pours through
Tell me baby, what you gonna do this time
Mr. Jangle what you gonna do when the sun breaks down and the rain pours through
Tell me baby, what you gonna do this time
This time, what you gonna do this time
What you gonna do, gonna do
Can't can't can't wait 'til tomorrow comes
(hold on)
Well I woke up last night just outside of myself
Skin hair bone broke down cell by single cell
And I could not believe I had died in my sleep
Just drowned in the beauty of all of you
Mr. Jangle what you gonna do when the sun breaks down and the rain pours through
Tell me baby, what you gonna do this time
Mr. Jangle what you gonna do when the sun breaks down and the rain pours through
Tell me baby, what you gonna do this time
This time, what you gonna do this time
What you gonna do, gonna do
Can't can't can't wait 'til tomorrow comes
Because there's joy in small places
Can't wait 'til tomorrow comes
Can't wait 'til tomorrow comes
It comes in small places...
My eyes were all sparked
From this common malaise
So I found me a doctor who said he'd even me out
Take my highs and my lows
'Cause the colours were just to loud
And as the day becomes night
And we only want greys
And the innocence runs out
Well this is the price to pay
Mr. Jangle what you gonna do when the sun breaks down and the rain pours through
Tell me baby, what you gonna do this time
Mr. Jangle what you gonna do when the sun breaks down and the rain pours through
Tell me baby, what you gonna do this time
This time, what you gonna do this time
What you gonna do, gonna do
You got caught on my teeth so I spit out my tongue
And I cut off these hands just to see if the feeling would come
And we drank 'til we drowned 'til we chocked on the world
And we bathed in the beauty of all of you
Mr. Jangle what you gonna do when the sun breaks down and the rain pours through
Tell me baby, what you gonna do this time
Mr. Jangle what you gonna do when the sun breaks down and the rain pours through
Tell me baby, what you gonna do this time
This time, what you gonna do this time
What you gonna do, gonna do
Can't can't can't wait 'til tomorrow comes
(hold on)
Well I woke up last night just outside of myself
Skin hair bone broke down cell by single cell
And I could not believe I had died in my sleep
Just drowned in the beauty of all of you
Mr. Jangle what you gonna do when the sun breaks down and the rain pours through
Tell me baby, what you gonna do this time
Mr. Jangle what you gonna do when the sun breaks down and the rain pours through
Tell me baby, what you gonna do this time
This time, what you gonna do this time
What you gonna do, gonna do
Can't can't can't wait 'til tomorrow comes
Because there's joy in small places
Can't wait 'til tomorrow comes
Can't wait 'til tomorrow comes
It comes in small places...
Posted by Charly | Labels: cerpen bahasa indo | 0 comments
Iya memang.
Memang bisa dipercaya.
Aku punya tempat favorit di atas tebing.
Dan aku sering duduk berdua dengan saudaraku di sana.
Duduk beristirahat menenangkan pikiran di atas tebing..
Terbang bermil-mil ke atas langit...
Memang bisa dipercaya.
Aku punya tempat favorit di atas tebing.
Dan aku sering duduk berdua dengan saudaraku di sana.
Duduk beristirahat menenangkan pikiran di atas tebing..
Terbang bermil-mil ke atas langit...
Posted by Charly | Labels: jowo, my song lyrics, stress berat, tips | 0 comments
Aku ki sakjane ora ngerti....
Aku ono pitakon akeh banget menyang awakku dhewe..
1. Asline ono opo ora tho uwong sing arep nyingkirki aku?
2. Sing anyel karo aku sopo wae? Kok aku iso dadi koyo ngene?
3. Aku iki wis doso opo menyang uwong-uwong?
4. Yen ono uwong sing arep nyingkirke aku, wong kuwi sopo?
5. Terus ngopo kok uwong kuwi pingin nyingkirki aku?
6. Opo aku tau duwe salah karo uwong kuwi?
7. Opo aku iki ora koyo bocah-bocah wedok liyane sing urip neng donyo iki?
8. Opo nganti tuwo aku kudu nuruti kersane uwong-uwong terus?
9. Ngopo kok aku iso kelangan dalanku?
10. Aku dadi kelangan dalanku opo goro-gorone aku dilarang?
11. Terus usahaku sing wiwit ndisik tak ciptakke kuwi opo ora ono gunane?
12. Opo lagu-laguku & karangan-karanganku ora ono mutune?
13. Ngopo kok opo sing wis tak gawe selama iki ora di restoni keluargaku?
14. Opo keluargaku dho ora seneng karo karangan-karanganku lan musikku?
15. Ngopo kok sedulur-sedulurku ono sing pingin nyingkirke aku? (krosoku koyo ngono)
16. Opo aku iki ancaman?
17. Kowe sing wis dho ngrungokke musikku! Opo kowe ora seneng?
18. Opo lirik-lirik seng tak gawe kabeh ora ono mutune?
19. Knopo aku gawene dituduh sing ora-ora? (yen masalah kuwi, aku ora iso mbelo awakku dhewe...)
20. Opo kerjo ngafe ki ora ilok?
21. Kenopo sing tak lakoni iki ora tau didukung wong tuwo?
22. Kenopo kok yen wong tuwoku ndukung opo sing tak lakoni, kethoke kok kepekso??
23. Opo pancen aku wis ora gathuk kalo keluargaku?
24. Opo kabeh keluargaku sing wis mati dho anyel karo aku?
25. Opo kabeh keluargaku sing wis mati ora ngerti perasaanku karo sejatine uripku sing dudu seko cangkemane uwong-uwong?
26. Opo aku iki pancen ra nggenah?
27. Yen aku ora nggenah, kok aku isih nduwe ati?
28. Kenopo kok kabeh dho ngrumangsani aku olo?
29. Opo aku pancen olo tenan?
30. Opo wis rusak tenan donyo iki?
Tak blakakke wae...
Sakjane aku iki ora pingin nyusahke mas-masku. Mesakke. Koyone aku iki mung ngrusak keluarga. Goro-goro opo? Opo ono cangkeman-cangkeman sing ora apik??? Yen ono cangkeme sopo wae?
Nganti ono kejadian opo sing aku ora ngerti (sing nyangkut awakku),...begitu aku ngerti aku dadi kaget, soale aku iki bener-bener ora ngerti...
Asline, aku wegah omah iki, aku wegah mobil, aku wegah opo-opo...
Aku seneng angger aku iso urip dhewe tanpo nyusahke keluarga. Mbuh aku arep manggon ngendi, aku rangerti...
Yen aku iso golek duwit dhewe, urip neng panggon sing sewulane mbayar murah, iso mangan cukup, ora kakehan pikiran goro2 keluarga sing ribut ngributke aku,
Aku iso seneng yen aku iso urip tentrem nggoleki dalanku dhewe tanpo di pekso-pekso, tanpo kon ngene kon ngono, ora kakehan cangkem sing nyocot nggowo-nggowo jenengku lan crito-crito sing ora bener. Aku anyel provokator keluarga..
Kethok-e yen dikon milih keluarga utowo koncoku sing ranggenah kui, aku jelas milih sing diajarke gusti Allah menyang aku. Sing di ajarke gusti Allah kuwi, : ORA PARENG DURHOKO MENYANG WONG TUWO. Aku sadar lan aku paham banget. Gusti Allah wis mbukakke dalanku. Gusti Allah ngajarke kuwi.. Dadi yo aku kudu ngamali opo sing diajarke gusti Allah. Masalah suk emben aku arep karo sopo, aku ora ngerti. Gusti Allah sing nentokke. Sing jelas, gusti Allah ngerti tresnoku ki sejatine karo sopo....
Sak jane neng njero atiku... yen aku kon milih, aku ora milih loro-lorone. Aku luwih milih awakku dhewe...
Sakjane aku pingin lungo seko omah iki, nggolek nggon urip dhewe..
Jane aku luwih milih lungo. Luwih milih lungo lan njaluk restu menyang keluargaku, yen aku arep lungo seko omah iki. Lungo dhewe...
Aku wegah njelaske kabeh menyang uwong-uwong. Ora ono gunane, soale aku wis dianggep rusak.
Rusak goro-goro cangkemane uwong-uwong opo aku ngrusak awakku dhewe, MBUH!
Aku ki ngopo tho? HAHAHAHAHAH!!
Edah tenan, aku ora nangis! Malah rasane aku nduwe semangat anyar, koyo-koyone awakku kobong kabeh, goro-goro duwe pinginan sing bener-bener aku yakin..
Tapi aku ora iso nglakoni kuwi. Aku ora arep durhoko menyang gusti Allah. Aku ora arep durhoko menyang wong tuwo.
Jane yen aku lungo seko omah kene, aku isih iso nulis, mbok-o ora nganggo komputer, aku isih iso tuku buku nggo orek-orek.
Aku isih iso nulis lagu nganggo cangkemku dhewe NA NA NA NA...
Tapi mung siji masalahe. Aku ora iso lungo seko kene soale aku ora arep durhoko menyang wong tuwo.
