I'm your believer
I am your truly believer
And I will remember
So many things to remember
Now and forever
Been down too long as a dreamer
Try to recover
But just like a fever together
If we have some friends
We'll make them understand
That the way is still too long
Why don't we sing the song
Remember on the beat
So much love, will you?
I'm your believer
I am your truly believer
I will remember
Why don't you give me reminder
What is the matter?
We will know when to surrender
Try to recover
But it's like a fever together
If we have some friends
Make them understand
That the way is still too long
Let us sing the song
Listen to the beat
Just go on and sing
If we have some friends
Make them understand
That the way is still too long
Let us sing the song
Listen to the beat
Just go on
You know what to do
You know what to do
You know what to do
You know what to do
Ini lirik untuk track "Plasmasi" (http://www.mediafire.com/?brcao1k46aumtoo) yg dulu pernah masuk di xperience folder. Tracknya udah jadi komplit sama vokal. Tinggal mastering doang :)
Never Trust
Posted by Charly | Labels: my song lyrics | 0 comments
This world is very strange
They all just want to win
They're busy with their bulllshit
Whatever, whatever, yeah
Never trust anyone, not even you
Never trust anyone, not even them
Never trust anyone, not myself
Never believe everything
Hey... You...
You can follow me, but I won't follow you
And I won't follow everyone til doom
You can follow me, I won't follow you
I won't follow everyone
I never give a damn
About this misery
I have not felt my pain in your eyes
let me anything to see
I never trust anyone, not even you
Never trust anyone, not even them
Never trust anyone, not myself
Never believe everything
Hey... You...
You can follow me, but I won't follow you
And I won't follow everyone til doom
You can follow me, I won't follow you
I won't follow everyone
Hey... You...
You can follow me, but I won't follow you
And I won't follow everyone til doom
You can follow me, I won't follow you
I won't follow everyone
You can follow me, but I won't follow you
I won't follow everyone
I won't follow you
I won't follow you
I won't follow...
I can't follow you
Ini lirik untuk track "Pushed In" (http://www.mediafire.com/?mdpzcst9e4d4ur8) yg dulu pernah masuk di xperience folder. Tracknya udah jadi komplit sama vokal. Tinggal mastering doang :)
They all just want to win
They're busy with their bulllshit
Whatever, whatever, yeah
Never trust anyone, not even you
Never trust anyone, not even them
Never trust anyone, not myself
Never believe everything
Hey... You...
You can follow me, but I won't follow you
And I won't follow everyone til doom
You can follow me, I won't follow you
I won't follow everyone
I never give a damn
About this misery
I have not felt my pain in your eyes
let me anything to see
I never trust anyone, not even you
Never trust anyone, not even them
Never trust anyone, not myself
Never believe everything
Hey... You...
You can follow me, but I won't follow you
And I won't follow everyone til doom
You can follow me, I won't follow you
I won't follow everyone
Hey... You...
You can follow me, but I won't follow you
And I won't follow everyone til doom
You can follow me, I won't follow you
I won't follow everyone
You can follow me, but I won't follow you
I won't follow everyone
I won't follow you
I won't follow you
I won't follow...
I can't follow you
Ini lirik untuk track "Pushed In" (http://www.mediafire.com/?mdpzcst9e4d4ur8) yg dulu pernah masuk di xperience folder. Tracknya udah jadi komplit sama vokal. Tinggal mastering doang :)
Fuck U (Archive Cover)
Posted by Charly | Labels: my cover song | 0 commentsdownload link:
click here
There’s a look - on your face, I would like to knock out
See the sin, in your grin, and the shape of your mouth
All I want - is to see, you in terrible pain
Though we won’t - ever meet, I remember your name
Can’t believe, you were once, just like anyone else
Then you grew, and became, like the devil himself
Pray to god, I think of - a nice thing to say
But I don’t - think I can - so fuck you anyway
You are scum, you are scum, and I hope that you know
That the cracks - in your smile - are beginning to show
Now the world - needs to see that it’s time you should go
There’s no light - in your eyes, and your brain is too slow
Can’t believe, you were once - just like anyone else
Then you grew and became like the devil himself
Pray to god, I can think - of a nice thing to say
But I don’t - think I can, so fuck you anyway
Bet you sleep - like a child, with your thumb in your mouth
I could creep - up beside, put a gun in your mouth
Makes me sick, when I hear - all the shit that you say
So much crap - coming out, it must take you all day
There’s a space - kept in hell, with your name on the seat
With a spike - in the chair, just to make it complete
When you look - at yourself, do you see what I see
If you do, why the fuck - are you looking at me
Why the fuck - are you looking at me
Why the fuck - are you looking at me
Why the fuck, why the fuck - are you looking at me
Why the fuck, why the fuck - are you looking at me
There’s a time - for us all, and I think yours has been
Can you please - hurry up, 'cos I find you obscene
We can’t wait - for the day, that you’re never around
When that face - isn’t here, and you rot underground
Can’t believe, you were once - just like anyone else
Then you grew and became like the devil himself
Pray to god, I can think - of a nice thing to say
But I don’t - think I can, so fuck you anyway
So fuck you anyway
So fuck you anyway
So fuck you anyway
So fuck you anyway
Paramore Cover Decode Acoustic
Posted by Charly | Labels: my cover song | 0 comments
Begitu selesai langsung di uplod
Take setelah subuh dan masih terus puasa
Berhubung sekarang kurang mahir cara mixing mastering, maka ya... beginilah hasile
Sori kemawon menawi suwaranipun mbudheg-i kuping njenengan
ketoke kok suaraku pedes yen pas mbengok...
