I must go on and I must do something useful for my fucking life.
Today I mixed 2 old songs 'Kenapa Aku' & 'Blackened'...
*Clap my hand for my-fucking-self*
I think I miss something. The taste and the fill of the fucking song.
I should suck suck suck 'something' to make my fucking song more 'touchy'...
Suck what?? :P
At last, I'm glad, about my fucking project I've planed.
I'm working good with my fucking music today, in good fucking mood.
But too fucking bad, I haven't write any fucking vamp story.
Almost November, and the fucking year 2002, is almost over.
I don't fucking believe it, all happened so fucking fast.
I think I didn't do something good this fucking year.
Never fucking change.
This year, I was just finish my fucking strory 'Charly & Damian' & recorded my fucking new album, and all for me just for me..
No fucking book publisher and no fucking major label...
*Clap my hand again for my-fucking-self*
ill ninyo
Posted by Charly | Labels: review | 0 comments
What do you think about ill ni?o?
I like to listen to their song, and I like it.
I think it is different when you listen to fear factory, soulfly, linkin park, korn, sick of it all, POD, statix-x, deftones or another groupie that has the same genre.
I think, ill ni?o is more �latin�.
Am I right? Or I just made it up?
Well, play ill ni?o now. You�ll know...
I love the metal stuff & the latin touch on their music...
So cool...
I just hear and compare the song �What Comes Around from the album Revolution Revolucion� and �What Comes Around (Day of the Dead Mix) from the soundtrack Resident Evil�.
All good...
The song from Resident Evil seems more industrialize with the beating beat from the drum machine and the conga beat, guitar strums, make the song more mellow although it is �metal�. The one from the album Revolution Revolucion (originally called �the album version�) is also good. It has more distortion guitar sound. I like the interlude on the middle of the song which have soft latin touch.
"Tu vida es mia...bla...bla...bla..." Waaaa!! (Love it!!)
I only know a little about ill ni?o, not much...
The band :
Cristian Machado � Vocal
Marc Rizzo � Acoustic / lead guitar
Lazaro Pina � Bass
Jardel Paisante � Rhythm guitar
Dave Chavarri � Drums & Bongo
Roger Vasquez � Percussion
I think they got 1 album that came September last year called �Revolution Revolucion. I heard that this band has already released an album from roadrunner records before they came with �Revolution Revolucion�. They also contributed one song in the album A Tribute To Pantera (with a song, 5 minutes alone), and appeared in the soundtrack Faust & Resident Evil...
Clap...clap...clap... and bang my head...
I like to listen to their song, and I like it.
I think it is different when you listen to fear factory, soulfly, linkin park, korn, sick of it all, POD, statix-x, deftones or another groupie that has the same genre.
I think, ill ni?o is more �latin�.
Am I right? Or I just made it up?
Well, play ill ni?o now. You�ll know...
I love the metal stuff & the latin touch on their music...
So cool...
I just hear and compare the song �What Comes Around from the album Revolution Revolucion� and �What Comes Around (Day of the Dead Mix) from the soundtrack Resident Evil�.
All good...
The song from Resident Evil seems more industrialize with the beating beat from the drum machine and the conga beat, guitar strums, make the song more mellow although it is �metal�. The one from the album Revolution Revolucion (originally called �the album version�) is also good. It has more distortion guitar sound. I like the interlude on the middle of the song which have soft latin touch.
"Tu vida es mia...bla...bla...bla..." Waaaa!! (Love it!!)
I only know a little about ill ni?o, not much...
The band :
Cristian Machado � Vocal
Marc Rizzo � Acoustic / lead guitar
Lazaro Pina � Bass
Jardel Paisante � Rhythm guitar
Dave Chavarri � Drums & Bongo
Roger Vasquez � Percussion
I think they got 1 album that came September last year called �Revolution Revolucion. I heard that this band has already released an album from roadrunner records before they came with �Revolution Revolucion�. They also contributed one song in the album A Tribute To Pantera (with a song, 5 minutes alone), and appeared in the soundtrack Faust & Resident Evil...
Clap...clap...clap... and bang my head...
Gimana kabar?
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Bagaimana khabar? Good...
Cuman perkembangan kuping, tidak banyak berubah...
Masih mengganjel, karena dalemnya kemasukan Otopraf.
Pingin cepat sembuh..
Biar bisa enak bikin lagu lagi...