Jane yen aku lungo seko ngomah kene, :
Papahku ora usah repot2 ngethoke duwit nggo mbayar internet, karo mbiyayani uripku.
Mas masku ora repot goro-goro aku.
Mas-masku lan keluargane ora repot goro-goro aku
Aku seneng.
Mesti kabeh dadi tentrem...
Tapi ternyata sing kudune mbenekke urip kuwi awakku dhewe. Dadi aku yo kudu berusaha mbenekke urip, ojo kegowo emosiku sing ora bener...
Tapi yen aku lungo seko kene mengko mesti dadine yo podho wae. Mesti yo isih ono cangkeman-cangkeman sing ora apik. Uwong-uwong kuwi pancen seneng gawe masalah wae!!! Bajingan Asu!
Ono sing ngomong, yen aku iki butuh uwong sing iso ngerti aku, tapi selama iki aku durung nemokke...
Aku ora iso nemokke uwong sing iso ngerti aku, soale aku ora iso ngalahke cangkemane uwong-uwong sing ora mutu kuwi...
Terus, ono sing ngomong... yen uwong-uwong ki sakjane males nulung aku.. Goro-goro opo???????
Opo aku ki jahat banget karo uwong-uwong???????????
Opo aku iki durhoko karo uwong tuwo yo???
Lha terus, sak jek-e uripku nganti lair sampe saiki, yen aku nangis nangisi sopo??????????????
Opo rumangsane aku ora sayang karo keluargaku po??????? Opo aku ora sayang karo konco-koncoku?????????
Selama iki justru aku malah ora sayang karo awakku dhewe!!!! Goro-goro opo? Goro-goro sopo???? Opo Goro-goro aku dhewe??????
Opo aku iki pancen jahate ngungkuli setan???????
Yo wis, saiki aku kudu siap-siap. Aku wis dike-i geni, aku kudu ngurupke geni kuwi. Lan pasrahke wae kabeh karo sing neng nduwur.
Mugo-mugo dalanku iki bener...
Aku ora arep kalah karo cangkemane uwong-uwong sing ora mutu!!!
Ben wae yen aku wis kesingkir..
Mugo-mugo uwong sing nyingkirke aku kuwi iso seneng.
Aku ora butuh opo-opo kok. Yen omah gedhene sak mene, duwit akeh, tapi uripku ora iso seneng..kuwi nggo opo?
Pek-en kabeh.. aku ora butuh....
Sing tak butuhke kuwi jane, tentreme keluargaku, senenge uripe papahku..
Aku iki malah nggawe ora tentrem keluargaku...
Aku jane wis ora iso neng kene meneh..
Aku jane kudu lungo..
Aku jane pingin memperjuangke awakku dhewe urip neng njobo tanpo mikirke kuwi-kuwi terus!!
Aku jane pingin lungo!!
Tapi ojo tho nduk! Nduk! OJO DURHOKO MENYANG WONG TUWO!!!
Wis lah! Trimak-trimakno wae yen uripmu koyo ngono..
Hidup Idang!!! Sing penting isih iso tetep berkarya!!!
Ternyataaa!!!!!!!!! Cocok tenan lirik-lirik sing selama iki wis tak gawe karo uripku!!!!!!
Pancen kuwi uripku!!! Urip mung neng njero lirik lagu!!!!
Dimana ku harus berlari
Hati ini rasa tak pasti
Ku slalu merasa sendiri
Aku senang bersembunyi
Ciptakan sgala ilusi
Diam di tempat yang sangat sepi
Dengan resah, penuh sesal
mereka memandangku
takut tak menentu yang kurasa
Semua hanya angan...ku..
Tertawa usir gelisah
Bawa hayalku ke relung jiwa
Awan gelap bintang-bintang bertaburan
Bawa anganku menepis asa
Bayangkan sebuah dunia
Dimana ku bisa bebas melakukan apa saja
Dengan resah, penuh sesal
mereka memandangku
takut tak menentu yang kurasa
Semua hanya angan...ku..
Melarikan diri
Kuhanyalah sang pemimpi
Yang menunggu dan berharap
Rasanya tak kuat lagi
Ingin diriku terlelap
Pulas tak bergeming
hingga tak kudengar suara mereka menghina
Damai dalam hangat
Berat diriku untuk bangun lagi
Nyenyak tidur ku disini
Tapi serasa di langit
Tak bisa lagi bermimpi
Lelah tubuhku yang sakit
Kapan kau datang
Selamatkan aku, bawa aku pergi dari sini
Kapan kau tepati
Ucapan yang kau janjikan
Saat kutanya kau selalu menjawab
Ku hanya menjerumuskanmu dari dunia mimpimu menuju lorong yang gelap,
dan pengap
Ku hanya larikan dirimu menjauhi mereka yang kau benci
Pesta pora kau disana
Senyum sinis kumelihat
Dan kau begitu bahagia
Kuberlinang air mata
Kukutuk dirimu
Tak mungkin pernah lepas dariku, dimanapun kau berada
Kumaki dirimu
Dengarkan aku bicara
Saat itu akan kukatakan
Kau slalu menjerumuskanku menyeretku jauh ke dalam tanah yang lembab
Kau telah ajari diriku cara untuk melarikan diri
Kau ajari aku melarikan diri...
Sesaat kau pikir apa yang kau lakukan
memilih berjalan ke kiri atau ke kanan
sekali langkahmu salah kau tak akan bisa kembali lagi
pikiranmu sudah tak bisa diajak kompromi
kau biarkan debu-debu itu menyiksa
tubuhmu otakmu jiwamu duniamu
dirimu semakin jauh
dirimu semakin jauh
Kau mulai berjalan di atas awan
di kepung asap-asap putih yang tebal dan menyesakkan
dan bumi kini serasa bukan tempat tinggalmu lagi
Apakah kau tahu itu?
Dimana dirimu sekarang kau sendiripun tak pernah tahu
tenggelam di dasar laut bagai kapal yang ditelan badai
terbang ditiup angin bagain daun-daun kering yang sedang berguguran
Yang kau tahu hanyalah kenikmatan terbang
untuk beberapa saat sebelum semua berakhir
di depan matamu
Setelah semua berakhir kau mulai menikam......
Hilang semua hilang
tak tahu kemana perginya
hilang semua hilang
Take It Back
You don't know, You probably wrong
You judge them,
Well you don't know if they have the face
But you might be true, like they said
They knew you, from your fake appearance
Don't you know if you right or you wrong
Or you just pretend that you were the brilliant one
You're trying to hide your weaknesses
Make them to see no worry at all
Too many rules, destroy their freedom
Well you wrong if they can move with your rules
Many people die from cancer
Cuz their mind was poisoned by your desire
They know that you're right and you're strong
You are the best from the most of all
You have your reason and providence
Stop playing your stupid law
Can't you see them worry at all
Take it back, you mean!
They know that you're right and you're strong
You are the best from the most of all
You're trying to hide your weaknesses
Make them to see no worry at all
Don't you know if you right or you wrong
Or you just pretend that you were the brilliant one
You have your reason and providence
Stop playing your stupid law
Can't you see them worry at all
It doesn't matter anymore
Everytime you tell me to kill it away
I know that you show your decent
I do care if you try to get it
If they know..
Whatta fuck they gonna say?
Not enough evidence to convince them
They don't care everything in this world
They have fill that word in the book of life
We're the vain
We're the game
We're in pain
Were in this sin
We're everything gone wrong
When everything is wrong
I'm the girl
Your the boy
I'm the woman
You're the man
I'm breakin' out my heart in you spare time
Spare time...
I'm A Liar
What the hell's happen to me?
I'm waiting for the saint to be alive
Everyday is just a blaming day
I'd never found myself to be myself
I'm happy when I lie (when I lie)
I'm such a liar, I'm such a liar
Yes, I'm a liar pretend that I was your toy
Yes I am
I cried when I tell a lie
I was forced to be a liar
It's just because of you
because of you
I feel die when I tell a lie
I'm hopeless when I tell a lie
I do this for you
Just for you
I'm a liar
Everyday is your happy day
You always want yourself to be myself
You happy when I lie (when I lie)
You want me to lie, you want me to lie
Yes, You want me to lie, cuz I am your slave
Yes I am
You laugh when I tell a lie
You forced me to tell a lie
You want me to be
A liar
You happy when I lie
You proud to see me lie
You want me to be
You want me to be
A liar
Kemana Aku
Puing puing, terbaring
Hembusan angin, mencari
Bisikan hati, menangis
Harga diri, menjerit
Telah mati, sisa sepi
Tiada arti, siapa perduli
Kenapa aku mengeluh?
Kenapa aku tak mau?
Kemana aku menjauh?
Kenapa aku terbunuh?
Teman-teman, sendiri
Ada hati, memberi
Jati diri, tak pasti
Hanya mati, menanti
Jatuh lagi, ke alam mimpi
Yang terjadi, tak berarti
Kenapa aku tak bisa?