Wis rasah kakehan cangkem...
Download wae
Take setelah subuh dan masih terus puasa
Berhubung sekarang kurang mahir cara mixing mastering, maka ya... beginilah hasile
Sori kemawon menawi suwaranipun mbudheg-i kuping njenengan
ketoke kok suaraku pedes yen pas mbengok...
Wis rasah kakehan cangkem...
Download wae
File Simple 1995 Record Dari Kaset
Posted by Charly | Labels: my mp3, simple band | 0 comments

Ini brapa file yang selamat, jaman SD waktu pertama kali mulai ngeband dulu :D hihihih...
Track Lists:
01 Biru
02 Gila
03 Ingat Kamu
04 Locked Up
05 Hitam
06 I Know
07 Minggat
08 Impian
09 Thinking Of You
10 Hampa
11 Anak Kecil
12 Lari
13 I Miss U
download link:
Buat lagu 'Minggat' versi lebih bagus yang di rip dari CD V.A Indienesia MUSICA 1995, download di sini:
ada berapa lagu yang sempet di renew:
Locked Up new version https://soundcloud.com/deviliciaproject/locked-up-destructed-mix
Hitam versi POIN http://www.mediafire.com/?zu3u3b6fco9c2nx
Hitam versi TKKAS http://dangplingtung.blogspot.com/2010/05/tkkas-buntu-buangan-dp-2000-2003.html
Devil's Love Song versi tahun 95 http://www.mediafire.com/?mep7g86qxxezmf3
Devil's Love Song new version https://soundcloud.com/deviliciaproject/devils-love-song
Terbang versi tahun 94 http://www.mediafire.com/?2vy9278ad6j29za
Terbang new version https://soundcloud.com/sharzjn/terbang
Hampa new version https://soundcloud.com/sharzjn/hampa
Sepi new version http://www.mediafire.com/?aqzaccmog815vj4
I Miss You with Tjahjadi Djajanata http://www.mediafire.com/?k34b3rr2nvyswvr

Ini brapa file yang selamat, jaman SD waktu pertama kali mulai ngeband dulu :D hihihih...
Track Lists:
01 Biru
02 Gila
03 Ingat Kamu
04 Locked Up
05 Hitam
06 I Know
07 Minggat
08 Impian
09 Thinking Of You
10 Hampa
11 Anak Kecil
12 Lari
13 I Miss U
download link:
Buat lagu 'Minggat' versi lebih bagus yang di rip dari CD V.A Indienesia MUSICA 1995, download di sini:
ada berapa lagu yang sempet di renew:
Locked Up new version https://soundcloud.com/deviliciaproject/locked-up-destructed-mix
Hitam versi POIN http://www.mediafire.com/?zu3u3b6fco9c2nx
Hitam versi TKKAS http://dangplingtung.blogspot.com/2010/05/tkkas-buntu-buangan-dp-2000-2003.html
Devil's Love Song versi tahun 95 http://www.mediafire.com/?mep7g86qxxezmf3
Devil's Love Song new version https://soundcloud.com/deviliciaproject/devils-love-song
Terbang versi tahun 94 http://www.mediafire.com/?2vy9278ad6j29za
Terbang new version https://soundcloud.com/sharzjn/terbang
Hampa new version https://soundcloud.com/sharzjn/hampa
Sepi new version http://www.mediafire.com/?aqzaccmog815vj4
I Miss You with Tjahjadi Djajanata http://www.mediafire.com/?k34b3rr2nvyswvr
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