Hey hey dead city
I say without a care and I see a face without a body
And I look, look everywhere, I see a body without a head
And I'm afraid... I'm afraid
Cuz I'm in...
In a dead city hey
I'm in a dead city
I know everywhere
It's just me and the city
It's not everyone else to be here
And I say I don't care cuz people right here don't understand me
Cuz it's only a city
It's only a dead city
I don't care
I don't care
I don't care, I don't care
I don't care
I don't care
I don't, I don't, I don't care
And I look up once again
Wake up in the morning
And I see a sunrise without a cloud
Once again I see a body in the ground
It's just a corp of a dead man cries
It's a dead man cries
And I don't care again about the city
cuz it's no life in here, just me still survivin'
Just me, still survivin'
And I don't care
And I don't care
I, I, I don't care
I don't, I don't care
And I
Care I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't
Care I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't
Care I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't
It's just a dead city
Give me more mellow
Give me more passion
Just handle me like a woman
Don't treat me like a wolf
Just give me a mellow
Give me a passion
Just treat me like a woman
I'm not a wolf
I'm not a wolf
I'm not a (I'm not a)
I'm not a (I'm not a)
I'm not a (I'm not a)
I'm not a wolf
When I look into the flies away
When I look into the flies away
When I look into the flies away
Flies away
I know you noticed you have fault to me
And when you touch me you can have me
And now you hug me with your hands are free
It's all I've got
To know it's wrong
Nobody owns my body but you
So fuckin horny
So fuckin much
When I look into the flies away
You know you owe me
You've got to believe me
I tell you all true
All true
I never lie to you
I never lie
I lied once
And I am much more longer than hurt
You know I long for making love to you
Case me when you fall
You've got to know it's on
You have me when it's true
You've got the flies away
Like a bird and a fly
I wanna die if I can't have you
I wanna die if I can't have you
I wanna die if I can't have you
My body flies, up to the sky
You know it's true
Marry me man!!!
Marry me man!!!
Marry me man!!!
Marry me man!!!
Marry me man!!!
Marry me man!!!
Marry me man!!!
Lagu-lagu direkam sekitar taon 94-95, yah... udah sekitar 15 taon yang lalu. Yang maen gitar namanya Mas Hassan Rusdi, kakaknya Mas Rizal (Bassistnya CASHBACK BAND). Karena dari kaset, jadi ya kualitas suaranya agak gliyar gliyur. Tapi jelas banget kok. Layak buat didengerin.
Waktu rekaman lagu ini, liriknya nggak dibuat dulu. Jadi langsung aja kluar kata-kata yang nggak tau artinya apa. Mungkin agak nggak nyambung...
Lagu Devil's Love Song ada versi band-nya (klik di sini kalo mau download yang versi band), at last thanks to Mas Hassan Rusdi, yang udah nyumbang maen bass & sedikit kencrungan gitar, juga Mas Adenk Yulianto yang udah ngisi kencrungan-kencrungan gitar dan lead yang berbau arabian, trus Mas Anang a.k.a ACENG LEE yang udah gebag-gebug glondang glondeng ngisi drum.
Ada juga yang versi DEVILICIA PROJECT kalo mau check visit aja ke
matur suwun...
Karaokenan 2 lagu Nine Inch Nails
Posted by Charly | Labels: my cover song | 0 comments
Yo'a... Udah jarang gombrang-gombreng or ngerjain aktivitas lama, so ni hari iseng ajah karaokenan 2 lagunya Nine Inch Nails, "The Good Soldier" sama "The Warning".
Klo ada yang mau pada ikutan karaokenan lagunya Nine Inch Nails, bisa kok download minus-onenya di tempatnya Mas Reznor = Di situ ada beberapa Minus One dari album The Downward Spiral sama album Year Zero.
download via mediafire:
The Good Soldier
The Warning
Klo ada yang mau pada ikutan karaokenan lagunya Nine Inch Nails, bisa kok download minus-onenya di tempatnya Mas Reznor = Di situ ada beberapa Minus One dari album The Downward Spiral sama album Year Zero.
download via mediafire:
The Good Soldier
The Warning
This Month AMV
Posted by Charly | Labels: anime | 0 comments
Pure Thrust
Anime: Bakemonogatari (TV)
Music: Yuksek - Tonight
Editor: Nostromo

download AMV
Galaxy Bounce
Anime: Pale Cocoon (OAV)
Music: Andy Hunter - Life Light
Editor: Nostromo