Kenapa aku tak marah?
Kenapa aku curiga?
Kenapa aku percaya?
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my....
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my....
I couldn't believe how hard it was
I put the gun into his face
I coun't believe how bad I am
I sneak around for too long
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my....
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my....
I couldn't believe how hard it was
I put the gun into his face
I coun't believe how bad I am
I sneak around for too long
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my....
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my....
I put the gun into his face
I put the gun into his face
I put the gun into his face
For too long...
I couldn't believe how hard it was
I coun't believe how bad I am
I couldn't believe how hard it was
I coun't believe how bad I am
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my....
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my....
Ingin Pergi
Dingin sekujur tubuhku terasa pilu hadapi yang terjadi
Seakan tak bisa berjalan lagi
Dan guntur menyambar menyerang tubuhku masuk ke dalam raga
Terasa sakit dan perih
Terbaring di bawah hujan lebat lemah tak berdaya
Menatap awan yang kini
Tak ada bulan lagi
Gelap dan hitam bumi ini
Itu yang kurasa
Aku ingin pergi....
Aku ingin pergi....
Kemana mereka? Sudah kucari-cari
Tak kutemukan juga, adanya tanda-tanda
Kapankah datangnya? Rasa untuk berbagi
Waktu untuk akhiri, jangan lagi sembunyi
Muak aku ini, terkurung sendiri
Akan kemana lagi? Tak kuat menanti
Tolonglah diriku, tenangkan hatiku
Berikan padaku, keluarkan aku
Kucoba berdiri bertahan tapi tak bisa kulangkahkan
Kakiku yang lemah ini
Kulihat uluran tangan bantuku berdiri untuk bangkit lagi
Terpejam mataku menunggu kapan datangnya angin besar itu
Tiada seorangpun di dunia ini
Itu yang kurasa
Aku ingin pergi....
Aku ingin pergi...
Aku ora pingin sombong kik!!!
Pancen lirik-lirikku suetil tenan!!!!!!!!
Sampe sampe aku ngefans karo laguku dhewe!!!
HIDUP IDANG!!!!!!!!!
HIDUP IDANG!!!!!!!!!
Aku ono pitakon akeh banget menyang awakku dhewe..
1. Asline ono opo ora tho uwong sing arep nyingkirki aku?
2. Sing anyel karo aku sopo wae? Kok aku iso dadi koyo ngene?
3. Aku iki wis doso opo menyang uwong-uwong?
4. Yen ono uwong sing arep nyingkirke aku, wong kuwi sopo?
5. Terus ngopo kok uwong kuwi pingin nyingkirki aku?
6. Opo aku tau duwe salah karo uwong kuwi?
7. Opo aku iki ora koyo bocah-bocah wedok liyane sing urip neng donyo iki?
8. Opo nganti tuwo aku kudu nuruti kersane uwong-uwong terus?
9. Ngopo kok aku iso kelangan dalanku?
10. Aku dadi kelangan dalanku opo goro-gorone aku dilarang?
11. Terus usahaku sing wiwit ndisik tak ciptakke kuwi opo ora ono gunane?
12. Opo lagu-laguku & karangan-karanganku ora ono mutune?
13. Ngopo kok opo sing wis tak gawe selama iki ora di restoni keluargaku?
14. Opo keluargaku dho ora seneng karo karangan-karanganku lan musikku?
15. Ngopo kok sedulur-sedulurku ono sing pingin nyingkirke aku? (krosoku koyo ngono)
16. Opo aku iki ancaman?
17. Kowe sing wis dho ngrungokke musikku! Opo kowe ora seneng?
18. Opo lirik-lirik seng tak gawe kabeh ora ono mutune?
19. Knopo aku gawene dituduh sing ora-ora? (yen masalah kuwi, aku ora iso mbelo awakku dhewe...)
20. Opo kerjo ngafe ki ora ilok?
21. Kenopo sing tak lakoni iki ora tau didukung wong tuwo?
22. Kenopo kok yen wong tuwoku ndukung opo sing tak lakoni, kethoke kok kepekso??
23. Opo pancen aku wis ora gathuk kalo keluargaku?
24. Opo kabeh keluargaku sing wis mati dho anyel karo aku?
25. Opo kabeh keluargaku sing wis mati ora ngerti perasaanku karo sejatine uripku sing dudu seko cangkemane uwong-uwong?
26. Opo aku iki pancen ra nggenah?
27. Yen aku ora nggenah, kok aku isih nduwe ati?
28. Kenopo kok kabeh dho ngrumangsani aku olo?
29. Opo aku pancen olo tenan?
30. Opo wis rusak tenan donyo iki?
Tak blakakke wae...
Sakjane aku iki ora pingin nyusahke mas-masku. Mesakke. Koyone aku iki mung ngrusak keluarga. Goro-goro opo? Opo ono cangkeman-cangkeman sing ora apik??? Yen ono cangkeme sopo wae?
Nganti ono kejadian opo sing aku ora ngerti (sing nyangkut awakku),...begitu aku ngerti aku dadi kaget, soale aku iki bener-bener ora ngerti...
Asline, aku wegah omah iki, aku wegah mobil, aku wegah opo-opo...
Aku seneng angger aku iso urip dhewe tanpo nyusahke keluarga. Mbuh aku arep manggon ngendi, aku rangerti...
Yen aku iso golek duwit dhewe, urip neng panggon sing sewulane mbayar murah, iso mangan cukup, ora kakehan pikiran goro2 keluarga sing ribut ngributke aku,
Aku iso seneng yen aku iso urip tentrem nggoleki dalanku dhewe tanpo di pekso-pekso, tanpo kon ngene kon ngono, ora kakehan cangkem sing nyocot nggowo-nggowo jenengku lan crito-crito sing ora bener. Aku anyel provokator keluarga..
Kethok-e yen dikon milih keluarga utowo koncoku sing ranggenah kui, aku jelas milih sing diajarke gusti Allah menyang aku. Sing di ajarke gusti Allah kuwi, : ORA PARENG DURHOKO MENYANG WONG TUWO. Aku sadar lan aku paham banget. Gusti Allah wis mbukakke dalanku. Gusti Allah ngajarke kuwi.. Dadi yo aku kudu ngamali opo sing diajarke gusti Allah. Masalah suk emben aku arep karo sopo, aku ora ngerti. Gusti Allah sing nentokke. Sing jelas, gusti Allah ngerti tresnoku ki sejatine karo sopo....
Sak jane neng njero atiku... yen aku kon milih, aku ora milih loro-lorone. Aku luwih milih awakku dhewe...
Sakjane aku pingin lungo seko omah iki, nggolek nggon urip dhewe..
Jane aku luwih milih lungo. Luwih milih lungo lan njaluk restu menyang keluargaku, yen aku arep lungo seko omah iki. Lungo dhewe...
Aku wegah njelaske kabeh menyang uwong-uwong. Ora ono gunane, soale aku wis dianggep rusak.
Rusak goro-goro cangkemane uwong-uwong opo aku ngrusak awakku dhewe, MBUH!
Aku ki ngopo tho? HAHAHAHAHAH!!
Edah tenan, aku ora nangis! Malah rasane aku nduwe semangat anyar, koyo-koyone awakku kobong kabeh, goro-goro duwe pinginan sing bener-bener aku yakin..
Tapi aku ora iso nglakoni kuwi. Aku ora arep durhoko menyang gusti Allah. Aku ora arep durhoko menyang wong tuwo.
Jane yen aku lungo seko omah kene, aku isih iso nulis, mbok-o ora nganggo komputer, aku isih iso tuku buku nggo orek-orek.
Aku isih iso nulis lagu nganggo cangkemku dhewe NA NA NA NA...
Tapi mung siji masalahe. Aku ora iso lungo seko kene soale aku ora arep durhoko menyang wong tuwo.
Jane yen aku lungo seko ngomah kene, :
Papahku ora usah repot2 ngethoke duwit nggo mbayar internet, karo mbiyayani uripku.
Mas masku ora repot goro-goro aku.
Mas-masku lan keluargane ora repot goro-goro aku
Aku seneng.
Mesti kabeh dadi tentrem...
Tapi ternyata sing kudune mbenekke urip kuwi awakku dhewe. Dadi aku yo kudu berusaha mbenekke urip, ojo kegowo emosiku sing ora bener...
Tapi yen aku lungo seko kene mengko mesti dadine yo podho wae. Mesti yo isih ono cangkeman-cangkeman sing ora apik. Uwong-uwong kuwi pancen seneng gawe masalah wae!!! Bajingan Asu!
Ono sing ngomong, yen aku iki butuh uwong sing iso ngerti aku, tapi selama iki aku durung nemokke...
Aku ora iso nemokke uwong sing iso ngerti aku, soale aku ora iso ngalahke cangkemane uwong-uwong sing ora mutu kuwi...
Terus, ono sing ngomong... yen uwong-uwong ki sakjane males nulung aku.. Goro-goro opo???????