Hari ini aku harus mandi. Sudah gak mandi 2 hari....
Selamat ultah, buat yang lagi ultah! Hehehe...
Ke dokter THT periksa-in kuping...
Kuping lumayan ok...
Mudah2an keluar darah tadi cuman kotoran dan bukan infeksi...
Mudah2an kupingku gak error...
Bagaimana khabar? Good...
Cuman perkembangan kuping, tidak banyak berubah...
Masih mengganjel, karena dalemnya kemasukan Otopraf.
Pingin cepat sembuh..
Biar bisa enak bikin lagu lagi...
Hari ini aku harus mandi. Sudah gak mandi 2 hari....
Selamat ultah, buat yang lagi ultah! Hehehe...
Ke dokter THT periksa-in kuping...
Kuping lumayan ok...
Mudah2an keluar darah tadi cuman kotoran dan bukan infeksi...
Mudah2an kupingku gak error...
Ash Wednesday by Ethan Hawke
Posted by Charly | Labels: review | 0 comments
Tapi sayang. Aku nggak bisa beli buku baru dia, soalnya aku udah bukan bagian
dari kartu kredit papi lagi. Dan bukunya gak mungkin dijual di Indonesia....
Well, Ash Wednesday is a novel of blazing emotion and remarkable grace, a tale that captures the intensity--the excitement, fear, and jo--of being on the threshold of the mysterious country of marriage and parenthood.
Powerful, assured, large of heart, and punctuated by moments of tremendous humor, it represents, for Hawke the novelist, a major leap forward.
A little story of this book:
I was driving a '69 Chevy Nova 370 four-barrel with mag wheels and a dual exhaust. It's a kick-ass car. I took the muffler out so it sounds like a Harley. People love it. I was staring at myself through the window into the driver's-side-mirror; I do that all the time. I'll stare into anything that reflects. That's not a flattering quality, and I wish I didn't do it, but I do. I'm vain as all hell. It's revolting. Most of the time when I'm looking in the mirror, I'm checking to see if I'm still here or else I'm wishing I was somebody else, a Mexican bandito or somebody like that. I have a mustache. Most guys with mustaches look like fags, but I don't. I touch mine too much, though. I touch it all the time. I don't even know why I'm telling you about it now. I just stare at myself constantly and I wish I didn't. It brings me absolutely no pleasure at all.
My fingers were frozen around the steering wheel. Albany in February is a black sooty slab of ice. The woman on the radio announced the time and temperature: eight-forty-two and twenty-three degrees. Christy and I had broken up fifteen hours earlier, and I was in a tailspin. I had my uniform on, the dress one; it's awesome. Military uniforms make you feel like somebody, like you have a purpose, even if you don't. You feel special, connected to the past. You're not just an ordinary person, a civilian-you're noble. The downside of this Walk of Pride is, it's a lie.
This is my story.
My orders were unbelievable, my lieutenant is an out-of-control high-speed prick. This was his job. I had to inform some dude's wife that her husband had been shot in the head. The soldier's name was Private Kevin Anderson, and he'd been killed outside of Paradise the night before. Paradise is a bar where all the black dudes hang: probably drugs or some kind of bullshit high jinks. I didn't know him at all.
Not to mention, I was all cracked up myself. I hadn't been to sleep, doing speed all night: crystal meth. Breaking up with Christy had been a giant mistake; I knew it the minute I walked away.
The army is more lamebrain than you can even imagine. My lieutenant sometimes has me and my men go into town and stand guard over parking spots: securing position. I joined up because I wanted to be of service to something. I'd tried college, Kent State, for two years but screw that. Who wants to pay all that coin just to drink beer and get VD? My dad had been in the army, and I grew up constantly drawing pictures of machine guns and soldiers killing the hell out of one another other-shit like that-so I thought joining the army made sense. I figured it was my destiny, and it was, but just because something's your destiny doesn't mean it's gonna be any good.
I thought maybe someday I'd be in a Dairy Queen and some bonzo lunatic would whip out an automatic and start wasting people, and I'd be the one guy there who'd be able to stop him, who'd show some signs of personal heroism or integrity. There are a lot of people in the world. It's difficult to find a way to set yourself apart. When I was twelve, I built a working crossbow with bolts I could sink into a tree. That's about the coolest thing I've ever done.
Now, the only thing interesting or worthy of remark about me was my car. It was tits: silver with bold black racing stripes straight down the center. I never had any trouble getting laid.
