Aku hanya seorang manusia yang mempunyai pendapat2 rendahan yang tidak bernilai, mempunyai pikiran2 yang tidak luas dan picik.
Itulah aku.
Maaf kalau aku tidak bisa berubah.
Semua tak sama.
Mungkin kalau aku berubah seperti apa yang mereka inginkan, mereka akan senang.
Mudah-mudahan suatu saat nanti aku akan berubah dan membuat kita semua senang.
Mudah-mudahan suatu saat nanti akan ada yang bisa menyamakan pikiran orang-orang supaya mereka semua bisa hidup bahagia dan senang tanpa beban.
Dunia ini sangat luas, dan banyak yang bisa dilihat.
Orang-orang yang punya urusan sendiri-sendiri..
Bermacam-macam cara hidup dan tujuan yang ditempuh.
Apakah semua sama? Aku sendiri tidak tahu.
Lalu apa yang akan kuberikan pada dunia?
Mungkin hidupku.
Aku memberikan hidupku pada dunia, bukan berarti aku rela mati demi dunia ini.
Yang aku maksud aku memberikan hidupku pada dunia adalah, 'hidupku sejak aku lahir di dunia sampai aku mati'.
Apakah hidupku berarti?
Hanya aku yang tahu.
Karena kalau aku merasa itu berarti, aku akan merasakan kalau itu berarti.
Apa yang kuanggap tidak baik dan baik, mungkin tidak sama dengan pendapat orang-orang.
Hidupku adalah hidupku dan hidup mereka adalah hidup mereka.
Kita semua hidup menemukan jalan sendiri-sendiri yang kadang tidak sama.
Mungkin aku tidak begitu tahu apa arti hidup.
Aku tidak hebat seperti mereka dan aku masih harus banyak belajar.
Tahun 2003???
Ada apa di tahun 2003?
Aku tidak begitu memperhatikan tahun baru.
Rasanya tahun berganti itu sama saja dengan hari-hari biasa.
Tidak ada yang special.
Tahun ini mungkin aku akan minggat.
Entah ke mana.
Aku ingin mencari jalan sendiri, tanpa usak-usik bla bla bla dari mereka yang ingin mencampuri urusan orang lain.
Mudah-mudahan aku bisa merdeka dan berjaya.
Aku mungkin akan meninggalkan semuanya.
Rumah, keluarga, teman, komputer?
Duh gusti...
Orang memang tidak luput dari kesalahan.
Aku salah.
Aku sudah melakukan kesalahan walaupun bagiku itu hanya kesalahan kecil yang tidak perlu dipermasalahkan.
Ya sudah.. aku tidak akan bunuh diri.
Sebaiknya pergi saja..
Memang seharusnya dari dulu aku sudah harus pergi dari rumah ini.
Semuanya tidak akan kuterima. Rumah, mobil, dan harta yang lain.
Aku tidak butuh itu.
Aku hanya butuh bahagia, dan aku tidak ingin melihat mereka menghancurkan aku.
Biar saja...
Tak perduli kalau banyak yang ngomong kalau aku ini sampah atau murahan...
Aku tidak pernah memperdulikan omongan mereka.
Apa aku masih bisa nulis-nulis lagi di sini ya?
Kita lihat saja nanti...
Sekarang aku harus memikirkan sesuatu..
Pergi dari sini, mencari tempat naungan baru yang tenang dan tanpa adanya para 'pengadu2 berkemampuan kelas' yang selalu ikut campur urusan orang, dan mengeluh tentang hal-hal yang tidak penting.
Aku ingin mecari kebebasan.
Aku sudah muak setiap kali selalu diawasi seperti anak kecil.
Kalau begitu terus, aku akan selamanya menjadi anak kecil...
Aku ingin berusaha hidup dengan keringatku sendiri tanpa bantuan mereka lagi.
Aku tidak layak menerima uang mereka.
Bagi mereka aku sudah mati.
Sudah tidak ada lagi...
Semoga Tuhan melindungi mereka semua...
Semoga Tuhan selalu menjaga bapak, bapak bisa hidup tenang, bahagia, dan selalu sehat wal afiat selamanya.
Semoga keluarga kakak-kakakku semua diberkati, diberikan ketentraman, kerukunan, dan jauh dari pertikaian dan iri dengki.