Opo aku ki jahat banget karo uwong-uwong???????????
Opo aku iki durhoko karo uwong tuwo yo???
Lha terus, sak jek-e uripku nganti lair sampe saiki, yen aku nangis nangisi sopo??????????????
Opo rumangsane aku ora sayang karo keluargaku po??????? Opo aku ora sayang karo konco-koncoku?????????
Selama iki justru aku malah ora sayang karo awakku dhewe!!!! Goro-goro opo? Goro-goro sopo???? Opo Goro-goro aku dhewe??????
Opo aku iki pancen jahate ngungkuli setan???????
Yo wis, saiki aku kudu siap-siap. Aku wis dike-i geni, aku kudu ngurupke geni kuwi. Lan pasrahke wae kabeh karo sing neng nduwur.
Mugo-mugo dalanku iki bener...
Aku ora arep kalah karo cangkemane uwong-uwong sing ora mutu!!!
Ben wae yen aku wis kesingkir..
Mugo-mugo uwong sing nyingkirke aku kuwi iso seneng.
Aku ora butuh opo-opo kok. Yen omah gedhene sak mene, duwit akeh, tapi uripku ora iso seneng..kuwi nggo opo?
Pek-en kabeh.. aku ora butuh....
Sing tak butuhke kuwi jane, tentreme keluargaku, senenge uripe papahku..
Aku iki malah nggawe ora tentrem keluargaku...
Aku jane wis ora iso neng kene meneh..
Aku jane kudu lungo..
Aku jane pingin memperjuangke awakku dhewe urip neng njobo tanpo mikirke kuwi-kuwi terus!!
Aku jane pingin lungo!!
Tapi ojo tho nduk! Nduk! OJO DURHOKO MENYANG WONG TUWO!!!
Wis lah! Trimak-trimakno wae yen uripmu koyo ngono..
Hidup Idang!!! Sing penting isih iso tetep berkarya!!!
Ternyataaa!!!!!!!!! Cocok tenan lirik-lirik sing selama iki wis tak gawe karo uripku!!!!!!
Pancen kuwi uripku!!! Urip mung neng njero lirik lagu!!!!
Dimana ku harus berlari
Hati ini rasa tak pasti
Ku slalu merasa sendiri
Aku senang bersembunyi
Ciptakan sgala ilusi
Diam di tempat yang sangat sepi
Dengan resah, penuh sesal
mereka memandangku
takut tak menentu yang kurasa
Semua hanya angan...ku..
Tertawa usir gelisah
Bawa hayalku ke relung jiwa
Awan gelap bintang-bintang bertaburan
Bawa anganku menepis asa
Bayangkan sebuah dunia
Dimana ku bisa bebas melakukan apa saja
Dengan resah, penuh sesal
mereka memandangku
takut tak menentu yang kurasa
Semua hanya angan...ku..
Melarikan diri
Kuhanyalah sang pemimpi
Yang menunggu dan berharap
Rasanya tak kuat lagi
Ingin diriku terlelap
Pulas tak bergeming
hingga tak kudengar suara mereka menghina
Damai dalam hangat
Berat diriku untuk bangun lagi
Nyenyak tidur ku disini
Tapi serasa di langit
Tak bisa lagi bermimpi
Lelah tubuhku yang sakit
Kapan kau datang
Selamatkan aku, bawa aku pergi dari sini
Kapan kau tepati
Ucapan yang kau janjikan
Saat kutanya kau selalu menjawab
Ku hanya menjerumuskanmu dari dunia mimpimu menuju lorong yang gelap,
dan pengap
Ku hanya larikan dirimu menjauhi mereka yang kau benci
Pesta pora kau disana
Senyum sinis kumelihat
Dan kau begitu bahagia
Kuberlinang air mata
Kukutuk dirimu
Tak mungkin pernah lepas dariku, dimanapun kau berada
Kumaki dirimu
Dengarkan aku bicara
Saat itu akan kukatakan
Kau slalu menjerumuskanku menyeretku jauh ke dalam tanah yang lembab
Kau telah ajari diriku cara untuk melarikan diri
Kau ajari aku melarikan diri...
Sesaat kau pikir apa yang kau lakukan
memilih berjalan ke kiri atau ke kanan
sekali langkahmu salah kau tak akan bisa kembali lagi
pikiranmu sudah tak bisa diajak kompromi
kau biarkan debu-debu itu menyiksa
tubuhmu otakmu jiwamu duniamu
dirimu semakin jauh
dirimu semakin jauh
Kau mulai berjalan di atas awan
di kepung asap-asap putih yang tebal dan menyesakkan
dan bumi kini serasa bukan tempat tinggalmu lagi
Apakah kau tahu itu?
Dimana dirimu sekarang kau sendiripun tak pernah tahu
tenggelam di dasar laut bagai kapal yang ditelan badai
terbang ditiup angin bagain daun-daun kering yang sedang berguguran
Yang kau tahu hanyalah kenikmatan terbang
untuk beberapa saat sebelum semua berakhir
di depan matamu
Setelah semua berakhir kau mulai menikam......
Hilang semua hilang
tak tahu kemana perginya
hilang semua hilang
Take It Back
You don't know, You probably wrong
You judge them,
Well you don't know if they have the face
But you might be true, like they said
They knew you, from your fake appearance
Don't you know if you right or you wrong
Or you just pretend that you were the brilliant one
You're trying to hide your weaknesses
Make them to see no worry at all
Too many rules, destroy their freedom
Well you wrong if they can move with your rules
Many people die from cancer
Cuz their mind was poisoned by your desire
They know that you're right and you're strong
You are the best from the most of all
You have your reason and providence
Stop playing your stupid law
Can't you see them worry at all
Take it back, you mean!
They know that you're right and you're strong
You are the best from the most of all
You're trying to hide your weaknesses
Make them to see no worry at all
Don't you know if you right or you wrong
Or you just pretend that you were the brilliant one
You have your reason and providence
Stop playing your stupid law
Can't you see them worry at all
It doesn't matter anymore
Everytime you tell me to kill it away
I know that you show your decent
I do care if you try to get it
If they know..
Whatta fuck they gonna say?
Not enough evidence to convince them
They don't care everything in this world
They have fill that word in the book of life
We're the vain
We're the game
We're in pain
Were in this sin
We're everything gone wrong
When everything is wrong
I'm the girl
Your the boy
I'm the woman
You're the man
I'm breakin' out my heart in you spare time
Spare time...
I'm A Liar
What the hell's happen to me?
I'm waiting for the saint to be alive
Everyday is just a blaming day
I'd never found myself to be myself
I'm happy when I lie (when I lie)
I'm such a liar, I'm such a liar
Yes, I'm a liar pretend that I was your toy
Yes I am
I cried when I tell a lie
I was forced to be a liar
It's just because of you
because of you
I feel die when I tell a lie
I'm hopeless when I tell a lie
I do this for you
Just for you
I'm a liar
Everyday is your happy day
You always want yourself to be myself
You happy when I lie (when I lie)
You want me to lie, you want me to lie
Yes, You want me to lie, cuz I am your slave
Yes I am
You laugh when I tell a lie
You forced me to tell a lie
You want me to be
A liar
You happy when I lie
You proud to see me lie
You want me to be
You want me to be
A liar
Kemana Aku
Puing puing, terbaring
Hembusan angin, mencari
Bisikan hati, menangis
Harga diri, menjerit
Telah mati, sisa sepi
Tiada arti, siapa perduli
Kenapa aku mengeluh?
Kenapa aku tak mau?
Kemana aku menjauh?
Kenapa aku terbunuh?
Teman-teman, sendiri
Ada hati, memberi
Jati diri, tak pasti
Hanya mati, menanti
Jatuh lagi, ke alam mimpi
Yang terjadi, tak berarti
Kenapa aku tak bisa?
Kenapa aku tak marah?
Kenapa aku curiga?
Kenapa aku percaya?
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my....
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my....
I couldn't believe how hard it was
I put the gun into his face
I coun't believe how bad I am
I sneak around for too long
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my....
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my....
I couldn't believe how hard it was
I put the gun into his face
I coun't believe how bad I am
I sneak around for too long
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my....
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my....
I put the gun into his face
I put the gun into his face
I put the gun into his face
For too long...
I couldn't believe how hard it was
I coun't believe how bad I am
I couldn't believe how hard it was
I coun't believe how bad I am
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my....
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my memory
I lost my....
Ingin Pergi
Dingin sekujur tubuhku terasa pilu hadapi yang terjadi
Seakan tak bisa berjalan lagi
Dan guntur menyambar menyerang tubuhku masuk ke dalam raga
Terasa sakit dan perih
Terbaring di bawah hujan lebat lemah tak berdaya
Menatap awan yang kini
Tak ada bulan lagi
Gelap dan hitam bumi ini
Itu yang kurasa
Aku ingin pergi....
Aku ingin pergi....