I was hauling ass through north Albany into the "darker" part of town looking for this Anderson kid's address: 23761/2 Hawthorne, apartment B. I had all his information in a folder on the passenger seat. The streets were icy and lined with piles of crusty pollution-stained snow. I found the house easy, a big old place divided up into eight apartments. All the homes on the block were done the exact same way. Once upon a time this was the swank part of town-about eighty trillion years ago.
I sat in my Nova under a tremendous barren old sycamore tree that grew adjacent to the Andersons' driveway. Trees are wonderful. My dad was a tree man. He planted and trimmed trees for a living. Sometimes he'd be 180 feet up in the air rappelling around with a spinning chain saw, dead and sick branches bombing down onto the ground. I loved my dad. If I could give you the sensation of being eight years old watching him up in some magnificent maple singing to himself and talking to the branches-if you could hear him yell down, "Jimmy, when you're thirteen and you come live with me, we'll have ourselves some laughs then, pal, you can bet your sweet ass on that!"-if you could be inside my guts for that moment, you'd know exactly what it is like to be me. Summers, growing up, I worked with the ground crews, chopping and clearing. I was Mr. Know-It-All about landscaping. This sycamore in front of me was close to two hundred years old. Unless some ding-a-ling cuts it down it'll be right there on Hawthorne Drive long after I'm dead. Can't tell you why, but that makes me feel good.
I checked my nose to make sure it wasn't bleeding. Four hours before, I'd blown my last line with Tony, Eric, and Ed. Ed brought the crank. I wasn't gonna do any, but they started chopping 'em down, and like I said I'd just broken up with Christy and-bada-bing bada-bam-next thing you know I've been talking about Patrick Ewing, John Starks, and the rest of the New York Knicks for nine hours. Tony, Eric, and Ed are a bunch of numb-nuts, but I hang out with them all the time anyway. It makes me sad to think I'm like them. "Better to be alone than to wish you were." My father used to say that, but I never listen to anybody. I don't say that with any pride. It's good to listen to people.
In no way did I want to get out of the car. My lieutenant is a motherfucker. When I think about him, my body palpitates with rage.
Only eight-thirty in the morning and already things were going terribly. THE ARMY. WE DO MORE BEFORE NINE O'CLOCK. Isn't that the ad line on TV?
..........bla..bla...bla want to read more, please read the Extract
Ash Wednesday's Site from Bloomsbury
More about HAWKE'S BOOKS
Makan Besar, Penyakit kuping, Spatu Boot
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Abis diajakin makan besar-besaran sama mami-papi-adek.
Kenyang banget. Asli kenyang... ENaknya minta ampun...
Mbakyu Renny, sori.. tadi kok aku bisa ketiduran gitu ya?
Kayak orang yang gak sadar...
Bangun-bangun, tau-tau udah malem, dan mbak Renny udah gak ada...
Kayak ngimpi aja..
Cerita-cerita lama kok aku bisa ketiduran ya?
Aduh mbakyu... mungkin karena pengaruh pengobatan kupingku yang budheg sebelah itu kali ya...
Sori mbakyu, ojo nesu yo...
Aku ki pancen kurang ajar, ora duwe sopan santun, ora duwe utheg, & ora due roso...
Perkembangan kupingku :
Di Otopraf malah tambah budheg. Soalnya kemasukkan obat cair...
Rasanya jadi gak enak banget...
Mudah-mudahan cepet sembuh. Dan mudah-mudahan aku gak budheg sebelah.
Aku pingin punya sepatu boot, buat nggaya gothic... hehehe

Kenyang banget. Asli kenyang... ENaknya minta ampun...
Mbakyu Renny, sori.. tadi kok aku bisa ketiduran gitu ya?
Kayak orang yang gak sadar...
Bangun-bangun, tau-tau udah malem, dan mbak Renny udah gak ada...
Kayak ngimpi aja..
Cerita-cerita lama kok aku bisa ketiduran ya?
Aduh mbakyu... mungkin karena pengaruh pengobatan kupingku yang budheg sebelah itu kali ya...
Sori mbakyu, ojo nesu yo...
Aku ki pancen kurang ajar, ora duwe sopan santun, ora duwe utheg, & ora due roso...
Perkembangan kupingku :
Di Otopraf malah tambah budheg. Soalnya kemasukkan obat cair...
Rasanya jadi gak enak banget...
