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Hari Selasa:
- Selamat buat Masku, Mas Adi. Punya 'putro anyar', lahir dengan selaman 3 kg, 55 cm, namanya Dik HABIB.
- Di jemput Gembus sama Andri, pergi ke Jogja di kawal Pak Dul. Bantuin anak-anak mock-me-not rekaman.

Take vocal sampe pagi. Gak tidur, malah kasih kenang-kenangan 2 lagu 'hos', Part 1 & Part 2, aku simpen di kompienya studio Lex Rost (folder Idang). Sori ya anak-anak mock-me-not, gak bisa maksimal nih bantuinnya. Ya maklum aja kalo suaranya cempreng & jelek...

- Pulang-pulang aku kecapean, langsung tidur sehari.

Hari Rabo:
-Day Off! Tidur sampe pagi lagi!

Hari Kamis:
- Bangun pagi, besuk mbak Ifah di RS Triharsi, bikin lagu baru (cuman satu lah! Banyak-banyak bikin pusing!)
- Akhirnya lagu baru jadi, Judulnya 'Dancing In The Grave' (DITG).

Dancing In The Grave

You don't know that he's dead
He's gone and can't come back
And you decided that you won't stay
longer in this place
You find him where he goes
You beat the fear of scary cemetery
To wake him up
And dancing in the grave
Dancing in the grave...
Dancing in the grave...
Dancing in the grave...

Your boyfriend is a ghost
He never lives in this real world
So get up from your scary dream
You don't belong to him anymore
Your boyfriend is a ghost
He never lives in this real world
So get up from your scary dream
Wake up...

Dancing in the grave
You are alone
Always alone

Try your best to forget
And go back with your life
But still you find yourself alone
without him by your side
And you thought it was a dream
So you decided to go back again
Do the cemetery time
And dancing in the grave
Dancing in the grave...
Dancing in the grave...
Dancing in the grave...

Your boyfriend is a ghost
He never lives in this real world
So get up from your scary dream
You don't belong to him anymore
Your boyfriend is a ghost
He never lives in this real world
So get up from your scary dream
Wake up...

Dancing in the grave
You are alone
Always alone

Your boyfriend is a ghost
He never lives in this real world
So get up from your scary dream
You don't belong to him anymore
Your boyfriend is a ghost
He never lives in this real world
So get up from your scary dream
Wake up...
Wake up...
Wake up..
Wake up..

Ditulis: menjelang pagi, sekitar jam 2-3 pagi kali... 5 July 2002

Hari Jum'at:
- Si Bayu Conthong dateng, ngajakin nyimeng.
- Latian vokalnya DITG
- Reuni keluarga, tidur bareng suami (huss!).

- Makan siang sekeluarga (me & my husband).
- Take vocal 'DITG'
- Maen sama Stardust
- Nyimeng lagi
- Edit DITG sampe pageeee


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