Kemana mereka? Sudah kucari-cari
Tak kutemukan juga, adanya tanda-tanda
Kapankah datangnya? Rasa untuk berbagi
Waktu untuk akhiri, jangan lagi sembunyi
Muak aku ini, terkurung sendiri
Akan kemana lagi? Tak kuat menanti
Tolonglah diriku, tenangkan hatiku
Berikan padaku, keluarkan aku
Kucoba berdiri bertahan tapi tak bisa kulangkahkan
Kakiku yang lemah ini
Kulihat uluran tangan bantuku berdiri untuk bangkit lagi
Terpejam mataku menunggu kapan datangnya angin besar itu
Tiada seorangpun di dunia ini
Itu yang kurasa
Aku ingin pergi....
Aku ingin pergi...
Aku ora pingin sombong kik!!!
Pancen lirik-lirikku suetil tenan!!!!!!!!
Sampe sampe aku ngefans karo laguku dhewe!!!
HIDUP IDANG!!!!!!!!!
HIDUP IDANG!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Charly | Labels: tips | 0 comments
Dibenci keluarga? Dibenci temen-temen? Nggak punya siapa-siapa? Bingung terus?
No problem! Semua bisa berubah tanpa diduga!!
Aku ada brosur, tak tulis dibawah situ lho.. baca aja. Kalau berhasil, dijamin deh, hidup kamu pasti seneng terus. Hehehe..
Baca aja :
20 things - good for our life :
1. Menghilangkan pikiran-pikiran yang kotor
2. Minta kepada Tuhan supaya dijauhkan dari segala sesuatu yang jahat
3. Menghilangkan rasa iri, dendam dan dengki
4. Berjalan ke jalan yang lurus
5. Segera bertobat bila bersalah kepada orang lain
6. Membantu siapa saja yang membutuhkan bantuan
7. Tepati janji
8. Jangan menjelek-jelekan orang
9. Berdoa terus kepada Tuhan
10. Meditasi
11. Bersyukur dan berterimakasih kepada Tuhan jika mendapatkan sesuatu yang membahagiakan
12. Mendoakan orang tua, teman-teman, keluarga dan semua orang yang hidup di dunia ini
13. Menyatu dengan alam
14. Mencintai diri sendiri
15. Jangan berpikir yang tidak ada gunanya
16. Kembangkan dan raih prestasi yang dimiliki!!
17. Selalu semangat!
18. Pasrah kayaknya oke juga sih, asal jangan pasrah sama yang enggak-enggak
19. Menangis sedih juga tidak ada yang melarang, lho..
20. Serahkan saja semuanya kepada yang di atas
Apa itu susah???
Susah? Pengalamanku sih,... emang susah.
Paling susah yang nomer 1, 3, 4, ,7 ,8 , 14, 15
Wuiih... ternyata angel kuabeeh!!
Beberapa hari ini setelah aku pikir-pikir dan melihat-lihat...
Aku tahu!!!!
Kenapa bisa begitu????
Karena apa yang aku lakukan itu nggak bener.
Apa hanya aku yang nggak bener? Lalu yang lainnya apa bener???
Kalo masalah itu aku gak tau. Aku cuman berani menyalahkan aku sendiri, bukan orang lain.
Dan aku nggak ingin menyalahkan atau membenarkan orang lain, karena aku gak berhak.
Yang tau itu benar atau salah bukan hukum, bukan orang-orang, tapi Tuhan...
Huahh.. gak papalah kalo aku dibenci banyak orang, terutama keluarga. Gak papa...
Bersyukur aja kalo masih ada orang yang mau menolong aku. Aku seneng...
Udah dulu ahhh....
Gak ada ide lagi nih. setuck..
Nulis sekuel lagi aaaah....
Pinginnya buru-buru nerbitin buku. Boro-boro nerbitin buku. Nulis aja kadang2 masih males-malesan. Gak jadi-jadi...
Mana nih semangatnya????
No problem! Semua bisa berubah tanpa diduga!!
Aku ada brosur, tak tulis dibawah situ lho.. baca aja. Kalau berhasil, dijamin deh, hidup kamu pasti seneng terus. Hehehe..
Baca aja :
20 things - good for our life :
1. Menghilangkan pikiran-pikiran yang kotor
2. Minta kepada Tuhan supaya dijauhkan dari segala sesuatu yang jahat
3. Menghilangkan rasa iri, dendam dan dengki
4. Berjalan ke jalan yang lurus
5. Segera bertobat bila bersalah kepada orang lain
6. Membantu siapa saja yang membutuhkan bantuan
7. Tepati janji
8. Jangan menjelek-jelekan orang
9. Berdoa terus kepada Tuhan
10. Meditasi
11. Bersyukur dan berterimakasih kepada Tuhan jika mendapatkan sesuatu yang membahagiakan
12. Mendoakan orang tua, teman-teman, keluarga dan semua orang yang hidup di dunia ini
13. Menyatu dengan alam
14. Mencintai diri sendiri
15. Jangan berpikir yang tidak ada gunanya
16. Kembangkan dan raih prestasi yang dimiliki!!
17. Selalu semangat!
18. Pasrah kayaknya oke juga sih, asal jangan pasrah sama yang enggak-enggak
19. Menangis sedih juga tidak ada yang melarang, lho..
20. Serahkan saja semuanya kepada yang di atas
Apa itu susah???
Susah? Pengalamanku sih,... emang susah.
Paling susah yang nomer 1, 3, 4, ,7 ,8 , 14, 15
Wuiih... ternyata angel kuabeeh!!
Beberapa hari ini setelah aku pikir-pikir dan melihat-lihat...
Aku tahu!!!!
Kenapa bisa begitu????
Karena apa yang aku lakukan itu nggak bener.
Apa hanya aku yang nggak bener? Lalu yang lainnya apa bener???
Kalo masalah itu aku gak tau. Aku cuman berani menyalahkan aku sendiri, bukan orang lain.
Dan aku nggak ingin menyalahkan atau membenarkan orang lain, karena aku gak berhak.
Yang tau itu benar atau salah bukan hukum, bukan orang-orang, tapi Tuhan...
Huahh.. gak papalah kalo aku dibenci banyak orang, terutama keluarga. Gak papa...
Bersyukur aja kalo masih ada orang yang mau menolong aku. Aku seneng...
Udah dulu ahhh....
Gak ada ide lagi nih. setuck..
Nulis sekuel lagi aaaah....
Pinginnya buru-buru nerbitin buku. Boro-boro nerbitin buku. Nulis aja kadang2 masih males-malesan. Gak jadi-jadi...
Mana nih semangatnya????
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Today I throw my bad side away. I hope It'll be gone forever and never come back again in my mind...
I still have too much bad thoughts. But I always pray.. to get ride of that bad thoughts away.
Good things.. good things... please come inside. Shower me something good and send me an angel to guide my way...
Count Ariana Moskva's Soundtrack List :
1. Moskva's Castle 1
2. Abandon Child
3. The Fail Suicide Retro
4. Last Dance
5. Under The Pale Moonlight
6. Euthanasia
7. Unfeminism
8. Lost
9. Run Up To The Sky
10. Romeo & Ariana
11. The Count's Song
12. Moskva's Castle 2
13. Absinthe
14. The Chase
15. Under The Pale Moonlight (out)
16. I'm A Liar
Nulis nulis nulis nulis terus! Ayo maju! Show your guts, dear! Woooohoooo!!
I still have too much bad thoughts. But I always pray.. to get ride of that bad thoughts away.
Good things.. good things... please come inside. Shower me something good and send me an angel to guide my way...
Count Ariana Moskva's Soundtrack List :
1. Moskva's Castle 1
2. Abandon Child
3. The Fail Suicide Retro
4. Last Dance
5. Under The Pale Moonlight
6. Euthanasia
7. Unfeminism
8. Lost
9. Run Up To The Sky
10. Romeo & Ariana
11. The Count's Song
12. Moskva's Castle 2
13. Absinthe
14. The Chase
15. Under The Pale Moonlight (out)
16. I'm A Liar
Nulis nulis nulis nulis terus! Ayo maju! Show your guts, dear! Woooohoooo!!
Posted by Charly | Labels: stress | 0 comments
Sebuah kalimat yang menyakitkan pagi ini :
Setiap kali kau melihatku ada disampingmu, kau selalu berpaling karena kau merasa jijik...
Sudahkah diriku 'kebuka' ke alam gaib?
Sepertinya sudah, walaupun aku sedikit kurang mempunyai keyakinan.
Tangis itu mulai hari ini tidak muncul seperti hari2 itu, karena rasa sedihku sedikit berkurang.
Aku melihat diriku sendiri sedang bermain dengan diriku sendiri. Diriku tidak hanya satu. Kemarin malam aku sudah dibuka.
Sekarang diriku yang ada di dalam sedang capai, karena aku terlalu banyak memforsir tenagaku dan kurang tidur. Karna itu dia tidak kuat membersihkan diriku ini dari segala kotoran2 yang menempel di tubuhku dan dia tidak dapat mengerakkan kedua tanganku dengan lancar dan cepat untuk mengalirkan hawa penyembuh.
