I`ll be busy for this one, special to my senior, Finn. Cuz I will off for a long while for this. I`m no longer Charly, I`m Kenny Fitz, Tom Hanzel`s Cousin. Who give a fuck?
What I like from the Dark Cross slogan is "Beware kids, do not play hell." The other slogan is "They know something you don`t know", and I didn`t catch why they have chosen the last slogan
I have 1 minute cheap movie commercial, 96 Kbps (justa sketch) go here --> http://www.mediafire.com/?sim11hxzduam129
The cool part from the dialog is when Faust as Leil Klima said "No, I just
don't want to throw my life that easy..." Love sexiiiiiiiiiiiiiih!!! I don`t like my part eventhoo it is longer words. Honest, I prefer to do Sam`s dialog "I'm not afraid to die..."
The song by Lain The Band is very cool for this R.E. A big big big Thankies to them awesome musician friend!!!
Wish me luck. I`ll shut my fuck up now
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