Mudah-mudahan cepet sembuh. Dan mudah-mudahan aku gak budheg sebelah.
Aku pingin punya sepatu boot, buat nggaya gothic... hehehe

Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Penyakit gilaku kumat lagiii!!!!!
Alone I Break
Pick me up
Been bleeding too long
Right here, right now
I'll stop it somehow
I will make it go away
Can't be here no more
Seems this is the only way
I will soon be gone
These feelings will be gone
These feelings will be gone
Now I see the times they change
Leaving us, it seems so strange
I am hoping I can find
Where to leave my hurt behind
All the shit I seem to take
All alone I seem to break
I have lived the best I can
Does this make me not a man?
Shut me off
I'm ready
Heart stops
I stand alone
Can't be on my own
I will make it go away
Can't be here no more
Seems this is the only way
I will soon be gone
These feelings will be gone
These feelings will be gone
Now I see the times they change
Leaving us, it seems so strange
I am hoping I can find
Where to leave my hurt behind
All the shit I seem to take
All alone I seem to break
I have lived the best I can
Does this make me not a man?
Am I going to leave this place?
What is it I'm running from?
Is there nothing more to come?
(Am I gonna leave this place?)
Is there always life in space?
Am I going to take it�s place?
Am I going to win this race?
(Am I going to win this race?)
I guess God's up in this place.
What is it that I've become?
Is there something more to come?
More to come
Alone I Break
Pick me up
Been bleeding too long
Right here, right now
I'll stop it somehow
I will make it go away
Can't be here no more
Seems this is the only way
I will soon be gone
These feelings will be gone
These feelings will be gone
Now I see the times they change
Leaving us, it seems so strange
I am hoping I can find
Where to leave my hurt behind
All the shit I seem to take
All alone I seem to break
I have lived the best I can
Does this make me not a man?
Shut me off
I'm ready
Heart stops
I stand alone
Can't be on my own
I will make it go away
Can't be here no more
Seems this is the only way
I will soon be gone
These feelings will be gone
These feelings will be gone
Now I see the times they change
Leaving us, it seems so strange
I am hoping I can find
Where to leave my hurt behind
All the shit I seem to take
All alone I seem to break
I have lived the best I can
Does this make me not a man?
Am I going to leave this place?
What is it I'm running from?
Is there nothing more to come?
(Am I gonna leave this place?)
Is there always life in space?
Am I going to take it�s place?
Am I going to win this race?
(Am I going to win this race?)
I guess God's up in this place.
What is it that I've become?
Is there something more to come?
More to come
Sedot Cureg & Ketemu Anak2 Suckerhead
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Kemaren malem, dianter sama Pak Yudhie Giemboel, aku ke tempatnya Om Tomo (dokter THT). Kupingku yang kanan mendadak budeg karena 'curek2 menjadi watu'. Begitu sampe ke tempat prakteknya Om Tomo, kupingku di sedot, dan cureknya banyak, warnanya coklat item-item. Yek..
Sama Om Tomo aku di kasih resep, 'Otopraf'. Ditetesin 3 tetes di kuping kanan 3 kali sehari. Katanya Om Tomo, kalo kupingku masih budeg, aku di suruh kontrol lagi ke sana tiga hari lagi...
Mudah-mudahah budeg-ku cepet sembuh...
Trus abis itu kita nyamperin anak-anak SUCKERHEAD ke Hotel BINTANG, abisnya udah janjian mau ketemuan walo cuman bentar. Besok sore mereka mau main di Monster Rock yang di adain sama Djarum Super (kalo gak salah)...
Sama Om Tomo aku di kasih resep, 'Otopraf'. Ditetesin 3 tetes di kuping kanan 3 kali sehari. Katanya Om Tomo, kalo kupingku masih budeg, aku di suruh kontrol lagi ke sana tiga hari lagi...
Mudah-mudahah budeg-ku cepet sembuh...
Trus abis itu kita nyamperin anak-anak SUCKERHEAD ke Hotel BINTANG, abisnya udah janjian mau ketemuan walo cuman bentar. Besok sore mereka mau main di Monster Rock yang di adain sama Djarum Super (kalo gak salah)...
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian, tips | 0 comments
I need a break and cig...
Rokok oh rokok...
Rokokku tinggal dua batang. Yang laennya udah meletus semua.
Uh enak...
Cuek aja tetep ngrokok, walopun masih sakit pilek dan tenggorokkan rasanya nggak beres..