download AMV
Hold Your Color
Anime: Karas
Music: Pendulum - Hold Your Color
Editor: Stolen Soul

download AMV --- MP4 / AVI
Hearts & Soul
Anime: Ghost In The Shell 2: Innocence
Music: Zero 7 - Destiny
Editor: TriGGit

download AMV
Anime: Bakemonogatari (TV)
Music: Yuksek - Tonight
Editor: Nostromo

download AMV
Galaxy Bounce
Anime: Pale Cocoon (OAV)
Music: Andy Hunter - Life Light
Editor: Nostromo

download AMV
Hold Your Color
Anime: Karas
Music: Pendulum - Hold Your Color
Editor: Stolen Soul

download AMV --- MP4 / AVI
Hearts & Soul
Anime: Ghost In The Shell 2: Innocence
Music: Zero 7 - Destiny
Editor: TriGGit

download AMV
Posted by Charly | Labels: stress | 0 comments
Sekali dianggap rusak, akan selamanya rusak...
Bagi saya, memang tidak ada yang namanya mengharumkan nama baik...
karena yang mereka tahu, saya ini memang sudah rusak...
jadi yang namanya 'nama baik', itu tidak ada gunanya, jika tetap ada mulut-mulut yang kotor yang selalu berprovokasi tidak baik tentang saya...
Saya hanya ingin menjadi orang biasa...
Orang biasa... tanpa memperhatikan pangkat, martabat, atau sesuatu yang terhormat...
Orang biasa, layaknya seperti rakyat biasa yang tidak berpangkat tinggi...
Bagi saya, memang tidak ada yang namanya mengharumkan nama baik...
karena yang mereka tahu, saya ini memang sudah rusak...
jadi yang namanya 'nama baik', itu tidak ada gunanya, jika tetap ada mulut-mulut yang kotor yang selalu berprovokasi tidak baik tentang saya...
Saya hanya ingin menjadi orang biasa...
Orang biasa... tanpa memperhatikan pangkat, martabat, atau sesuatu yang terhormat...
Orang biasa, layaknya seperti rakyat biasa yang tidak berpangkat tinggi...
Posted by Charly | Labels: my song lyrics | 0 comments
Tak terasa
waktu terbuang
Tak terasa ternyata
waktu terbuang
Tak pernah ku ucap lagi
Kata-kataku seperti saat kumasih biasa
Tak pernah kudengar lagi kebisingan
Aku diam
Tak pernah ku ucap lagi
Kata-kataku seperti saat kumasih biasa
Tak pernah kudengar lagi kebisingan
Aku diam
Tak pernah ku ucap lagi kata-kata
Ku diam
Tak pernah ku ucap lagi
No matter what to do
No matter what to waste
Tak pernah kudengar lagi
Tak terasa
waktu terbuang
Tak terasa ternyata
waktu terbuang
Tak pernah ku ucap lagi
Kata-kataku seperti saat kumasih biasa
Tak pernah kudengar lagi kebisingan
Aku diam
Tak pernah ku ucap lagi
Kata-kataku seperti saat kumasih biasa
Tak pernah kudengar lagi kebisingan
Aku diam
Tak pernah ku ucap lagi kata-kata
Ku diam
Tak pernah ku ucap lagi
No matter what to do
No matter what to waste
Tak pernah kudengar lagi
Devilicia Project Discography
Posted by Charly | Labels: devilicia project, download my compiled music project | 0 comments
ONE - 2000

Track Lists:
01 Ada Iblis (Tidur Di Kamarku)
02 Hitam
03 Sick (D&B Mix)
04 Gila Aku Ini
05 Locked Up (Fuck Valentine Remix)
06 Meledak (Boom Bass Mix)
07 A Poison Tree
08 Boneka (2nd Version)
09 Don't Be Silly Charly
10 Waktu (Stereo Delay Mix)
download link:

Track Lists:
00. Intro
01. Barring (DnB Simple Mix Rebuilt)
02. Ada Iblis (Melancholy Mix)
03. Sick (Midnight Mix)
04. Boneka (Sci-Hop Mix)
05. Locked Up (Vuck Falentine Mix)

Track Lists:
01. New Day Truly (Poly Mix)
02. Don't Be Silly (Rave Alam Mix)
03. Locked Up (Sloppy Mix)
04. Barring (DnB Simple Mix)
05. Sleep Al Day (Funkylektro Mix)
06. Feel Free to Dance In 5 Sec
07. Sick (Outro Mix)
08. My Sweet Price (Outro Mix)