Semoga semua yang ada di rumah wetan dan rumah ini semuanya bisa membantu, menjaga nama baik keluarga, tidak bergosip dan tidak menjelek-jelekkan keluarga.
Semoga semuanya baik-baik saja tanpa ada aku.
Kalau aku ada di rumah ini terus, semuanya pasti akan kacau, karena aku ini sudah rusak...
Dan yang terakhir dariku untuk Tuhan....
Maafkan aku.
Aku telah banyak bersalah.
Aku sudah banyak membuat kekacauan.
Aku ini bukan orang yang baik.
Maafkan aku.
Aku mohon pada-Mu...
Sekarang sudah tidak ada yang mendukungku lagi.
Oleh sebab itu aku meminta dukungan-Mu ya Tuhan.
Carikanlah jalan untukku, supaya aku bisa terus melanjutkan hidupku dengan hasil jerih payahku sendiri.
Bimbinglah aku supaya aku menjadi orang yang kuat dan tidak putus asa.
Lindungilah aku dari semua mara bahaya.
Sekarang hanya Tuhan yang bisa membantu.
Hanya Tuhan...
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Akhirnya merid juga, dik Nia... setelah mengalami banyak petir dan guntur yang lewat...
Semoga bahagia bersama si kecil...
Aku capek banget. Baru aja pulang dari Gresik. Tapi, begitu nyampe rumah kok malah gak tidur ya?
Gontho time!!! HAHAHA!!
Semoga bahagia bersama si kecil...
Aku capek banget. Baru aja pulang dari Gresik. Tapi, begitu nyampe rumah kok malah gak tidur ya?
Gontho time!!! HAHAHA!!
Thinks Evil
Posted by Charly | Labels: my song lyrics | 0 comments
This is not the beginning, and this is not the end.
The story will goes and goes more sadly until we grow up and waiting death to come.
Who am I?
I'm nobody.
I'm just a person who thinks and worries too much.
How old am I?
Maybe I'm younger than you are even I am older.
I'm growin' up.
Do I understand myself?
Sometimes I do.
Do I recognize myself?
Not quite clearly, though.
Life must go on.
And day-by-day I learn many things.
Sometimes I ask myself.
Whose life is this?
This life belongs to everybody.
But I definitely see some gap.
It's about freedom.
It's about you can do what you want to do with nobody controls you.
It's about fair.
I watched many people force many people to do things.
The people from the environment,
And the neighbourhood.
Or somewhere else.
They cannot do what ever they want all the time, and find what's them.
They never satisfied.
The day when they started to think they should get away from all of their will, they will become a rebellion.
They will no longer trust their words, and keeps them far away from the real world.
And then they become a person who feels alone.
Like when I said; "They are around, but I never feel their presence."
I am a person who loves the night
The darkness.
And loneliness.
I only find happiness when there is nobody beside me.
I talk to myself, I fantasize my own world, and I started to forget outside world.
I locked myself in my room to stay away from their dirty talks about me.
My room became my home.
The safest world, and the better place where I could build my experiences.
I don't know how long I could stay that way.
I never count.
I almost forgot the days, the date, and the time.
Going so fast sometimes.
But it's also going so slow.
I don't know what's important to me anymore.
I try, warn you here.
Don't wasting your time - too much with the moment of loneliness.
Otherwise you will trap inside in the different world and can't get out.
The world that you have created on purpose is very dangerous for your life.
If you always stay in it,
You will not easily be able to be a strong person.
Not easily be able to be a patient person.
Not easily be able to be good.
Believe it or not..
It is happen to me and it's not a dream.
I become a devil.
I don't realize if it is bad for me.
And I just keep on walk in that way.
When I woke up in the morning from my long loneliness, everything changes...
Darkness is all around.
The favourite colours are blue and black.
Minor is the best song to hear.
There are no tears anymore.
I'm full of hatred.
Full of sins,
Full of revenge,
Full of devilish smile appears everyday.
I did, melancholy died in the half part.
I became someone who has my own world and rules.
No one can destroy me, and no one can disturb me.
I became a people that had the new things around.
I had a new world.
New life.
New soul.
I've gone to far from my loneliness.
I couldn't bare it.
The emotions exploded.
And I never gave a shit to anything.
I've been stucked in the different world of mine.
