Unfinished Journey

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I never feel it. Time after time, year by year, all pass by and I never change a bit. I think I’m just a lonely creature. Very lonely, and always want to be alone.
Last night I was on the top of the Tower, watching the city sides. A quiet crowded. From up there, I could see the people walking pass by the streets, very clear, with my magical eyes I have. Even If I want to jump from the tower, I would do it happily. And I would land down there smoothly. I can fly like a bird. Fly to where ever I want. I can move fast, and human eyes can’t catch me.
I looked at those small humans down there! I’m glad I could still respect them, not like my other kind. Sometimes I help humans. My friends always think that I’m stupid and dumb. They never agree if I give them much attention and taking care of human’s business. I think I did great so far, that’s not wrong. There are so many of our kinds living around human. Sharing or gathering, or mind their business, for me is the normal thing to do. As long as I don’t have problem to handle them, it doesn’t mind.
“We will close soon, boy,” the security guy spoke to me. “You’re not running away from home aren’t you?”
I only shook my head without words. If I could, I could finish him right on time there, shock him to death. But I’m not in the mood. I took the elevator and went down, left the Tower. I walked to the avenue.
I walked far, passed through the city library, and finally reached the next park. At that time, I heard the animal sounds. I was not far from the zoo. Shock the animal to death sounded fun. Maybe that would make me calm. Animal’s flesh isn’t having the same taste with human’s flesh. Not as good as it.
I zapped to the pool, moved fast through the gate. It’s almost dawn and that place was very quiet like a dead park with only low lighting. I watched the Dolphin Pool. It’s not in the inside and pretty big. I dug down on the other side of the pool. And then I saw a dolphin swim right through me. I put my hands in the water to touch it.
“Do you want me to shock you to death?” I asked the dolphin.The dolphin replied with whistle. It’s not bad talking with the animal. Sometimes I feel like they know what I’m saying. See, animal is not like human. I think they are more mellow compare to them. Well, of course they don’t want me to shock them to death. I asked them a stupid question.


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