Subuh tadi aku melihat bintang di langit yang tinggi. Warnanya biru hijau. Bintang itu terbelah menjadi dua. Lalu setelah bintang itu bersatu kembali, bintang itu memancarkan percikan-percikan sinar kecil2 yang berwarna-warna kearahku.
Aku cinta mereka, dan mereka cinta aku.
Tidak pernah ada dendam, permusuhan, atau rasa iri. Aku berdoa kepada Tuhan untuk menjauhkan diriku dari perasaan itu.
Aku merasa agak capai, belum tidur dari kemarin. Mungkin karena tenaga yang meluap-luap dan aliran listrik yang besar keluar dari tubuhku. Aku ingin istirahat, tapi aku tidak mau. Aku masih ingin menunggu alien datang...
Ternyata aku mempunyai banyak unsur:
1. Unsur bidadari
2. Unsur penakut
3. Unsur alam
4. Unsur sifat baik yang melebihi sifat jelek
5 Unsur dendam yang lebih sedikit jika dibandingkan dengan unsur sayang
Malam ini turun hujan. Hujan yang membawa berkah kepada semua orang. Hujan yang diberikan oleh Tuhan untuk menentramkan hati manusia yang selama ini jenuh dengan panas.
Setelah hujan berhenti nanti, pasti awan2 mendung akan bergeser dan hilang, sehingga awan dihiasi bintang-bintang berwarna-warna yang bertaburan di mana-mana.
Tadi siang, aku diberi cimeng satu linting sama Pak Blonthang. Tapi banyak orang2 yang sudah sadar mengatakan, sebaiknya jangan dihabiskan. Dibuang saja. Tapi hati kecilku mengatakan, aku tidak akan nyimeng hari ini, dan cimeng itu aku simpan. Mungkin akan kuberikan kepada orang yang mau. Lalu sodaraku yang ada di dalam berkata: "Mungkin sudah saatnya untuk berhenti nyimeng."
Tapi godaan masih banyak...
Dan godaan akan selalu datang tanpa henti...
Hujannya sudah terang...
Aku akan menunggu bintang-bintang..
Setiap kali kau melihatku ada disampingmu, kau selalu berpaling karena kau merasa jijik...
Sudahkah diriku 'kebuka' ke alam gaib?
Sepertinya sudah, walaupun aku sedikit kurang mempunyai keyakinan.
Tangis itu mulai hari ini tidak muncul seperti hari2 itu, karena rasa sedihku sedikit berkurang.
Aku melihat diriku sendiri sedang bermain dengan diriku sendiri. Diriku tidak hanya satu. Kemarin malam aku sudah dibuka.
Sekarang diriku yang ada di dalam sedang capai, karena aku terlalu banyak memforsir tenagaku dan kurang tidur. Karna itu dia tidak kuat membersihkan diriku ini dari segala kotoran2 yang menempel di tubuhku dan dia tidak dapat mengerakkan kedua tanganku dengan lancar dan cepat untuk mengalirkan hawa penyembuh.
Subuh tadi aku melihat bintang di langit yang tinggi. Warnanya biru hijau. Bintang itu terbelah menjadi dua. Lalu setelah bintang itu bersatu kembali, bintang itu memancarkan percikan-percikan sinar kecil2 yang berwarna-warna kearahku.
Aku cinta mereka, dan mereka cinta aku.
Tidak pernah ada dendam, permusuhan, atau rasa iri. Aku berdoa kepada Tuhan untuk menjauhkan diriku dari perasaan itu.
Aku merasa agak capai, belum tidur dari kemarin. Mungkin karena tenaga yang meluap-luap dan aliran listrik yang besar keluar dari tubuhku. Aku ingin istirahat, tapi aku tidak mau. Aku masih ingin menunggu alien datang...
Ternyata aku mempunyai banyak unsur:
1. Unsur bidadari
2. Unsur penakut
3. Unsur alam
4. Unsur sifat baik yang melebihi sifat jelek
5 Unsur dendam yang lebih sedikit jika dibandingkan dengan unsur sayang
Malam ini turun hujan. Hujan yang membawa berkah kepada semua orang. Hujan yang diberikan oleh Tuhan untuk menentramkan hati manusia yang selama ini jenuh dengan panas.
Setelah hujan berhenti nanti, pasti awan2 mendung akan bergeser dan hilang, sehingga awan dihiasi bintang-bintang berwarna-warna yang bertaburan di mana-mana.
Tadi siang, aku diberi cimeng satu linting sama Pak Blonthang. Tapi banyak orang2 yang sudah sadar mengatakan, sebaiknya jangan dihabiskan. Dibuang saja. Tapi hati kecilku mengatakan, aku tidak akan nyimeng hari ini, dan cimeng itu aku simpan. Mungkin akan kuberikan kepada orang yang mau. Lalu sodaraku yang ada di dalam berkata: "Mungkin sudah saatnya untuk berhenti nyimeng."
Tapi godaan masih banyak...
Dan godaan akan selalu datang tanpa henti...
Hujannya sudah terang...
Aku akan menunggu bintang-bintang..
Mbuh Yo Dong Der
Posted by Charly | Labels: jowo, stress | 0 comments
Dino-dino iki sepi terus, dhewe terus..
Aku luwih seneng dhewe timbange akeh uwong-uwong..
Luwih penak meneng yen ono neng sekitare uwong-uwong, kecuali yen ono sing ngejak ngobrol...
Mau aku sempet mampir neng Novotel nonton Reshuffle (bener rak yo nulise?), kok dho akeh sing ngulatke aku ngopo yo? Opo tampangku koyo vampir? (Ge Er!)
Asu! Rokokku enthek!! Perasaan mau aku bar tuku anyar trus mung kelong 3. Tapi kok iki gari siji? Sopo sing nyolong?
Pingin tuku rokok tapi gak duwe duwit. Biasane khan ngutang neng warunge Bulik Har. Lha saiki warunge Bulik Har yo tutup nooo...
I'm still writing their story, but lately I don't have a new idea yet, because I never meet them anymore...
Ronald said; He would do anything to make Aznelie happy. I found out that he loves Aznelie but not like the way Ivant loves Aznelie. Why? I don't know. I haven't asked Ronald about his true feelings with the princess. He always called Aznelie 'my princess', never call her name. And I will ask him that too...
Last night, I met Charly and Reynard. They dropped me a note before they went away. It's a message to Damian. I'm truly sorry that Damian still unconcious inside his coffin now. His barely can't do nothing, still lost his power. I can't give the message to Damian yet.
I'm sure that Damian will arise again someday, I don't know when...
All of his friends waiting for a miracle...
The prince of the darkness not died yet, we know...
I count! I have no money since last week! I'm not gonna take my savings though... No way. My brother said that he will deposit all of my savings because last month I took a lot of money from my savings! Liang pai wan?? Too much money! I'm not gonna take my dad's money.. No! He need 2 billion rupiahs to buy a new big house for my new Mom! And also.. maybe he will buy Mercedez too... Well, welcome to the 'glamour life' dad,.. Sorry I can't go there with you... I'm just a common people who likes to hang with a 'little people'.
2 billion rupiahs? How long you will get all of those things dad? It's not enough if only 2 years... Probably it will take more than 2 years! 10 years? Or more? Oh god, will you make this world 'raining dollars'! So, my dad doesn't need to get a hard work for that!
Fuck money! Everybody needs it and me too! Hahahahaha!
And fuck watching Top 40 band too!! I'm sick and tired listening to bad covers of famous songs!!!
Whatta fuck!!!
Hey, thanks you to all my invisible friend! You all give love so much to me...
Sinting ya???
Aku luwih seneng dhewe timbange akeh uwong-uwong..
Luwih penak meneng yen ono neng sekitare uwong-uwong, kecuali yen ono sing ngejak ngobrol...
Mau aku sempet mampir neng Novotel nonton Reshuffle (bener rak yo nulise?), kok dho akeh sing ngulatke aku ngopo yo? Opo tampangku koyo vampir? (Ge Er!)
Asu! Rokokku enthek!! Perasaan mau aku bar tuku anyar trus mung kelong 3. Tapi kok iki gari siji? Sopo sing nyolong?
Pingin tuku rokok tapi gak duwe duwit. Biasane khan ngutang neng warunge Bulik Har. Lha saiki warunge Bulik Har yo tutup nooo...
I'm still writing their story, but lately I don't have a new idea yet, because I never meet them anymore...
Ronald said; He would do anything to make Aznelie happy. I found out that he loves Aznelie but not like the way Ivant loves Aznelie. Why? I don't know. I haven't asked Ronald about his true feelings with the princess. He always called Aznelie 'my princess', never call her name. And I will ask him that too...