Track Lists:
01 Buntu
02 Kmarau
03 Plague
04 Seperti Biasanya
05 Hitam
06 Gila Aku Ini
07 Sarap
08 Gela Gelo! Yo! Yo!
09 Lagu Tidur
10 Sendiri Dan Bahagia
11 Zil
12 Syap
13 Sesat
14 Absinthe
download link:

Track Lists:
01 Dancin In The Grave
02 Drunken Face
03 To Destroy
04 Boy Hardcore
05 Searching
06 Scratch Me
07 Dream
08 Fearless
09 Nuthin
10 Take It Back
11 Devil's Love Song
12 Polish
13 Bonus
download link:

Track Lists:
01 Suicide Is Killing
02 Before You Step Too Far
03 My Boyfriend Is A Gay
04 Loser
05 Watch You Down
06 Million Minutes
07 Evritaim
08 Don't Wanna Be Protected
09 Sexual Desire
10 Poison & Tears (Fix)
11 In The Dark
12 Lost
13 Different Place
download link:
QUEEN OF DARKNESS - A PATH TO NOWHERE (Vampiric Folksong) 2005

Track List:
01. If I Could
02. My Precious
03. I Miss You
04. I'm A Liar
05. You've Changed
06. The Count's Song
07. Promises Broken
08. Standing Still
09. Sick
10. Immortality Rises
11. If I Could (Acoustic Version)
12. You've Changed (Jazz Remix)
download link:

Track Lists:
1 Alt Version
2 Ebulient
3 Execution
4 Remix
5 T.A.S.B
download link:

Track Lists:
01 Buried
02 Don't Let Yourself Blinding
03 Blackened (ChillinBuz Remix)
04 Hangin' (with Alex Dablobman)
05 My Chemical
06 Push Me Smooth Deeply
07 Slow Rebel Flow (Merry-Go-Round Mix)
08 Por It (with DD Crow)
09 You're The Only One (with Ucuk Wahyudi R.I.P)
10 The Hidden Wounded Deepest Heart
11 Lonely Soul (UNKLE & Richard Ashcroft Cover)
12 Sorry I Can't Lite You Fire
13 Slow Rebel Flow
download link:

Track Lists:
01 Ada Iblis (Tidur Di Kamarku)
02 Hitam
03 Sick (D&B Mix)
04 Gila Aku Ini
05 Locked Up (Fuck Valentine Remix)
06 Meledak (Boom Bass Mix)
07 A Poison Tree
08 Boneka (2nd Version)
09 Don't Be Silly Charly
10 Waktu (Stereo Delay Mix)
download link:

Track Lists:
00. Intro
01. Barring (DnB Simple Mix Rebuilt)
02. Ada Iblis (Melancholy Mix)
03. Sick (Midnight Mix)
04. Boneka (Sci-Hop Mix)
05. Locked Up (Vuck Falentine Mix)

Track Lists:
01. New Day Truly (Poly Mix)
02. Don't Be Silly (Rave Alam Mix)
03. Locked Up (Sloppy Mix)
04. Barring (DnB Simple Mix)
05. Sleep Al Day (Funkylektro Mix)
06. Feel Free to Dance In 5 Sec
07. Sick (Outro Mix)
08. My Sweet Price (Outro Mix)

Track Lists:
01 Buntu
02 Kmarau
03 Plague
04 Seperti Biasanya
05 Hitam
06 Gila Aku Ini
07 Sarap
08 Gela Gelo! Yo! Yo!
09 Lagu Tidur
10 Sendiri Dan Bahagia
11 Zil
12 Syap
13 Sesat
14 Absinthe
download link:

Track Lists:
01 Dancin In The Grave
02 Drunken Face
03 To Destroy
04 Boy Hardcore
05 Searching
06 Scratch Me
07 Dream
08 Fearless
09 Nuthin
10 Take It Back
11 Devil's Love Song
12 Polish
13 Bonus
download link:

Track Lists:
01 Suicide Is Killing
02 Before You Step Too Far
03 My Boyfriend Is A Gay
04 Loser
05 Watch You Down
06 Million Minutes
07 Evritaim
08 Don't Wanna Be Protected
09 Sexual Desire
10 Poison & Tears (Fix)
11 In The Dark
12 Lost
13 Different Place
download link:
QUEEN OF DARKNESS - A PATH TO NOWHERE (Vampiric Folksong) 2005
Track List:
01. If I Could
02. My Precious
03. I Miss You
04. I'm A Liar
05. You've Changed
06. The Count's Song
07. Promises Broken
08. Standing Still
09. Sick
10. Immortality Rises
11. If I Could (Acoustic Version)
12. You've Changed (Jazz Remix)
download link:

Track Lists:
1 Alt Version
2 Ebulient
3 Execution
4 Remix
5 T.A.S.B
download link:

Track Lists:
01 Buried
02 Don't Let Yourself Blinding
03 Blackened (ChillinBuz Remix)
04 Hangin' (with Alex Dablobman)
05 My Chemical
06 Push Me Smooth Deeply
07 Slow Rebel Flow (Merry-Go-Round Mix)
08 Por It (with DD Crow)
09 You're The Only One (with Ucuk Wahyudi R.I.P)
10 The Hidden Wounded Deepest Heart
11 Lonely Soul (UNKLE & Richard Ashcroft Cover)
12 Sorry I Can't Lite You Fire
13 Slow Rebel Flow
download link:
Sarapan Hari Ini
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 commentsAYI THE MANUFACTURE DISGOGRAPHY
Posted by Charly | Labels: ayi the manufacture, download my compiled music project | 0 comments
Mochik Single 2001

Track Lists:
01. Mochik (Cave Mix)
02. Mochik (DnB Mix)
03. Mochik (Oriental Mix)
04. Mochik
05. Run Up To The Sky
download link:
Centurius 2004

Track Lists:
01. My Garder Soul
02. Peeping Feruzz
03. Absurd
04. The Dark
05. Vamp's Song (Story Mix)
06. Roll Downward
07. My Precious
08. Illuminated
09. Sitting On The High Side
10. Who Are You (featuring Lamonda Brown)
11. My Sweet Prince
download link:
Cheap Illusion 2005

Track Lisits:
01. Trenzoseanik (AJourney To The Sea)
02. Dublin (featuring Van Kaphegian)
03. Butterfly Ballet (featuring Lil Reynard)
04. Lez Plai Fo Weil
05. Rumsheka
06. Premier
07. Unterwasser Junge
08. Traumen
09. D-066
10. Shrinking
11. Lez Plai Fo Weil (Radio Edit)
download link:
Trash On Fire 2006

Track Lists:
01. Acid Lilt
02. 5 Days Counting
03. Sucker's Pet (WTF Mix)
04. Flucid
05. Smoocind Dream
06. Return Of The Dark
07. Drown
08. Drug Alert
09. Fieber
10. No Medication
11. Amoria Sugestie
download link:
La Dookaan 2007

01. Incid
02. Hir Lamaskoth
03. Manouix Ovatse Pur Bee
04. Monotonik Filgo
05. Eim Otas Pip
06. Blu Hiy
07. Letziv
08. Venzar
09. Zato
10. Lavastra Nu Pyll
11. Zajmitt
download link:
Beat Repeater & Pitching Exploration 2008

Track Lists:
01. 60 Seconds Owan
02. This Song Is Fantastic
03. Synthetische Sympthome
04. Gimme The Beat
05. Far Out Slammer
06. Glow
07. Mint Flight
08. Premier Sequence
09. Pitchin' Lesson
10. Like This Like That
11. Rumsheka Skatercat
download link:

Track Lists:
01. Mochik (Cave Mix)
02. Mochik (DnB Mix)
03. Mochik (Oriental Mix)
04. Mochik
05. Run Up To The Sky
download link:
Centurius 2004

Track Lists:
01. My Garder Soul
02. Peeping Feruzz
03. Absurd
04. The Dark
05. Vamp's Song (Story Mix)
06. Roll Downward
07. My Precious
08. Illuminated
09. Sitting On The High Side
10. Who Are You (featuring Lamonda Brown)
11. My Sweet Prince
download link:
Cheap Illusion 2005

Track Lisits:
01. Trenzoseanik (AJourney To The Sea)
02. Dublin (featuring Van Kaphegian)
03. Butterfly Ballet (featuring Lil Reynard)
04. Lez Plai Fo Weil
05. Rumsheka
06. Premier
07. Unterwasser Junge
08. Traumen
09. D-066
10. Shrinking
11. Lez Plai Fo Weil (Radio Edit)
download link:
Trash On Fire 2006