Mau apa lagi? Begitulah nasip perokok. Nggak tahan kalo sehari sama sekali nggak ngrokok..
Syukurlah buat para perokok yang udah brenti ngrokok.
Sekarang mereka jadi tambah gemuk, kalo makan apa-apa rasanya jadi laen.. tambah enak katanya...
Masak sih? Iya katanya. Kalo gak percaya, coba aja brenti ngrokok... gitu katanya...
Iya iya, kalo pingin brenti ya tinggal brenti aja..
Kapan brentinya? Gak tau...
Rasanya dunia ini gak hidup tanpa gak ngrokok. Kaya slogan "bikin hidup lebih hidup"
Iya khan?
Romantis? Katanya artine "rokok makan gratis"..
Di dunia mana ya, yang bisa Romantis tiap hari?
Pasti ada....
Romantis yang lain, yang bukan "rokok makan gratis" apa?
Nggak tau...
Tapi masih lebih enak ngrokok...
Apa lagi ngrokok godhong...
Besok cari aaahhh! Biar ketangkep polisi....
Dipenjara sampe mati....
WAAAAA!!! Mabok ya? Mbuh,...
Gara-gara ngombe banyu peceren... dadi elol....
Rokok oh rokok...
Rokokku tinggal dua batang. Yang laennya udah meletus semua.
Uh enak...
Cuek aja tetep ngrokok, walopun masih sakit pilek dan tenggorokkan rasanya nggak beres..
Mau apa lagi? Begitulah nasip perokok. Nggak tahan kalo sehari sama sekali nggak ngrokok..
Syukurlah buat para perokok yang udah brenti ngrokok.
Sekarang mereka jadi tambah gemuk, kalo makan apa-apa rasanya jadi laen.. tambah enak katanya...
Masak sih? Iya katanya. Kalo gak percaya, coba aja brenti ngrokok... gitu katanya...
Iya iya, kalo pingin brenti ya tinggal brenti aja..
Kapan brentinya? Gak tau...
Rasanya dunia ini gak hidup tanpa gak ngrokok. Kaya slogan "bikin hidup lebih hidup"
Iya khan?
Romantis? Katanya artine "rokok makan gratis"..
Di dunia mana ya, yang bisa Romantis tiap hari?
Pasti ada....
Romantis yang lain, yang bukan "rokok makan gratis" apa?
Nggak tau...
Tapi masih lebih enak ngrokok...
Apa lagi ngrokok godhong...
Besok cari aaahhh! Biar ketangkep polisi....
Dipenjara sampe mati....
WAAAAA!!! Mabok ya? Mbuh,...
Gara-gara ngombe banyu peceren... dadi elol....
Ma Cherie Amor & You've Changed
Posted by Charly | Labels: my mp3, my song lyrics | 0 comments
Lirik Ma Cherie Amor Gundulmu!
Today I pray
For ma cherie amor
Tomorrow I'll pray
For ma cherie amor
I know that you don't know
But just for you ma cherie amor...
I would do anything before
You say Au revoir in my head
It's not too late
Dormiriez-vous avec moi?
download song:
Lirik You've Changed
You changed
Don't know that you were fading
became a simple man
And now that you are shrinking
You make me want to scream
As load as I can take it
And I would try neglect it
But now, you have changed
You changed
You don't remember it now
Imagine when we're young
We play in our playground
We laugh and than we scream
As loud as we can take it
And we try to protect it
But now, you have changed
Today I pray
For ma cherie amor
Tomorrow I'll pray
For ma cherie amor
I know that you don't know
But just for you ma cherie amor...
I would do anything before
You say Au revoir in my head
It's not too late
Dormiriez-vous avec moi?
download song:
Lirik You've Changed
You changed
Don't know that you were fading
became a simple man
And now that you are shrinking
You make me want to scream
As load as I can take it
And I would try neglect it
But now, you have changed
You changed
You don't remember it now
Imagine when we're young
We play in our playground
We laugh and than we scream
As loud as we can take it
And we try to protect it
But now, you have changed
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Seharian gak tidur...
Lagi punya upcoming Devilicia Project "Beat U, Crash U, Smash U"
Seharian me-mixing 'Beat U (Til U Down)', 'Api Suci' & 'Aku Ingin Pergi'...
