Chapter title : It`s Not A Joke
Script & audio editor : Charly
Music : Kumauhitam by DJ Shaheeran
download: http://www.mediafire.com/?bh5r7yzn33k9cjh
**Charly - gets down from the bus**
**Charly - receives phonecall from Daniel**
Charly :
Yo, Daniel
Daniel :
Charly, where are you?
Charly :
Just get down from the bus
Uhh... do you bring the gun for me?
Daniel :
Yeah, sure
Charly :
I wanna kill myself infront of him tonight
Daniel :
Are you kidding me?!
Of course it`s a joke
Daniel :
I`m on the alley
Charly :
OK. I meet you there
Daniel :
OK. Bye...
Charly :
See ya...
Chapter title : The Rainy Suicidal Night
Script & audio editor : Charly
Music : Regnen by Antony Kostic
download: http://www.mediafire.com/?cajg88ub1byb7r7
**Charly & Joe Dohn - in the room**
Charly :
See ya in hell
**Charly - committed suicide, shot her own head with the gun**
Joe Dohn :
No, Charly...
**Joe Dohn - crying**
Chapter title : The Last Letter
Script & audio editor : Charly
Music for dialog background : People In The Tomb by Ultrasonic Junkie
Music for Charly`s letter : A Man Can Finally See by Vilifiend
download: http://www.mediafire.com/?qd5cdr02697may8
**John Dohn & Daniel - in the room***
Daniel :
I don`t know if she will use the gun for...
Joe Dohn :
Shut up, Daniel. I don`t wanna talk about it again
Daniel :
Well, I come here to give this for you
It`s a letter from... from her. You better read it
Joe Dohn :
A letter?
**Joe Dohn - turns off the music, opens the letter and reads it**
Charly`s letter :
Sometimes, I know how you use your trick to seduce me, have me, use me, or bring me down. And all the things that always make me feel like a broken glass.
I know all about your tricks, but, I never know what do you really want, and I can’t feel what’s in your mind.
I never know your pain, your sadness or your happiness. I know you are the big number one pretender in this world. You never do the things that make me feel better all these times. At least, do things that called to protect and responsible.
I never feel that you did honest things. I don’t know why. It wasn’t meant that I didn’t trust you. I have tried for that, but every time I looked at your eyes, your eyes never show it was true. I don’t want to feel like this forever. Every single time, every day, at my sleep, in my life, every where I go, in my dreams, you always there. In my head and in my mind. I know exactly how you have treated me like. It never made me better, but worst. I can’t do anything now, to forget about you and not thinking about you once in a time.
Remember. I never hate you. I never thought that you are bad. I never blame you or think that you are the enemy. Time will tell. Time will make you be better than before. Time will take you to the way that you deserve. Stop fooling and crashing yourself, if you want yourself better than last days.
Sorry if I think too much about you and judge you wrong. I just want to say I’m sorry if all this time maybe I’ve made you hurt, made you sad and troubled you. I’m sorry about… what have been through all this year. It’s not your fault. It’s my fault. I’m really sorry and I hope you can understand me. How I feel, what I want.
When I`m dead, please don’t think about me. Forget me and don’t cry for me. You don’t have to do that, because for you, I’m nothing.
I want you to be good. I want you to know the real world and I want you to do the best thing for your life, and good for people surround you. People surround you do have feelings too, you know. Respect them, like they respect you.
And me? I never need someone’s help or your help. I can face it myself.
I think, the only way is ‘I should die’.
See you in hell!
Chapter title : The Fail Suicide Retro
Script & audio editor : Charly
Music : Black Heart Part 2 by Digital Dumbshit
download: http://www.mediafire.com/?isng6pqzq7ysrcd
**Daniel - Entering Joe Dohn`s Room, finds Joe Dohn laying in the floor**
Joe Dohn :
Leave me alone
Daniel :
Oh, my dear God!!!
Whatta fuck are you doing?
Are you trying to kill yourself?
Not again... not again...
I`ll take you to the hospital
**Daniel - carries Joe Dohn to the car and speed up**
**Joe Dohn - in the hospital room, with eyes open looking at the ceiling and cry**
Joe Dohn speaks in his mind :
I thought I`m dead
She just wanted me to be good
I thought I have my spirit back to do anything anymore
And I just...
I just, couldn`t do it
Everything just...
Chapter title : The Dead Room
Script & audio editor : Charly
Music : Nocturne For Violin And Piano by Frederic Chopin
download: http://www.mediafire.com/?b4kya3q3k8a129s
**Joe Dohn - in Charly`s room & looking at her picture**
Joe Dohn :
Talking to myself like this, is just like uhm... reading poetry
Talking nothing, minds... goes... wherever... there goes
Well, is this some kind of joke or anything? But... it`s not always... work
You trap inside somewhere and you can`t get out, you...
Probably will... desperate or crying, but, it`s okay...
I just got that feeling, I got that feeling, I don`t know what feeling is it, uhm...
That thing happened to us, I mean we through that...
That`s a... very fucking godamn hurt...
So quiet down here no music and I hear... sounds, surrounding around
Well, hell...
I don`t know what the fuck I`m talking about here...
I`m crazy...
**Joe Dohn - lights a smoke**
**Joe Dohn - walks away in tears**
**Joe Dohn - opens the door, closes the door**
--- THE END ----