Track Lists:
01. Acid Lilt
02. 5 Days Counting
03. Sucker's Pet (WTF Mix)
04. Flucid
05. Smoocind Dream
06. Return Of The Dark
07. Drown
08. Drug Alert
09. Fieber
10. No Medication
11. Amoria Sugestie
download link:
La Dookaan 2007

01. Incid
02. Hir Lamaskoth
03. Manouix Ovatse Pur Bee
04. Monotonik Filgo
05. Eim Otas Pip
06. Blu Hiy
07. Letziv
08. Venzar
09. Zato
10. Lavastra Nu Pyll
11. Zajmitt
download link:
Beat Repeater & Pitching Exploration 2008

Track Lists:
01. 60 Seconds Owan
02. This Song Is Fantastic
03. Synthetische Sympthome
04. Gimme The Beat
05. Far Out Slammer
06. Glow
07. Mint Flight
08. Premier Sequence
09. Pitchin' Lesson
10. Like This Like That
11. Rumsheka Skatercat
download link:
Posted by Charly | Labels: my mp3 | 0 comments
Berikan aku kehangatanmu
Alirkan padaku
Biarpun kau jauh, dari depan pandangan mataku
Ingin ku terbang melayang jauh
Tinggi di awan
Bebaskan sgala belenggu
Yang mengurung diriku
Kan kuikuti dan turuti arah-arah jalannya langkahku
Tak perduli banyaknya rintangan godaan kulalui
Hanya inginkan semua kehendak dan mimpi-mimpi
Aku tak tahu, akankah terjadi
Kuberdiri disini
Tiada yang perduli
Kucoba berlari
Tapi jatuh dan jatuh lagi
Pikiranku melayang
Jauh dari duniaku
Jauh melayang
Seakan tak kembali
Kuberdiri disini
Tiada yang perduli
Kucoba berlari
Tapi jatuh dan jatuh dan jatuh lagi
Kutak sadarkan diri
Aku mati
Kumenerawang jauh
Awan, hitam, gelap
Kalai ingat 16 tahun lalu waktu record lagu ini, di solo blom ada studio rekording... Dulu take drumnya di stadion wayang orang sriwedari... hahahahaha... Alatnya yang buat record aja cuma mixer 4 track yang pakai kaset... Blm ada yang namanya Nuendo, Protools... Hahahaha... Lawas tenan cah...
Hari ini akhirnya selesai renew lagu "Terbang", yang 16 tahun lalu sempet di record...
Ini lagu TERBANG versi 16 th lalu ->
Ini yang versi barunya -->
Lagu yang versi 16 lalu itu, ada additional player biolanya... aku kok lupa, mas siapa yah yang maen biola?
Trus yang versi baru, aku aransemen cuman sehari, biolanya aku ganti sama "Flute" (andalan Kypoa)...
Selamat makan...
Berikan aku kehangatanmu
Alirkan padaku
Biarpun kau jauh, dari depan pandangan mataku
Ingin ku terbang melayang jauh
Tinggi di awan
Bebaskan sgala belenggu
Yang mengurung diriku
Kan kuikuti dan turuti arah-arah jalannya langkahku
Tak perduli banyaknya rintangan godaan kulalui
Hanya inginkan semua kehendak dan mimpi-mimpi
Aku tak tahu, akankah terjadi
Kuberdiri disini
Tiada yang perduli
Kucoba berlari
Tapi jatuh dan jatuh lagi
Pikiranku melayang
Jauh dari duniaku
Jauh melayang
Seakan tak kembali
Kuberdiri disini
Tiada yang perduli
Kucoba berlari
Tapi jatuh dan jatuh dan jatuh lagi
Kutak sadarkan diri
Aku mati
Kumenerawang jauh
Awan, hitam, gelap
Kalai ingat 16 tahun lalu waktu record lagu ini, di solo blom ada studio rekording... Dulu take drumnya di stadion wayang orang sriwedari... hahahahaha... Alatnya yang buat record aja cuma mixer 4 track yang pakai kaset... Blm ada yang namanya Nuendo, Protools... Hahahaha... Lawas tenan cah...
Hari ini akhirnya selesai renew lagu "Terbang", yang 16 tahun lalu sempet di record...
Ini lagu TERBANG versi 16 th lalu ->
Ini yang versi barunya -->
Lagu yang versi 16 lalu itu, ada additional player biolanya... aku kok lupa, mas siapa yah yang maen biola?
Trus yang versi baru, aku aransemen cuman sehari, biolanya aku ganti sama "Flute" (andalan Kypoa)...
Selamat makan...
New Gear 2
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Udah beli Compir baru, oeeee...
Tinggal mindah2 data ajah...
Wah banyakan file jadi pusing back up nya...
Bakalan lama kih..
Udah beli Compir baru, oeeee...
Tinggal mindah2 data ajah...
Wah banyakan file jadi pusing back up nya...
Bakalan lama kih..
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Minal aidzin wal faidzin, mohon maaf lahir dan batin...
DAIVA Photo Session Result
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
Yay!!! Dah jadi editan Pak Dori.... Awesome!!!