Sampe subuh, ngerjain remix baru versi Techno 'Aku Ingin Pergi'
Dan sekalian mborong bikin 2 lagu baru, 'You've Changed', yang panjangnya cuman 2 menit, en 'Ma Cherie Amor'...with melody gitar aah..aah...
Ma cherie amor, ma cherie amor, gundulmu!!
Plus, Rip CD Devilicia's Collection, beberapa lagu yang dipilih dari 6 album :Devilicia's Collection (Compiled 15 Oct 02)
1. Beat U (Til U Down)
2. Dancing In The Grave (Skit)
3. Plague
4. Boneka (2nd Mix)
5. Aku Ingin Pergi
6. Blackened
7. Ada Iblis Tidur Di Kamarku
8. Sick
9. Hitam
10. Konsleting
11. Api Suci
12. Angan
13. Gila Aku Ini (Version)
Lagi punya upcoming Devilicia Project "Beat U, Crash U, Smash U"
Seharian me-mixing 'Beat U (Til U Down)', 'Api Suci' & 'Aku Ingin Pergi'...
Sampe subuh, ngerjain remix baru versi Techno 'Aku Ingin Pergi'
Dan sekalian mborong bikin 2 lagu baru, 'You've Changed', yang panjangnya cuman 2 menit, en 'Ma Cherie Amor'...with melody gitar aah..aah...
Ma cherie amor, ma cherie amor, gundulmu!!
Plus, Rip CD Devilicia's Collection, beberapa lagu yang dipilih dari 6 album :Devilicia's Collection (Compiled 15 Oct 02)
1. Beat U (Til U Down)
2. Dancing In The Grave (Skit)
3. Plague
4. Boneka (2nd Mix)
5. Aku Ingin Pergi
6. Blackened
7. Ada Iblis Tidur Di Kamarku
8. Sick
9. Hitam
10. Konsleting
11. Api Suci
12. Angan
13. Gila Aku Ini (Version)
Liquid Flux & Salerno
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Clubbing! Me, Bonchu, Yeye, Mark, Blend go to see :
Liquid Flux
Walo gak bagus banget, yang penting bisa Clubbing..
Di syuting Bonchu & Yeye lagi! Hehehe...
Clubbing, man! Di sini jarang lho ada event gitu...
Talk to Laury...
Aku di suruh tanya ke Travel Agen, berapa biaya tiket pesawat Solo - Jakarta & Jakarta - Roma, Italy...
Tanya ke mana ya? Ada yang tau?? Kira-kira berapa dollar tu?
Si Laury mau beliin aku tiket ke Italy, dia mau kawin sama aku...
Gimana ya?
Beneran nih, mau diboyong ke Salerno. Gimana ya?
Holly shit....
Liquid Flux
Walo gak bagus banget, yang penting bisa Clubbing..
Di syuting Bonchu & Yeye lagi! Hehehe...
Clubbing, man! Di sini jarang lho ada event gitu...
Talk to Laury...
Aku di suruh tanya ke Travel Agen, berapa biaya tiket pesawat Solo - Jakarta & Jakarta - Roma, Italy...
Tanya ke mana ya? Ada yang tau?? Kira-kira berapa dollar tu?
Si Laury mau beliin aku tiket ke Italy, dia mau kawin sama aku...
Gimana ya?
Beneran nih, mau diboyong ke Salerno. Gimana ya?
Holly shit....
Vanilla Sky
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian, review | 0 comments
Beli Vanilla Sky gara-gara lagunya Radiohead jadi soundtrack filmnya...
Opening film, pas si David bangun dari tidur : Everthing In Its Right Place
Di Bar, pas si David ngobrol sama si Ventura : I Might Be Wrong
Clubbing scene : Ada lagunya The Chemical Brothers & Underworld juga!!!
Oiii! Harusnya ngomongin filmnya Tom, Penelope & Cameron. Bukan ngomongin lagu!
Hehehe bodo...
What is happiness to you?
I wanna live a real life
I don't wanna dream any longer
Any last wishes?
Let them read my mind
Opening film, pas si David bangun dari tidur : Everthing In Its Right Place
Di Bar, pas si David ngobrol sama si Ventura : I Might Be Wrong
Clubbing scene : Ada lagunya The Chemical Brothers & Underworld juga!!!
Oiii! Harusnya ngomongin filmnya Tom, Penelope & Cameron. Bukan ngomongin lagu!
Hehehe bodo...
What is happiness to you?
I wanna live a real life
I don't wanna dream any longer
Any last wishes?
