They asked...
Who`s your parent?
I don`t know what to say...
My Mom & Dad are not like my parent...
They asked me...
Where`s your school?
I don`t know what to say cuz I never go there lately...
I hate school...
They asked me...
Where`s my house?
I don`t know.
I don`t know if this house I`m staying now is my house... or not...
They asked me...
Who are you?
I don`t know.
I have a name, but I never know who I am...
They asked me...
How`s life?
Life? I don`t know the meaning...
I never enjoy it. Feels like it stolen from me...
They asked me...
Where`s your friend?
Friend? I don`t know. When I met them, thay all go away....
They jugde me wrong and say I`m a freak.
I guess they right, I`m a criminal...
He asked me...
Do you love me?
I do love him cuz he loves me vvv much. But my Dad hates him so much...
My Dad said, I shouldn`t see him again...
Deep here inside, I don`t know who to love...
He asked me...
Do you have a plan?
I forgot about it cuz nobody support it...
He`s happy with the plan, but...
They hate it...
He asked me...
Are you giving up?
I don`t know...
I really don`t know I`ll give up or not...
I`m just tired to face them...
I ask myself...
Am I still crazy?
Yes!!! I am!!! LOL LOL LOL LOL I am crazy!!!
From 10 questions up there, just the last question showed the correct and possitive answer and I answered it loudly, happily.
Well, they couldn`t help...
They thought they have cured my brain sickness...
Not all...
And where`s God?
Would God helps?
Is not just bcuz I don`t have my patience anymore waiting for God`s help.
Not that...
But I can`t help it...
I can`t hold it much longer...
I`m crazy...
Right now, I`m really, really, 100% crazy...