Ultrasonic Junkie? what a stupid name for some people who don't really know 'bout us. Ultrasonic Junkie was made on early march 2005. We bring an unusual kind of music, with electro beat and other sounds, guitar effects, growl vocal mixed with light charm girls voice, dirty emo boy voice, and dark lyrics. Some of our friends marked us as a technocore music.
Theres a 4 members on this ultrajunk and we have a lot of kind group and music that be inspire us. The Brain of this group is Charly "DEVILICIA PROJECT", the brain of all this shit... then came Boyd "ex- LOVEHATELOVE" he wants to play on the stage, but he wants to make it different than other group, then he brings Byaz "KILLS TOMORROW (RIP)" to join. We met each other on early March, and we decides to have one more player to fill the guitar sounds, so we choose Sigit "DOWN FOR LIFE".
We have plan to make our first EP on this 2006, it's called SAVAGE TRIBE EP, it would be 4 songs demo and 1 bonus clip. We hope we can release our EP as soon as possible. And we just hope that we can have a big chance to introduce our self in mainstream or non- mainstream music here in Indonesia. We want to make many shows and make friends on every shows that weve played.
from: http://www.myspace.com/ultrasonicjunkie
Ultrasonic Junkie Full File 2005-2006
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