Midnight photo session @ DAIVA..
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian | 0 comments
padahal ndak pake baju yang tebel or ribet, tapi kok panaseee puol...
in action gothic style...
tunggu hasilnya yah... :)
in action gothic style...
tunggu hasilnya yah... :)
The Alien Sick Bastards - The Children's Club
Posted by Charly | Labels: download my compiled music project, the alien sick bastards | 0 comments
Album year: 2007, compiled release
Genre: Easy Electro with a simple touch of acid lead
Track Lists:
01. Hardcore X Speech
02. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
03. Third Cabin
04. Drug Alert
05. Sortah
06. Pasyvoon
07. Amo Sprectal
08. Hardcore X Style
09. Drunken Face
10. Immersen's Citrus
11. Drinking Crap
12. Keep On Don't Stop
13. Pass Through, Please!
download link:
Devilicia Project - The Mellow Experience
Posted by Charly | Labels: devilicia project, download my compiled music project, video | 0 comments
Track Lists:
01. Buried (Collaboration with Digital Devil)
02. Don't Let Yourself Blinding
03. Blackened (Collaboration with Chillinbuzz UK)
04. Hangin' (Collaboration with Alex Dablobman US)
05. My Chemical
06. Push Me Smooth Deeply
07. Slow Rebel Flow (Merry Go Round Mix)
08. Pour It (Collaboration with DD Crow)
09. You're The Only One (Collaboration with Ucuk Wahyudi R.I.P)
10. The Hidden Wounded Deepest Heart
11. Lonely Soul (U.N.K.L.E & Richard Ashcroft Cover)
12. Sorry I Can't Lite You Fire
13. Slow Rebel Flow
download link:
The Kypoa Filut Continues - Cafe Dark's Sirloin Steak
Posted by Charly | Labels: download my compiled music project, the kypoa filut continues | 0 comments
Album Year: 2006-2007
Genre: Instrumental / Experimental Jazzy Flute of the Kypoa
About: I can't play flute, but I play flute in someways :)
Track List:
01. After I Sleep For 1 Hour
02. Cafe Dark's Sirloin Steak
03. Rumsheka Hi Sky
04. Dancing Lighthouses (Azimuth Cover)
05. The Soul Of Your Style
06. Cafe Dark's Sirloin Steak (Spoiler)
07. Go On Vacation
08. Cups (Underworld Cover)
09. The Flight Of The Bumblebiacth
Posted by Charly | Labels: download all my cover songs | 0 comments
As I Stand Here (Modwheelmood Cover)
Butterfly (Jason Mraz Cover)
Closer (NIN Cover)
Coming Right Along (The Posies Cover)
Echoplex (NIN Cover)
Fuck U (Archive Cover)
Glory Box (Portishead Cover) Version 1 - Version 2
I Go Down (Vanilla Ice Cover)
Lonely Soul (U.N.K.L.E feat Richard Ashcroft Cover)
Not Meat For Me (Static X & Jonathan Davis Cover)
Older (George Michael Cover)
Rock With You (Michael Jackson Cover)
Slacker Bitch (Placebo Cover)
Something I Can Never Have (NIN Cover)
Suicide Note (Johnette Napolitano Cover)
The Becoming (NIN Cover)
The Big Come Down (NIN Cover)