Seeing people as they are not people but aliens.
Now I realized.
That way is no good for me.
That was wrong.
I failed to protect my life old days.
Trapped into my own fantasies and make my own illusions become real.
I was banished from the real world just because of my fault.
I never knew if that time I was trapped into underworld and suffered in my coma...
And now?
Will I change or not?
Will I have a chance to survive or not?
I don't know...
The story will goes and goes more sadly until we grow up and waiting death to come.
Who am I?
I'm nobody.
I'm just a person who thinks and worries too much.
How old am I?
Maybe I'm younger than you are even I am older.
I'm growin' up.
Do I understand myself?
Sometimes I do.
Do I recognize myself?
Not quite clearly, though.
Life must go on.
And day-by-day I learn many things.
Sometimes I ask myself.
Whose life is this?
This life belongs to everybody.
But I definitely see some gap.
It's about freedom.
It's about you can do what you want to do with nobody controls you.
It's about fair.
I watched many people force many people to do things.
The people from the environment,
And the neighbourhood.
Or somewhere else.
They cannot do what ever they want all the time, and find what's them.
They never satisfied.
The day when they started to think they should get away from all of their will, they will become a rebellion.
They will no longer trust their words, and keeps them far away from the real world.
And then they become a person who feels alone.
Like when I said; "They are around, but I never feel their presence."
I am a person who loves the night
The darkness.
And loneliness.
I only find happiness when there is nobody beside me.
I talk to myself, I fantasize my own world, and I started to forget outside world.
I locked myself in my room to stay away from their dirty talks about me.
My room became my home.
The safest world, and the better place where I could build my experiences.
I don't know how long I could stay that way.
I never count.
I almost forgot the days, the date, and the time.
Going so fast sometimes.
But it's also going so slow.
I don't know what's important to me anymore.
I try, warn you here.
Don't wasting your time - too much with the moment of loneliness.
Otherwise you will trap inside in the different world and can't get out.
The world that you have created on purpose is very dangerous for your life.
If you always stay in it,
You will not easily be able to be a strong person.
Not easily be able to be a patient person.
Not easily be able to be good.
Believe it or not..
It is happen to me and it's not a dream.
I become a devil.
I don't realize if it is bad for me.
And I just keep on walk in that way.
When I woke up in the morning from my long loneliness, everything changes...
Darkness is all around.
The favourite colours are blue and black.
Minor is the best song to hear.
There are no tears anymore.
I'm full of hatred.
Full of sins,
Full of revenge,
Full of devilish smile appears everyday.
I did, melancholy died in the half part.
I became someone who has my own world and rules.
No one can destroy me, and no one can disturb me.
I became a people that had the new things around.
I had a new world.
New life.
New soul.
I've gone to far from my loneliness.
I couldn't bare it.
The emotions exploded.
And I never gave a shit to anything.
I've been stucked in the different world of mine.
Seeing people as they are not people but aliens.
Now I realized.
That way is no good for me.
That was wrong.
I failed to protect my life old days.
Trapped into my own fantasies and make my own illusions become real.
I was banished from the real world just because of my fault.
I never knew if that time I was trapped into underworld and suffered in my coma...
And now?
Will I change or not?
Will I have a chance to survive or not?
I don't know...
That's The Story
Posted by Charly | Labels: cerpen bahasa inggris | 0 comments
"That's the story, officer.
I killed them.
I understand if you don't believe me, b'cuz i'm only 15 years old kid and know nothing about life.
You can ask my brother and sister.
They were there when I kill them.
My brother was laughing, he seemed very happy to see me killed.
And my sister told me to ged rid of the body.
I told you everything, sir.
You still don't believe me?"
Pengakuan siapa yang di tulis di atas itu???
Siapa si yang dibunuh??
I killed them.
I understand if you don't believe me, b'cuz i'm only 15 years old kid and know nothing about life.
You can ask my brother and sister.
They were there when I kill them.
My brother was laughing, he seemed very happy to see me killed.
And my sister told me to ged rid of the body.
I told you everything, sir.
You still don't believe me?"
Pengakuan siapa yang di tulis di atas itu???
Siapa si yang dibunuh??
Don't You Ever...