Let them read my mind
Hundred Days Off
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian, jowo, review | 0 comments
Akhire aku tuku kasete UNDERWORLD - A Hundred Days Off dung deng!!!!! **SOLA SISTIM**TRIM**ESS GEE**BALLET LANE**
Yihaaaa!! Gak nyongko neng Indonesia ono sing dodol, opo meneh neng kuto solo. Huahaha...
Nobody read me (from Blue)
Oh no!
I knew only one person read me (only Bonchu)
Is it bad? I can't beat Sheldon or that writer...
That's OK, that's fine
I still can listen to Underworld anytime I want...
And I bet they don't like Underworld, just like they don't like to read me..
I think they don't know what kind of thing Underworld is..
I'm glad.. I'm glad..
Akhire aku tuku kasete UNDERWORLD - A Hundred Days Off dung deng!!!!! **SOLA SISTIM**TRIM**ESS GEE**BALLET LANE**
Yihaaaa!! Gak nyongko neng Indonesia ono sing dodol, opo meneh neng kuto solo. Huahaha...
Nobody read me (from Blue)
Oh no!
I knew only one person read me (only Bonchu)
Is it bad? I can't beat Sheldon or that writer...
That's OK, that's fine
I still can listen to Underworld anytime I want...
And I bet they don't like Underworld, just like they don't like to read me..
I think they don't know what kind of thing Underworld is..
I'm glad.. I'm glad..
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Setting album "GENIUS"
1. Dancing In The Grave (Skit) dibikin hari kamis kemaren, sip lagunya!
2. Konsleting
3. The Big Come Down
4. Get Use 2 It
5. Like This Like That
6. Peeping Ferruz
7. Time
8. Barring Crazy
9. Devil's Love Song
10. Sick
11. Noble's Blood
12. Something About Me
13. Vuck
14. Locked Up (Haloween Rave Mix)
I dah take vocal kamis kemaren : Get Use 2 It, Hilang, Api Suci & Beat you...
Jatah sebulan buat bayar listrik, telpon, air & keperluan rumah Rp.1.360.000!!!!
Modar aku!!!! Kurangannya cari duit dari mana ya???
Mbuh ah!!!!
1. Dancing In The Grave (Skit) dibikin hari kamis kemaren, sip lagunya!
2. Konsleting
3. The Big Come Down
4. Get Use 2 It
5. Like This Like That
6. Peeping Ferruz
7. Time
8. Barring Crazy
9. Devil's Love Song
10. Sick
11. Noble's Blood
12. Something About Me
13. Vuck
14. Locked Up (Haloween Rave Mix)
I dah take vocal kamis kemaren : Get Use 2 It, Hilang, Api Suci & Beat you...
Jatah sebulan buat bayar listrik, telpon, air & keperluan rumah Rp.1.360.000!!!!
Modar aku!!!! Kurangannya cari duit dari mana ya???
Mbuh ah!!!!
Beat You
Posted by Charly | Labels: my song lyrics | 0 comments
This is me
I'm gonna beat you, crush you down
Now I don't need your sympathy
(You're history)
And I'd never beg
I never get down on my knees
to pray you near me
Never think again about you and I
And I'll follow
The way you never reach before
I'll try to know above it all
And I don't care what you will say
Cuz I'll..
Beat you
Crush you
Smash you
Till you down
Look at me
Do I look precious or gorgeous to you now?
I think you're nothing
But a shit, still hanging around in this town
I push you down
And I never beg
I never get down on my knees
to pray you near me
Never think again about you and I
And I'll follow
The way you never reach before
I'll try to know above it all
And I don't care what you will say
Cuz I'll..
Beat you
Crush you
Smash you
Till you down
I'm gonna beat you, crush you down
Now I don't need your sympathy
(You're history)
And I'd never beg
I never get down on my knees
to pray you near me
Never think again about you and I
And I'll follow
The way you never reach before
I'll try to know above it all
And I don't care what you will say
Cuz I'll..
Beat you
Crush you
Smash you
Till you down
Look at me
Do I look precious or gorgeous to you now?
I think you're nothing
But a shit, still hanging around in this town
I push you down
And I never beg
I never get down on my knees
to pray you near me
Never think again about you and I
And I'll follow
The way you never reach before
I'll try to know above it all
And I don't care what you will say
Cuz I'll..
Beat you
Crush you
Smash you
Till you down
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