Last night, I met Charly and Reynard. They dropped me a note before they went away. It's a message to Damian. I'm truly sorry that Damian still unconcious inside his coffin now. His barely can't do nothing, still lost his power. I can't give the message to Damian yet.
I'm sure that Damian will arise again someday, I don't know when...
All of his friends waiting for a miracle...
The prince of the darkness not died yet, we know...
I count! I have no money since last week! I'm not gonna take my savings though... No way. My brother said that he will deposit all of my savings because last month I took a lot of money from my savings! Liang pai wan?? Too much money! I'm not gonna take my dad's money.. No! He need 2 billion rupiahs to buy a new big house for my new Mom! And also.. maybe he will buy Mercedez too... Well, welcome to the 'glamour life' dad,.. Sorry I can't go there with you... I'm just a common people who likes to hang with a 'little people'.
2 billion rupiahs? How long you will get all of those things dad? It's not enough if only 2 years... Probably it will take more than 2 years! 10 years? Or more? Oh god, will you make this world 'raining dollars'! So, my dad doesn't need to get a hard work for that!
Fuck money! Everybody needs it and me too! Hahahahaha!
And fuck watching Top 40 band too!! I'm sick and tired listening to bad covers of famous songs!!!
Whatta fuck!!!
Hey, thanks you to all my invisible friend! You all give love so much to me...
Sinting ya???
Posted by Charly | Labels: jowo, stress berat | 0 comments
Beberapa hari ini, setelah kupikir-pikir, walau hanya duduk termenung sendirian dan berteman sepi. I told you, that I am alone in this world...
Aku baru sadar kalau ternyata aku ini hanya 'Korban'...
Sak jane aku ora sedih lan saiki ora tau duwe masalah sing abot.. Tapi kok,.. akhir-akhir iki hawane sedih terus. Sampe kadang-kadang aku nangis tanpo sebab. Aku ngrasakke,..koyo ono sing lagi sedih, tapi aku ra ngerti sing sedih kuwi sopo. Ono 'sosok sing mencurigakan', aku ra ngerti kuwi uwong opo dudu. Sing jelas sosok kuwi mau sediiih terus, lan sedih-e goro-goro mikirke uripku. Deknen sedih mergo uripku sengsoro terus. Deknen sedih mikirke aku lan uripku. Aku ora ngerti sopo kuwi. Aku mung ngrasakke thok. Aku mung kroso thok, yen sosok kuwi lagi sedih mikirke uripku, kadang-kadang aku yo melu nangis. Sosok kuwi ora tau ngetok, mbuh ngopo kok ora ngetok, aku ra ngerti.
Kadang-kadang aku kepikiran.. sosok kuwi mau jane pingin ngewangi aku, tapi mbuh piye carane, aku ora iso ngimbangi sosok kuwi. Dadi aku ora iso 'komunikasi'.
Mungkin aku kudu golek uwong sing iso ngajari aku weruh & komunikasi karo sosok kuwi. Tapi, aku luwih seneng yen aku iso nglakokke kuwi dhewe. Aku mung iso ndongo nyang gusti Allah thok....
Mesti aku wis edan tenan iki....
Goro-goro kakean dewek-an & ora tau sosialisasi, aku dadi kroso sing koyo ngono...
Sosialisasi / kumpul-kumpul karo uwong pun.. aku isih kroso yen aku ki dhewe...
Edan tenan...!
Aku baru sadar kalau ternyata aku ini hanya 'Korban'...
Sak jane aku ora sedih lan saiki ora tau duwe masalah sing abot.. Tapi kok,.. akhir-akhir iki hawane sedih terus. Sampe kadang-kadang aku nangis tanpo sebab. Aku ngrasakke,..koyo ono sing lagi sedih, tapi aku ra ngerti sing sedih kuwi sopo. Ono 'sosok sing mencurigakan', aku ra ngerti kuwi uwong opo dudu. Sing jelas sosok kuwi mau sediiih terus, lan sedih-e goro-goro mikirke uripku. Deknen sedih mergo uripku sengsoro terus. Deknen sedih mikirke aku lan uripku. Aku ora ngerti sopo kuwi. Aku mung ngrasakke thok. Aku mung kroso thok, yen sosok kuwi lagi sedih mikirke uripku, kadang-kadang aku yo melu nangis. Sosok kuwi ora tau ngetok, mbuh ngopo kok ora ngetok, aku ra ngerti.
Kadang-kadang aku kepikiran.. sosok kuwi mau jane pingin ngewangi aku, tapi mbuh piye carane, aku ora iso ngimbangi sosok kuwi. Dadi aku ora iso 'komunikasi'.
Mungkin aku kudu golek uwong sing iso ngajari aku weruh & komunikasi karo sosok kuwi. Tapi, aku luwih seneng yen aku iso nglakokke kuwi dhewe. Aku mung iso ndongo nyang gusti Allah thok....
Mesti aku wis edan tenan iki....
Goro-goro kakean dewek-an & ora tau sosialisasi, aku dadi kroso sing koyo ngono...
Sosialisasi / kumpul-kumpul karo uwong pun.. aku isih kroso yen aku ki dhewe...
Edan tenan...!
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Pagi-pagi, ada hp bunyi, kebetulan pas aku baru bangun tidur. Dari mbakyu Tyaz. Mbakyu Tyaz hari minggu mampir ke Solo sama Mbakyu Moniq, nganteri Ibu-nya nemuin pasien. Seneng banget, mbakyu Tyaz nyamperin ke rumah, truz ngajakin makan di kusuma sari.
Mbakyu Tyaz, sering-sering ke Solo aja yah.. hehe...
Download "Little L/Jamiroquai yang Boris Dlugosch Mix. Enak loh, kalo dibandingin sama yang Bob Sinclair Mix bagusan yang Boris...
Mbakyu Tyaz, sering-sering ke Solo aja yah.. hehe...
Download "Little L/Jamiroquai yang Boris Dlugosch Mix. Enak loh, kalo dibandingin sama yang Bob Sinclair Mix bagusan yang Boris...
What and Who
Posted by Charly | Labels: stress berat | 0 comments
What are they doing?
Go together?
Ah shit!
I am alone in this world again..
I always alone and no words again again again again...
No problem
I'm OK
I'm OK to be a fucking fucker
I'm OK to be a loser
I'm OK to be a bitch
I'm OK to be a freak
I'm totally fucking OK
What's next?
Oh no!
Still alone, you said?
OK, I'm OK
What's wrong with my friend?
Ah, they are fine...
They are to good for me
I don't deserve to be with them
No, thank you..
I'm OK
I'm fine
So, what will they say if I'm sitting here now, infront of my computer, sucking pot?
What will they say?
Well, I don't care
And I know they also don't give a fuck about it...
Fuck off you motherfucker ass bitch!!!!!!!
Fuck you!!!!!!
Uahahahahahaha!! Huahahahahaha! Huahah!!
What are they doing?
Go together?
Ah shit!
I am alone in this world again..
I always alone and no words again again again again...
No problem
I'm OK
I'm OK to be a fucking fucker
I'm OK to be a loser
I'm OK to be a bitch
I'm OK to be a freak
I'm totally fucking OK
What's next?
Oh no!
Still alone, you said?
OK, I'm OK
What's wrong with my friend?
Ah, they are fine...
They are to good for me
I don't deserve to be with them
No, thank you..
I'm OK
I'm fine
So, what will they say if I'm sitting here now, infront of my computer, sucking pot?
What will they say?
Well, I don't care
And I know they also don't give a fuck about it...
Fuck off you motherfucker ass bitch!!!!!!!
Fuck you!!!!!!
Uahahahahahaha!! Huahahahahaha! Huahah!!
Compar Campur
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian, jowo | 0 comments
Kenopo kok dino iki rasane kesel bianget. Padahal wis turu cukup, mbok-o ora turu neng omah tipes. Jane yo turuku mau bengi ki penak bianget. Neng AC, sambi nonton TV. Tapi kok rasane kesel yo? Polah sithik wae jantunge deg deg deg. Bar iki tak tuku EXTRAJOSS we, ben rodo JOSS awake. Soale mengko awan isih akeh kegiatan...
Hore!! Donlod Prodigy 'Baby's Got A Temper' neng WINMX
Terus sebuah kabar yang lumayan telat... anak-e mas Adi sing lair awal Juni wingi, jenenge Muh. Chabibuddin Patriadi Nuhriawangsa. Hehe, celukane Abib. Bagus cahe...
Aku dek wingi krungu seko Pak Kampek, yen wingi sore, neng studio diadakan pembersihan, tapi sing iki dudu pembersihan sembarangan. Ora koyo mbiyen. Yen mbiyen khan pembersihan narkoba. Lha dek wingi kae pembersihan roh-roh jahat (wuss, sakral tenan). Ngepasi men aku raono neng kono. Mesti ngono...