Posted by Charly | Labels: my song lyrics | 0 comments
would you think of what I say
try to make it easy anyway, every day
never stop to count the day and pray
If you wanna wash away your pain in your vain
don't you ever run away
and listen to what they say about the last day,
or the next day
don't you ever turn away
don't you ever go away from here
don't forget the game we play
you gave all of your betray
but I, always care
I will always be there
to be with you night and day
don't worry, It's OK
don't you ever run away
and listen to what they say about the last day,
or the next day
don't you ever turn away
don't you ever go away from here
don't you ever run away
don't you ever turn away
don't you ever go away
from here
try to make it easy anyway, every day
never stop to count the day and pray
If you wanna wash away your pain in your vain
don't you ever run away
and listen to what they say about the last day,
or the next day
don't you ever turn away
don't you ever go away from here
don't forget the game we play
you gave all of your betray
but I, always care
I will always be there
to be with you night and day
don't worry, It's OK
don't you ever run away
and listen to what they say about the last day,
or the next day
don't you ever turn away
don't you ever go away from here
don't you ever run away
don't you ever turn away
don't you ever go away
from here
Love Oh Love
Posted by Charly | Labels: my song lyrics | 0 comments
Finally we broke the distant
Never feel so close like this
And then the past had just begun
It feels like
Rain in the moonlight, love
I see, never ending scene
Oh you..
To late..
I never know, if that day, you give me any minute
We've gone..
To far..
And then I told you how to recognize who you are
When you close to your sacred heart
I want you to feel what I really feel
Could you do that or not?
And I always wish you would chose
You better not tell me no
Never feel so close like this
And then the past had just begun
It feels like
Rain in the moonlight, love
I see, never ending scene
Oh you..
To late..
I never know, if that day, you give me any minute
We've gone..
To far..
And then I told you how to recognize who you are
When you close to your sacred heart
I want you to feel what I really feel
Could you do that or not?
And I always wish you would chose
You better not tell me no
Mangan Akeh
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian, jowo | 0 comments
Wingi aku mangan akeh bianget! Opo goro-goro gontho napsu makan dadi tambah?
Aku ngentheke :
-martabak sak bungkus
-kue terang bulan keju sak kerdus
-sate wedhus 12 tusuk (mangan bareng Oscar)
-bubur ayam lengganan sak piring (dijajakke Wuri)
-chiki 4 bungkus
-es krim 2 gelas
-onion rings & chicken strip
-bubur cendhil waloh sak pincuk
Mau kok wetengku rodo mules, neng kamar mandi ping pindho..
Kethok-e iki kebelet meneh..
Mangane akeh, tapi sama sekali ora kelebon sego..
Mas Adi bali seko Temanggung dino iki. Mau mampir mrene ngedrop oleh2 panganan akeh..
Mangan meneh!!!
Hahahaha! Jan penak tenan!!
Nggontho meneh ahhh.... (LHOOO????)
Aku ngentheke :
-martabak sak bungkus
-kue terang bulan keju sak kerdus
-sate wedhus 12 tusuk (mangan bareng Oscar)
-bubur ayam lengganan sak piring (dijajakke Wuri)
-chiki 4 bungkus
-es krim 2 gelas
-onion rings & chicken strip
-bubur cendhil waloh sak pincuk
Mau kok wetengku rodo mules, neng kamar mandi ping pindho..
Kethok-e iki kebelet meneh..
Mangane akeh, tapi sama sekali ora kelebon sego..
Mas Adi bali seko Temanggung dino iki. Mau mampir mrene ngedrop oleh2 panganan akeh..
Mangan meneh!!!
Hahahaha! Jan penak tenan!!
Nggontho meneh ahhh.... (LHOOO????)
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian, jowo | 0 comments
Halo bandung kebakaran!
Gontho is the best!!!!!!!
Aku duwe akeh banget!!!!!
Cukup nggo 5 dino!!!!
(paling pelaksanaane 3 ndino!!)
Gontho is the best!!!!!!!
Aku duwe akeh banget!!!!!
Cukup nggo 5 dino!!!!
(paling pelaksanaane 3 ndino!!)
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian, review | 0 comments
Lagu-lagu kaya gitu baru muncul sekarang?? Hah! Bullshit! Pada ketinggalan jaman semuanya!!!
Endingnya, gue pingin bilang...
Endingnya, gue pingin bilang...
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