The God Soldier (Nine Inch Nails Cover)
The Warning (Nine Inch Nails Cover)
Toxic (Britney Spears Cover) - featuring Agest
Without You I'm Nothing (Placebo Cover)
Acrobat (Ednaswap Cover)
Bruise Pristine (Placebo Cover)
Cleaning Out My Closet (Eminem Cover)
Decode (Paramore Cover)
Everyday Is Exactly The Same (Nine Inch Nails Cover)
Give In To Me (Michael Jackson Cover)
Give Me One Reason Live @ Gunja Bar (Tracy Chapman Cover)
I Know (Placebo Cover)
Knife Party (Deftones Cover)
Only Hope (Mandy Moore Cover)
Pride (Kosheen Cover)
Rack Em Up (Jonny Lang Cover)
Remedy (Jason Mraz Cover)
Seven Years (Saosin Cover)
The Day The World Went Away (Nine Inch Nails Cover)
The Force Of Gravity (BT Cover)
Trust (Thrice Cover)
You Make Me High (Jason Mraz Cover)
As I Stand Here (Modwheelmood Cover)
Butterfly (Jason Mraz Cover)
Closer (NIN Cover)
Coming Right Along (The Posies Cover)
Echoplex (NIN Cover)
Fuck U (Archive Cover)
Glory Box (Portishead Cover) Version 1 - Version 2
I Go Down (Vanilla Ice Cover)
Lonely Soul (U.N.K.L.E feat Richard Ashcroft Cover)
Not Meat For Me (Static X & Jonathan Davis Cover)
Older (George Michael Cover)
Rock With You (Michael Jackson Cover)
Slacker Bitch (Placebo Cover)
Something I Can Never Have (NIN Cover)
Suicide Note (Johnette Napolitano Cover)
The Becoming (NIN Cover)
The Big Come Down (NIN Cover)
The God Soldier (Nine Inch Nails Cover)
The Warning (Nine Inch Nails Cover)
Toxic (Britney Spears Cover) - featuring Agest
Without You I'm Nothing (Placebo Cover)
Acrobat (Ednaswap Cover)
Bruise Pristine (Placebo Cover)
Cleaning Out My Closet (Eminem Cover)
Decode (Paramore Cover)
Everyday Is Exactly The Same (Nine Inch Nails Cover)
Give In To Me (Michael Jackson Cover)
Give Me One Reason Live @ Gunja Bar (Tracy Chapman Cover)
I Know (Placebo Cover)
Knife Party (Deftones Cover)
Only Hope (Mandy Moore Cover)
Pride (Kosheen Cover)
Rack Em Up (Jonny Lang Cover)
Remedy (Jason Mraz Cover)
Seven Years (Saosin Cover)
The Day The World Went Away (Nine Inch Nails Cover)
The Force Of Gravity (BT Cover)
Trust (Thrice Cover)
You Make Me High (Jason Mraz Cover)
Devilicia Project - Drunken Face (Singles)
Posted by Charly | Labels: devilicia project, download my compiled music project | 0 comments
Album year: unknown
Genre: mixed
5 versions of Devilicia Project's Drunken Face
Track List:
01. Alt Version
02. Ebullient
03. Execution
04. Remix
05. T.A.S.B
How To Destroy Angels & First Clas Mild Menthol
Posted by Charly | Labels: harian, review | 0 comments
How to Destroy Angels is a musical group featuring Nine Inch Nails front man Trent Reznor, his wife Mariqueen Maandig and Atticus Ross. Rob Sheridan is the group's art director.
The group is named after a 1984 Coil single of the same name.