Sak jane aku ki percoyo yen koyo ngono kuwi ono, soale aku wis tau diweruhi. Tapi aku luweh percoyo karo Gusti Allah. Aku sok-sok nggumun. Akeh banget uwong-uwong sing njaluk tulung karo 'uwong pinter'. Pancen kuwi ora salah. Tapi yo kudune mbok biasa wae. Ora usah terlalu fanatik ngono. Bukanya aku iri. Tapi rak sing jenenge urip, sing nentokke Gusti Allah. Pancen rapopo takon uwong pinter tentang arti ngimpi, tentang suk emben uripe piye, tapi yo ojo terlalu fanatik ngono terus. Sing nentokke urip kuwi awakke dhewe. Dudu sopo-sopo. Dadi yo tergantung usahane awake dhewe piye nggo sokmben...
Aku kok malah mumet mikir kuwi. Sak-ke tenan mase...
Hore!! Donlod Prodigy 'Baby's Got A Temper' neng WINMX
Terus sebuah kabar yang lumayan telat... anak-e mas Adi sing lair awal Juni wingi, jenenge Muh. Chabibuddin Patriadi Nuhriawangsa. Hehe, celukane Abib. Bagus cahe...
Aku dek wingi krungu seko Pak Kampek, yen wingi sore, neng studio diadakan pembersihan, tapi sing iki dudu pembersihan sembarangan. Ora koyo mbiyen. Yen mbiyen khan pembersihan narkoba. Lha dek wingi kae pembersihan roh-roh jahat (wuss, sakral tenan). Ngepasi men aku raono neng kono. Mesti ngono...
Sak jane aku ki percoyo yen koyo ngono kuwi ono, soale aku wis tau diweruhi. Tapi aku luweh percoyo karo Gusti Allah. Aku sok-sok nggumun. Akeh banget uwong-uwong sing njaluk tulung karo 'uwong pinter'. Pancen kuwi ora salah. Tapi yo kudune mbok biasa wae. Ora usah terlalu fanatik ngono. Bukanya aku iri. Tapi rak sing jenenge urip, sing nentokke Gusti Allah. Pancen rapopo takon uwong pinter tentang arti ngimpi, tentang suk emben uripe piye, tapi yo ojo terlalu fanatik ngono terus. Sing nentokke urip kuwi awakke dhewe. Dudu sopo-sopo. Dadi yo tergantung usahane awake dhewe piye nggo sokmben...
Aku kok malah mumet mikir kuwi. Sak-ke tenan mase...
Scaro Namo
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian, jowo | 0 comments
Blogger Asu!!
Iyo... yen pas stuck Asu!
Oscar bingung, riwa-riwi terus. Opo luwe? Padahal wis tak pakani mau. Sate sak sunduk. Sate kambing guling di cacah.
Kok aku lek-lek-an meneh tho? Hiks hiks hiks...
Iyo... yen pas stuck Asu!
Oscar bingung, riwa-riwi terus. Opo luwe? Padahal wis tak pakani mau. Sate sak sunduk. Sate kambing guling di cacah.
Kok aku lek-lek-an meneh tho? Hiks hiks hiks...
Planning Minimalisme Album
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Minimalis Album:
1. Barring 2002
2. Sarap
3. Take It Back
4. Hilang beatnya
5. Angan
6. Plague
7. Filsuf Drug*
8. Zato*
9. Merid*
10. Dancing In The Grave
Plus 2 bonus lagu khusus CD : Kenapa Aku (Rainy Mix) & Vamp's Song (Shallow Mix)
Yang ada tanda *, itu yang blom selesai dibuat...
Rencana, mau nyoba bikin klip sekalian... nyusul anak-anak Rival yang udah bikin 1 klip. Tapi baru rencana lho.
1. Barring 2002
2. Sarap
3. Take It Back
4. Hilang beatnya
5. Angan
6. Plague
7. Filsuf Drug*
8. Zato*
9. Merid*
10. Dancing In The Grave
Plus 2 bonus lagu khusus CD : Kenapa Aku (Rainy Mix) & Vamp's Song (Shallow Mix)
Yang ada tanda *, itu yang blom selesai dibuat...
Rencana, mau nyoba bikin klip sekalian... nyusul anak-anak Rival yang udah bikin 1 klip. Tapi baru rencana lho.
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Long time long long long long looooong time!
B'cuz banyaknya bill telephone yang harus dibayar buat ngenet.. Idang jarang onlen.
Selain itu lagi males!
Ngapain aja?
-Mixing lagu baru
-Ngemix Vamp's Song & Kenapa Aku
-Ganti kompie baru
-Ngrawat orang sakit
-Ngisi event BOOM TOYOTA
-Didatengin makhluk halus (no shit!)
-Dapet wangsit yang belum sempet aku cari, soalnya aku gak tau nyarinya gimana. Wangsitnya berupa buntelan kain putih yang di iket, di taruh di bawah genteng bagian pojok. Tapi kok aku nggak nemuin buntelan itu? Harus cari bantuan, tapi bantuan siapa?? Sempet ketemu sama Pak Tua yang biasanya, dia ngajak aku ke gurun pasir buat ngambil wangsit itu. Dia naruh sesuatu ke tanganku, tapi aku gak bisa liat apa itu, soalnya dia nyuruh aku genggem tangan terus (feelingku sih itu semacem pusaka). Abis itu kok rasanya tanganku kayak kemasukkan sesuatu. Waktu aku buka tanganku lagi, aku gak liat apa-apa. Pak tua itu nyuruh aku pulang, terus dia ilang...
-Nonton Scooby Doo
-Dengerin "Joy in Small Places-nya David Usher fest. Snow"
Inalillahi wa inaillaihi roji'un, telah meninggal Ibu teman tercinta "AFFIE BLACK", kemaren minggu..
Turut berduka cita. Semoga arwah Ibu Suwandi di terima di sisi Tuhan YME dan diampuni segala dosa-dosanya..
Cukup sekian untuk hari ini...
Masih males soalnya...
B'cuz banyaknya bill telephone yang harus dibayar buat ngenet.. Idang jarang onlen.
Selain itu lagi males!
Ngapain aja?
-Mixing lagu baru
-Ngemix Vamp's Song & Kenapa Aku
-Ganti kompie baru
-Ngrawat orang sakit
-Ngisi event BOOM TOYOTA
-Didatengin makhluk halus (no shit!)
-Dapet wangsit yang belum sempet aku cari, soalnya aku gak tau nyarinya gimana. Wangsitnya berupa buntelan kain putih yang di iket, di taruh di bawah genteng bagian pojok. Tapi kok aku nggak nemuin buntelan itu? Harus cari bantuan, tapi bantuan siapa?? Sempet ketemu sama Pak Tua yang biasanya, dia ngajak aku ke gurun pasir buat ngambil wangsit itu. Dia naruh sesuatu ke tanganku, tapi aku gak bisa liat apa itu, soalnya dia nyuruh aku genggem tangan terus (feelingku sih itu semacem pusaka). Abis itu kok rasanya tanganku kayak kemasukkan sesuatu. Waktu aku buka tanganku lagi, aku gak liat apa-apa. Pak tua itu nyuruh aku pulang, terus dia ilang...
-Nonton Scooby Doo
-Dengerin "Joy in Small Places-nya David Usher fest. Snow"
Inalillahi wa inaillaihi roji'un, telah meninggal Ibu teman tercinta "AFFIE BLACK", kemaren minggu..
Turut berduka cita. Semoga arwah Ibu Suwandi di terima di sisi Tuhan YME dan diampuni segala dosa-dosanya..
Cukup sekian untuk hari ini...
Masih males soalnya...
Take Guitar
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Alhamdulillah, 4 lagu yang rencana mau aku take gitar.. akhirnya jadi.. walopun gak semua..
Tadi siang, aku minta tolong Markus buat ngisi gitar (cuman melodinya doang, sih..)
-Pertama, Dancing In The Grave... Markus bingung soalnya gak punya bayangan. Tapi akhirnya jadi juga, walopun gak kayak yang tak bayangin...
-Kedua, Angan, blah! Dia gak bisa... Aliranku gak masuk ke otak dia tuuu... hehehe.. bedha siii
-Ketiga, Plague, akhirnya selesai juga... sampe hampir 60 kali take! Edan! Kemampuan gitarnya menurun, gak pernah practice sih!
-Keempat, Take It Back, slamet...gampang sih...
Alhamdulillah, 4 lagu yang rencana mau aku take gitar.. akhirnya jadi.. walopun gak semua..
Tadi siang, aku minta tolong Markus buat ngisi gitar (cuman melodinya doang, sih..)
-Pertama, Dancing In The Grave... Markus bingung soalnya gak punya bayangan. Tapi akhirnya jadi juga, walopun gak kayak yang tak bayangin...
-Kedua, Angan, blah! Dia gak bisa... Aliranku gak masuk ke otak dia tuuu... hehehe.. bedha siii
-Ketiga, Plague, akhirnya selesai juga... sampe hampir 60 kali take! Edan! Kemampuan gitarnya menurun, gak pernah practice sih!
-Keempat, Take It Back, slamet...gampang sih...
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