The band's first release, a six-song EP was released on June 1, 2010. The band released a track from the album, "A Drowning", as a digital single. A second song, "The Space in Between", debuted as a video on on May 14, 2010. The video was directed by Rupert Sanders. Both tracks were released as multitrack audio files.
A third track, "The Believers", was made available through Wired magazine's iPad application, along with a dissection and analysis of the song, and through a free digital download from the official website.
Sejak tanggal 1 Juni kemaren, HTDA bagi2 6 free track... coba aja liat ke
Bwat yang mau liat v-klipnya, yang di bawah ni adalah v-klip yang diuplod di youtube tanggal 14 maret lalu...
BTW, ini hari = hari pertama kali beli clas mild menthol... :D
Dan menikmati ses baru itu sambil dengerin ini:
Underworld - Scribble (Radio Edit)
The group is named after a 1984 Coil single of the same name.

The band's first release, a six-song EP was released on June 1, 2010. The band released a track from the album, "A Drowning", as a digital single. A second song, "The Space in Between", debuted as a video on on May 14, 2010. The video was directed by Rupert Sanders. Both tracks were released as multitrack audio files.
A third track, "The Believers", was made available through Wired magazine's iPad application, along with a dissection and analysis of the song, and through a free digital download from the official website.
Sejak tanggal 1 Juni kemaren, HTDA bagi2 6 free track... coba aja liat ke
Bwat yang mau liat v-klipnya, yang di bawah ni adalah v-klip yang diuplod di youtube tanggal 14 maret lalu...
BTW, ini hari = hari pertama kali beli clas mild menthol... :D
Dan menikmati ses baru itu sambil dengerin ini:
Underworld - Scribble (Radio Edit)
Bermacam-macam tampilan YM STATUS
Posted by Charly | Labels: tips | 0 comments
Saya kebanyakan melihat icon status Yahoo Messenger di blog-blog orang atau website personal. Icon yang maksudnya menandakan online / offline orang itu, tanpa melihat / login ke Yahoo Messenger. Terus, saya iseng men-search tentang Yahoo Messenger icon. Akhirnya ketemu deh, beberapa macam icon, yang contohnya saya paste di bawah ini:

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Sudah jelas khan? Kalo blom jelas ya cari sendiri caranya... Hihihi... :D
Ayi The Manufacture - Beat Repeater & Pitching Exploration
Posted by Charly | Labels: ayi the manufacture, download my compiled music project | 0 comments
Sesuai dengan judul sampul covernya, "Beat Repeater & Pitching Exploration", track-track yang ada di kemasan kumpulan ini hanya mengutamakan pengulangan-pengulangan beat-beat dan pitching, ada yang teratur dan ada yang ngelantur. Sebut aja 'beat-beat pethakilan' (boso jowo nde...). Seperti apa bentuknya? Download dan denger aja sendiri...
Track Lists:
01. 60 Seconds Owan
02. This Song Is Fantastic
03. Synthetische Sympthome
04. Gimme The Beat
05. Far Out Slammer
06. Glow
07. Mint Flight
08. Premier Sequence
09. Pitchin' Lesson
10. Like This Like That
11. Rumsheka Skatercat
download link:
DD Crow VS Markus K
Posted by Charly | Labels: my mp3 | 0 comments
Tadi iseng-iseng aja dengerin simpenan MP3-MP3 yang ada di folder, trus jug-ujug nemu ini. Lupa ini lagu di recordnya tahun brapa ya? Garapnya di BIRU lantai atas, n yen ra salah, jammin-nya Mas DD Crow duet sama Mas Markus K wit' nuansa beat Drum n Bass. Sip banget!!! Donlut yuk! Ada link downloadnya di bawah!
sedot ah:
Blaumond - Hidden
Posted by Charly | Labels: blaumond, download my compiled music project | 0 comments
Chill out groove! :). Lagu-lagu chill out yang layak, enak didengerin, biarpun beberapa ada yang sedikit 'njlimet'. Sebagian diantaranya ada rap style yang lumayan catchy. Selamat download, n Enjoy!
Track Lists:
01. A Truly Chronic Lova
02. Perfect Time
03. Groove Wit Me
04. Funkstro Pump
05. Bing Bong Sucka Whila Bing Bang
06. Deeply Down
07. Fuck The Rapist
08. Swim Deep
09. Saturday Morning Jam Moon 12
10. A Truly Chronic Lova (Swing Version)
11. Perfect Time To Rock Your Body (VS Justin Timberlake)
download link:
TKKAS - Buntu (Buangan DP) 2000 - 2003
Posted by Charly | Labels: devilicia project, download my compiled music project | 0 comments
Album year: 2000-2003 creation, compiled tracks on 2003, unknown release
Genre: Minimal DnB, Minimal Breakbeat, (Pop?)
About: Apa aja ya? Yang jelas, semua lirik bahasa Indonesia
Track List:
01. Buntu
02. Kmarau
03. Plague (Feat. Markus K on Lead Guitar)
04. Seperti Biasanya (Duet with Ucuk Wahyudi)
05. Hitam
06. Gila Aku Ini
07. Sarap!
08. Gela Gelo, Yo! Yo!
09. Lagu Tidur
10. Sendiri Dan Bahagia
11. Zil
12. Syap (Feat. Ivanovic Ardian)
13. Sesat
14. Absinthe
Queen Of Darkness (Q.O.D) - A Path To Nowhere
Posted by Charly | Labels: download my compiled music project, queen of darkness | 0 commentsAlbum year: Compiled tracks, unknown release
Genre: Folk, Vampiric song
About: Some people absolutely like to listen a vampire tale!
Track List:
01. If I Could
02. My Precious
03. I Miss You
04. I'm A Liar
05. You've Changed
06. The Count's Song
07. Promises Broken
08. Standing Still
09. Sick
10. Immortality Rises
11. If I Could (Acoustic Version)
12. You've Changed (Jazz Remix)
download link:
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